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Titolo documento | Ente | Autori | |
Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Science and Technology (Special Eurobarometer 401) | European Commission - Directorate General for Communication DG COMM “Research and Speechwriting” Unit | ||
Ente: European Commission - Directorate General for Communication DG COMM “Research and Speechwriting” Unit Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Science and Technology (Special Eurobarometer 401) Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2013 Abstract: This report addresses European citizens’ general attitudes towards science and technology, innovation, interest and involvement in decisions about science and technology, role of ethics in research, gender issues, open access to research results. The findings have been analysed firstly at EU level and secondly by country, with a special focus on the impact of science and technology on society looking at the efforts to behave responsibly towards society of different groups of people or organisations in their science and technology related activities. This document goes also on investigating the role of the EU in addressing ethical issues of science, citizens' expectations, gender equalities in scientific research and benefits of science education on young people. Parole chiave: science, technology, engagement, impact, open access Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission. (2013) 'Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Science and Technology', Brussels [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://data.europa.eu/euodp/it/data/dataset/S1096_79_2_401 Allegato Open: 2013_EBS_RRI-Science and Technology.pdf |
Science and Technology (Special Eurobarometer 340) | European Commission - Directorate General for Communication “Research and Speechwriting" Unit | ||
Ente: European Commission - Directorate General for Communication “Research and Speechwriting" Unit Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Science and Technology (Special Eurobarometer 340) Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2010 Abstract: This survey has been conceived after the Lisbon Strategy being revised in 2010, in order to investigate European citizens’ general attitudes towards science and technology, to see if this perception has changed significantly from 2005 and if it mirrors the effects of the Lisbon Strategy. More specifically, this report focuses on some points: European citizens’ interest and level of information, image and knowledge of science and technology, attitudes towards science and technology, responsibilities of scientists and policymakers, scientific studies and the role of women and young people, effectiveness of European scientific research. A variety of socio-demographic variables - such as respondents’ gender, age, education and occupation - have been used to provide additional analysis. Parole chiave: science, technology, policy-makers, education, public involvement Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission. (2010) 'Science and Technology', Brussels [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://data.europa.eu/euodp/it/data/dataset/S806_73_1_EBS340 Allegato Open: 2010_EBS_ScienceAndTechnology.pdf |
Public opinion on future innovations, science and technology (Eurobarometer Qualitative Study) | European Commission - Directorate General for Communication | ||
Ente: European Commission - Directorate General for Communication Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Public opinion on future innovations, science and technology (Eurobarometer Qualitative Study) Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2015 Abstract: This report aims at getting a better understanding of Europeans’ opinion about the innovations brought about in society by science and technology. More specifically, it tests some innovations that could be applied 15 years from 2015 in the everyday life of citizens in Europe in four different areas, in order to understand participants’ preferences and reactions in this regard. The four areas include: home and living, health and healthcare, communication and interaction, environment. The first part deals with the general perceptions of scientific and technological innovations and spontaneous projections regarding tomorrow’s society, while the second part is about reactions and discussions on future scenarios. The fieldwork consists of a total of 96 focus groups conducted across 16 Member States. Parole chiave: science, technology, innovation, environment, health Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission. (2015) 'Public opinion on future innovations, science and technology', Brussels [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/futurium/en/content/public-opinion-future-innovations-science-and-technology Allegato Open: 2015_EBS_PublicOpinionOnFutureInnovations -Science_Technology.pdf |
Public Perceptions of Science, Research and Innovation (Special Eurobarometer 419) | European Commission - Directorate General Communication DG COMM “Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer” Unit | ||
Ente: European Commission - Directorate General Communication DG COMM “Strategy, Corporate Communication Actions and Eurobarometer” Unit Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Public Perceptions of Science, Research and Innovation (Special Eurobarometer 419) Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2014 Abstract: This report aims at providing insight on which areas European citizens would like scientific research to focus on and it provides information on the respondents’ own level of scientific education. More specifically, this document focuses upon the impact of people's actions and behaviour on the various issues under discussion (i.e. scientific background, job creation, science and technological innovation, reduction of inequalities, health care...) analysing the proportion of the population expecting a negative impact which is close to the proportion of those expecting a positive impact. It finally shows the relationship between three main areas: science and technological innovation, expected impact of people’s actions and behaviour, expected impact of science and technological innovations. Parole chiave: science, technology, innovation, impact, education Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission. (2014) 'Public Perceptions of Science, Research and Innovation', Brussels [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://data.europa.eu/euodp/it/data/dataset/S2047_81_5_419_ENG Allegato Open: 2014_EBS_PublicPerceptionsOfScience-RRI.pdf |
Connecting the European Higher Education Agenda with Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation | EnRRICH - Living Knowledge Network | E., McKenna; A., Vargiu; (eds.) | |
Ente: EnRRICH - Living Knowledge Network Autori: E., McKenna; A., Vargiu; (eds.) Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Connecting the European Higher Education Agenda with Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: This document is aimed at those working in higher education policy internationally, though it may also be of use to national and institutional level policymakers. The report summarizes the findings of the project ‘Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education (EnRRICH)’ in the context of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. More in detail, the brief is structured around the four main policy priorities: tackling future skills mismatches and promoting excellence in skills development, building inclusive and connected higher education systems, ensuring higher education institutions contribute to innovation, supporting effective and efficient higher education systems. Parole chiave: open science, responsible research and innovation, higher education, policy makers, civil society Riferimenti bibliografici: McKenna, Emma, Vargiu, Andrea (eds.), (2018) Connecting the European Higher Education Agenda with Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation, Bonn, EnRRICH-Living Knowledge Network [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.livingknowledge.org/projects/enrrich/ Allegato Open: 2018_EnRRICH_Policy_brief_3_final_policy_recommendations.pdf |
Engaging Citizens in Research and Innovation. A playful toolkit of activities | Ecsite (the European network of science centres and museums) | ||
Ente: Ecsite (the European network of science centres and museums) Altri enti partner: Amsterdam Health and Technology Institute (NL); Ars Electronica (AT); AS Cyprus College Limited European University Cyprus (CY); Bonn Science Shop (DE); Copernicus Science Centre (PL); ERRIN, European Regions Research and Innovation Network (BE); ESSRG Kft., Environmental Social Science Research Group (HU); Institute of Social Innovations (LT); KEA European Affairs (BE); Labworm Science Shop at Sapientia University, Faculty of Science Miercurea Ciuc (RO); Luxembourg Science Center (LU); Neulogy (SK); Science Museum London (UK); Università della Svizzera italiana L’ideatorio - (CH) Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Casi studio Titolo: Engaging Citizens in Research and Innovation. A playful toolkit of activities Tipologia documento: Manuale Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: Sparks is a project that shows Europeans from all walks of life that they can get involved in science and that various stakeholders share the responsibility for research and innovation. Sparks activities have created opportunities to improve the connections between researchers and citizens, to identify priority research questions and co-design scientific solutions that are closer to societal needs and concerns. The Sparks Toolkit draws on the collective experience of 33 project partners in 29 European countries who have organised more than 230 activities between 2016 and 2018; it is a guide to identify the activity that best fits objectives and resource, to understand and to prepare Science Espressos, Reverse Science Cafés, Pop-up Science Shops and Scenario Workshops.. Parole chiave: responsible research; innovation; citizen science; communication; societal needs; stakeholders; health; Riferimenti bibliografici: Ecsite (2018) 'Engaging Citizens in Research and Innovation. A playful toolkit of activities', Sparks Project. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.ecsite.eu/activities-and-services/projects/sparks Allegato Open: 2018_SPARKS_toolkit.pdf |
The SPARKS’ handbook. A guideline of innovative formats for participatory activities & more | Ecsite (the European network of science centres and museums) | ||
Ente: Ecsite (the European network of science centres and museums) Altri enti partner: Amsterdam Health and Technology Institute (NL); Ars Electronica (AT); AS Cyprus College Limited European University Cyprus (CY); Bonn Science Shop (DE); Copernicus Science Centre (PL); ERRIN, European Regions Research and Innovation Network (BE); ESSRG Kft., Environmental Social Science Research Group (HU); Institute of Social Innovations (LT); KEA European Affairs (BE); Labworm Science Shop at Sapientia University, Faculty of Science Miercurea Ciuc (RO); Luxembourg Science Center (LU); Neulogy (SK); Science Museum London (UK); Università della Svizzera italiana L’ideatorio - (CH) Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Casi studio Titolo: The SPARKS’ handbook. A guideline of innovative formats for participatory activities & more Tipologia documento: Manuale Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2016 Abstract: The Sparks Handbook intends to convey important guidelines for each of the museums, science centres and organisations hosting the Sparks'Exhibition "Beyond the Lab: The DIY science revolution" but its scope is much wider: Any science engagement organisation can profit of these rich material curated by Copernicus Science Centre and WILA Bonn Science Shop. You will find an overview of the exhibition, refresh the Responsible Research and Innovation scope of every step we are taking and get a deep insight on how to run innovative participatory activities. Parole chiave: participation dialogue science cafés rri responsible research and innovation health care medicine Riferimenti bibliografici: Ecsite (2016) 'The SPARKS’ handbook. A guideline of innovative formats for participatory activities & more', Sparks Project. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.ecsite.eu/activities-and-services/resources/sparks-handbook-participatory-activities Allegato Open: 2016_SPARKS_handbook.pdf |
Social impact assessment: the state of the art | Community Insights Pty Ltd, Groningen, The Netherlands | A.M., Esteves; D., Franks; F., Vanclay | |
Ente: Community Insights Pty Ltd, Groningen, The Netherlands Altri enti partner: University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Autori: A.M., Esteves; D., Franks; F., Vanclay Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Social impact assessment: the state of the art Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: The report analyses some potential for improvement in research and management of social impact assessment practices in relation to planned actions (SIA). In particular, it recognizes the need to revise the methodological approach of investigation based on some key concepts such as human rights, gender, sustainability. Moreover, he should be noted the importance of collaboration with local government networks to disseminate the relevance of this research and social impact assessment approach. Parole chiave: Social impact assessment; impact and benefit agreements; community development agreements; social impact; management plan; social sustainability Riferimenti bibliografici: A.M., Esteves; D., Franks; F., Vanclay (2012) Social impact assessment: the state of the art. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 30 (1,), pp. 34–42. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14615517.2012.660356 Allegato Open: 2012_Social impact assessment the state of the art.pdf |
Indicators for promoting and monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation | Commissione Europea, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Science with and for Society | Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation | |
Ente: Commissione Europea, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Science with and for Society Autori: Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Indicators for promoting and monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2015 Abstract: The report illustrates the results of the work of the Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation appointed by the European Commission to identify indicators and monitoring tools and assess their performance in relation to the more general objectives of RRI. The report consists of three sections: 1) a theoretical introduction to the RRI; 2) a detailed review of possible indicators according to the eight key areas of RRI; 3) a concrete number of proposals for the implementation of sets of indicators. Parole chiave: Responsible research; innovation; public engagement; gender equality; policy Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission, Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation (2015) 'Indicators for promoting and monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation', report from the Expert Group. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/research/swafs/index.cfm?pg=policy&lib=education Allegato Open: 2015_Indicators For Promoting and Monitoring RRI.pdf |
Green Paper. Fostering and Measuring ́Third Mission ́in Higher Education Institutions | Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme | ||
Ente: Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Green Paper. Fostering and Measuring ́Third Mission ́in Higher Education Institutions Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: This report is about practical ways to encourage the restoration of a mission to engage with society in meaningful and mutually beneficial dialogues and processess. Moreover, this document in intended to stimulate informed debate, and in relevant cases to stimulate alternative courses of action: by people in universities; by officials in government at different levels, and professionals and business people. Finally, the paper in intended to encourage the next necessary piece of development work on ‘Third Mission Indicators and Metrics’. Parole chiave: Third Mission; indicators and metrics for Third Mission activity; impact; rankings Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission (2012) Green Paper. Fostering and Measuring ́Third Mission ́ in Higher Education Institutions, Bruxelles, European Commission. Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en |
Conceptual Framework for Third Mission Indicator Definition | Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme | ||
Ente: Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Conceptual Framework for Third Mission Indicator Definition Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: This document outlines and sets out the conceptual framework for the European Indicators and Ranking Methodology for University Third Mission. Parole chiave: Continuing education processes and indicators; technology transfer & innvoation processes; social engagement processes and indicators Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission (2012) Conceptual Framework for Third Mission Indicator Definition, Bruxelles, European Commission. Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en |
State of the art of the methodologies for ranking higher education activities | Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme | ||
Ente: Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: State of the art of the methodologies for ranking higher education activities Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: This report shows international university academic rankings with major diffusion and impact and it carries out a review of different methodological offers that try to measure the quality of universities and to establish their hierarchical structure in rankings. Parole chiave: University rankings; E3M project Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission (2012) State of the art of the methodologies for ranking higher education activities, Bruxelles, European Commission. Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en |
Needs and constraints analysis of the three dimensions of third mission activities | Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme | ||
Ente: Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Needs and constraints analysis of the three dimensions of third mission activities Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: This report addresses the need of Third Mission by defining and validating a set of indicators for its three dimensions: Technology Transfer & innovation, Continuing Education and Social Engagement, that will allow for a proper positioning and portrait of universities. Parole chiave: Third Mission dimensions; Third Mission activities; Lisbon Agenda Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission (2012) Needs and constraints analysis of the three dimensions of third mission activities, Bruxelles, European Commission. Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en |
Monitoring Policy and Research Activities on Sciencein Society in Europe (MASIS) | Commissione Europea - Publications Office of the European Union | N., Mejlgard; et al. | |
Ente: Commissione Europea - Publications Office of the European Union Autori: N., Mejlgard; et al. Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Monitoring Policy and Research Activities on Sciencein Society in Europe (MASIS) Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: This report summarizes the main findings concerning MASIS Project and its execution across 38 countries involved in it (27 EU and 11 associated countries). Namely, the main activities of the MASIS project were the design, collection, validation and update of 38 national reports on science in society, and the creation, maintenance and update of the MASIS website as well as the facilitation of a MASIS community and collection of information (news) pertinent to MASIS from the 38 countries. Parole chiave: MASIS project; Science in Society; science in policy making; science communication Riferimenti bibliografici: N., Mejlgard; et al. (2012) Monitoring Policy and Research Activities on Science in Society in Europe (MASIS), Bruxelles, European Commission - Publications Office of the European Union. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu Allegato Open: 2012_Monitoring policy research activities on Science in Society_MASIS.pdf |
Monitoring the evolution and benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation | Commissione Europea - Directorate General for Research and Innovation | ||
Ente: Commissione Europea - Directorate General for Research and Innovation Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Monitoring the evolution and benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Francese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: This Executive Summary outlines the conclusions of the monitoring of RRI’s initiatives in Europe. Some lines of action for future monitoring activities are proposed in the document. Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI); monitoraggio Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/d7d917da-c13b-11e8-9893-01aa75ed71a1/language-en Allegato Open: 2018_Monitoring the evolution and benefits of RRI.pdf |
Monitoring the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation (MoRRI) | Commissione Europea - Directorate General for Research and Innovation | ||
Ente: Commissione Europea - Directorate General for Research and Innovation Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Monitoring the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation (MoRRI) Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: The report (see, in particular, paragraph 3.4 Impact pathways and the generation of RRI benefits) sets out the potential metrics and benefits of RRI through a reflection aimed at verifying the validity of the indicators used and an identification of new and profitable indicators (input/output). Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI); societal challenge; inclusive data strategy; knowledge; benefits Riferimenti bibliografici: Commissione Europea - Directorate General for Research and Innovation (2018) Monitoring the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation (MoRRI), Bruxelles, European Commission. Open Access: SI Collegamento: http://www.guninetwork.org/news/monitoring-evolution-and-benefits-responsible-research-and-innovation-outline-morri-final-event Allegato Open: 2018_Monitoring the evolution and benefits of RRI.pdf |
Il ruolo delle università nell’Europa della conoscenza | Commissione Europea | ||
Ente: Commissione Europea Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Il ruolo delle università nell’Europa della conoscenza Tipologia documento: Linee guida Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2003 Abstract: Documento con cui la Commissione Europea apre un dibattito sul ruolo delle università con obiettivi di crescita, competitività, sostenibilità e coesione sociale, conseguentemente al programma strategico di riforme concordato a Lisbona nel 2000. Tra le finalità esposte, figurano la garanzia di autonomia e professionalità degli atenei, l'implementazione di risorse miranti a un'offerta eccellente, l'incremento di progetti di cooperazione tra università e mondo delle imprese, la promozione di attività di istruzione superiore a livello europeo. Il documento mira nel complesso a modernizzare e individuare azioni di sostegno economico per la ricerca accademica, intesa come fulcro di produzione e diffusione della conoscenza sia a livello nazionale, sia europeo. Parole chiave: conoscenza, ricerca, innovazione, coesione sociale, istruzione Riferimenti bibliografici: Commissione europea. (2003) 'Il ruolo delle università nell'Europa della conoscenza', Bruxelles [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_it Allegato Open: 2003_ UE_Il ruolo delle Università nell_Europa della conoscenza.pdf |
Les Europeens, la Science et la Technologie | Commission des Commonautés européennes - Direction Générale pour la Science, la Recherche et le Développement | ||
Ente: Commission des Commonautés européennes - Direction Générale pour la Science, la Recherche et le Développement Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Les Europeens, la Science et la Technologie Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Francese Anno pubblicazione: 1990 Abstract: This study is focused on two main fields: on the one hand, it explores the relationship between European citizens and science, on the other hand, it investigates the perceptions about European scientific research and the public recognition of the so called 'scientific method'. Different variables have been considered from socio-demographic features to more distinctive social roles that are connected with shifting levels of interest on science. The findings show multiple degrees of scientific knowledge, fluctuating opinions and attitudes towards science and technology, as well as towards scientific methods and their quality or application contexts. Parole chiave: science, technologie, étude scientifique, méthode expérimentale, public connaissaince Riferimenti bibliografici: Commission des Commonautés européennes. (1990) 'Les Europeens, la Science et la Technologie', Bruxelles [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_fr |
Piano di comunicazione 2016 | CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche | ||
Ente: CNR - Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Contesto geografico: Italiano Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Piano di comunicazione 2016 Tipologia documento: Documento strategico Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2015 Abstract: Documento strategico di riferimento per la delineazione di un piano di comunicazione finalizzato a porre in relazione attori presenti all’interno dell’Ente con soggetti sociali a vario titolo interessati alle attività poste in essere dalla rete scientifica, in accordo con una mission istituzionale e un approccio pervasivo di sviluppo, promozione, diffusione e valorizzazione delle conoscenze. Ciò viene attuato in triplice prospettiva di public awareness/public understanding/public communication of science e mira alla creazione di una cittadinanza scientifica, oltre che al perseguimento di una democrazia in grado di rispondere consapevolmente ai problemi della contemporaneità. L'Ente intende accrescere la sensibilità verso la cultura scientifica, promuovendo programmi ed eventi culturali di avvicinamento del pubblico generalista al mondo della scienza, anche attraverso la diversificazione degli approcci e dei metodi innovativi. Parole chiave: outreach, cultura scientifica, innovazione, diffusione, valorizzazione Riferimenti bibliografici: Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. (2015-2016) 'Piano di comunicazione 2016', Roma [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.cnr.it/ Allegato Open: Piano_comunicazione_7gen2016.pdf |
Evaluating citizen science: Towards an open framework | Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, Austria | B., Kieslinger; et al. | |
Ente: Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, Austria Altri enti partner: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, AustriaHelmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, GermanyGerman Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, GermanyInstitute of Ecology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany Autori: B., Kieslinger; et al. Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Evaluating citizen science: Towards an open framework Tipologia documento: Contributo in volume Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: The chapter shows a framework for evaluation criteria concerning the process and degrees of success of citizen science initiatives. This chapter offers an extended overview of the various s initiatives based on examination of characteristics and diversification in current activities and practices. The criteria identified in this chapter are applicable both to extra-academic events, and to initiatives conducted by researchers and scholars. Moreover, the indicators provided refer to both a quantitative and qualitative recognition. Parole chiave: Citizen science; evaluation and impact assessment; policy-making; community capacity; scientific impact; economic impact; outcome Riferimenti bibliografici: B., Kieslinger; et al. (2018) Evaluating citizen science: Towards an open framework. In S., Hecker, M., Haklay, A., Bowser, Z., Makuch, J., Vogel, A., Bonn (eds.) Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. London: UCL Press. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSearch?Query=Evaluating+citizen+science%3A+Towards+an+open+framework&acc=off&wc=on&fc=off&group=none Allegato Open: 2018_Evaluating citizen science_Towards an open framework.pdf |