Raccolta documentale
Titolo documento | Ente | Autori | |
The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement | National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) | ||
Ente: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement Tipologia documento: Manifesto Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2019 Abstract: The document proposes a definition for PE, the guiding principles, as well as guidelines for the UK context. The 2019 edition of the Manifesto was produced for the 10th anniversary of the NCCPE. Parole chiave: Public Engagement, principi, linee di indirizzo;Public Engagement, Principles, Guidelines; Riferimenti bibliografici: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), (2019), The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement (Manifesto) Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/support-engagement/strategy-and-planning/manifesto-public-engagement/about-manifesto Allegato Open: 2019_NCCPE_manifesto_for_public_engagement.pdf |
Manifesto APEnet per il valore pubblico della conoscenza | Rete APEnet | ||
Ente: Rete APEnet Contesto geografico: Italiano Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Manifesto APEnet per il valore pubblico della conoscenza Tipologia documento: Manifesto Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2019 Abstract: Il documento esplicita i principi, gli obiettivi e le azioni della Rete a sostegno delle strategie e delle pratiche di PE nel contesto italiano Parole chiave: Public Engagement, Obiettivi, Strategie, Azioni;Public Engagement, Aims, Strategies, Actions; Riferimenti bibliografici: Rete APEnet, (2019), Manifesto APEnet per il valore pubblico della conoscenza, (Manifesto) Open Access: SI Allegato Open: 2019_ManifestoAPEnet.pdf |
Manifesto of the Beltane Public Engagement Network | Beltane Public Engagement Network | ||
Ente: Beltane Public Engagement Network Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Manifesto of the Beltane Public Engagement Network Tipologia documento: Manifesto Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: The document outlines the form, mission, identity, principles and values of the Beltane Public Engagement Network from November 2018 onwards. Parole chiave: Public Engagement, Mission, Principles;Public Engagement, Missione, Principi Riferimenti bibliografici: Beltane Public Engagement Network, (2018), Manifesto of the Beltane Public Engagement Network (Manifesto) Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.beltanenetwork.org/discover-beltane/what-is-beltane/ Allegato Open: 2018_Beltane-Partnership-Manifesto.pdf |
Engagement Principles and Guiding Practices - The engagement charter | University of British Columbia/ Canada | ||
Ente: University of British Columbia/ Canada Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Engagement Principles and Guiding Practices - The engagement charter Tipologia documento: Manifesto Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2016 Abstract: The document proposes a set of principles for defining, designing, implementing and concluding public engagement for planning processes. These are also guiding practices for each principle that describe how the principles can be activated. Parole chiave: Public Engagement, Strategies, Implementation, Practices;Public Engagement, Strategie, Implementazione, Pratiche; Riferimenti bibliografici: University of British Columbia, (2016), Engagement Principles and Guiding Practices - The engagement charter (Manifesto) Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://planning.ubc.ca/about-us/what-guides-us/engagement-principles Allegato Open: 2016_UBC_CCPEngagementCharter.pdf |
Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University | Campus Compact | H. C., Boyte; E., Hollander (eds) | |
Ente: Campus Compact Altri enti partner: Ford Foundation, University of Michigan Center for Community Service and Learning, Johnson Foundation and W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Autori: H. C., Boyte; E., Hollander (eds) Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University Tipologia documento: Manifesto Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 1999 Abstract: This document is the result of collaboration by participants at a Wingspread conference involving university presidents, provosts, deans, and faculty members with extensive experience in higher education as well as representatives of professional associations, private foundations, and civic organizations. The purpose of the conference was to formulate strategies for renewing the civic mission of the research university, both by preparing students for responsible citizenship in a diverse democracy, and also by engaging faculty members to develop and utilize knowledge for the improvement of society. Parole chiave: Civic mission, Research, Strategies, Knowledge, Responsible citizenship;Missione civica, Ricerca, Strategie, Conoscenza, società responsabile Riferimenti bibliografici: Boyte, Harry C.; Hollander, Elizabeth, (Eds.), (1999), Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University in Civic Engagement, n. 8 Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://compact.org/wingspread-declaration-on-the-civic-responsibilities-of-research-universities/ Allegato Open: 1999_Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the Ameri.pdf |
Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research | Research Councils UK | ||
Ente: Research Councils UK Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research Tipologia documento: Concordato/Convenzione Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2010 Abstract: The Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research consists of a set of principles for the future support of public engagement within research organisations and, under each principle, an explanation of how it may best be embedded into institutional practices, building on the experiences of universities and research organisations across the UK. Parole chiave: Public engagement, Research, Principles, Institutional practices;Public engagement, Ricerca, Principi, pratiche istituzionali; Riferimenti bibliografici: Research Councils UK, (2010), Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research, (Concordato) Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.ukri.org/public-engagement/research-council-partners-and-public-engagement-with-research/embedding-public-engagement/ Allegato Open: 2010_Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research.pdf |
Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabileper la progettazione nell’ambito diHORIZON 2020 | Università di Trento | G., Pellegrini | |
Ente: Università di Trento Autori: G., Pellegrini Contesto geografico: Italiano Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabileper la progettazione nell’ambito diHORIZON 2020 Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: L'autore esplora il concetto di RRI, con particolare attenzione a quegli aspetti che devono caratterizzare i progetti di ricerca nell'ambito RRI, per determinanrne una maggiore efficacia. Parole chiave: Ricerca Responsabile e Innovazione, multidisciplinarietà, valutazione, partenariati, efficacia dei progetti;Responsible Research and Innovation, multidisciplinarity; assessment, partnership, projects' impact Riferimenti bibliografici: Pellegrini, Giuseppe, (2018), Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabile per la progettazione nell’ambito di HORIZON 2020, in APRE Magazine, n. 8 Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://www.apre.it/apremagazine/ |
Reinventing the Civic University | NESTA | J., Goddard | |
Ente: NESTA Autori: J., Goddard Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Reinventing the Civic University Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2009 Abstract: The author proposes a reflection on the role of engagement and argues that all publicly-funded universities in UK have a civic duty to engage with society, on the local, national and global scales. The author invites Universities to introduce an institution-wide strategy for civic engagement, a strategy that reaches across teaching and research rather than being considered as a third strand of activity. Parole chiave: civic engagement, teaching and research;impegno civico, didattica e ricerca Riferimenti bibliografici: Goddard, John, (2009), Reinventing the Civic University, in Provocation, n.12, NESTA Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.nesta.org.uk/report/re-inventing-the-civic-university/ Allegato Open: 2009_JGoddard_Reinventing the civic university.pdf |
Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together | Campus Engage; Irish Research Council (IRC) | Engaged Research Working Group | |
Ente: Campus Engage; Irish Research Council (IRC) Autori: Engaged Research Working Group Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2017 Abstract: The Engaged Research report seeks to showcase the range and depth of engaged research practices in Ireland and sets out recommendations to collaboratively advance these practices for maximum societal impact. Parole chiave: Engaged Research, Social impact;Ricerca e impegno sociale, Impatto sociale; Riferimenti bibliografici: Campus Engage, (2017), Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together, (Report) Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.iua.ie/publications/engaged-research-society-and-higher-education-addressing-grand-societal-challenges-together/# Allegato Open: 2017_CAMPUSENGAGED_Engaged Research.pdf |
A vision of Responsible Research and Innovation | European Commission-DG Research and Innovation; Team Leader Science Policy | R., Von Schomberg; | |
Ente: European Commission-DG Research and Innovation; Team Leader Science Policy Autori: R., Von Schomberg; Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: A vision of Responsible Research and Innovation Tipologia documento: Contributo in volume Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2013 Abstract: The chapter outlines a vision behind Responsible Research and Innovation, taking a largely European policy perspective, provides a definition of the concept and proposes a broad framework for its mplementation under Research and Innovation schemes around the world. Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation;Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili Riferimenti bibliografici: Von Schomberg, Rene, ( 2013), A vision of responsible innovation, in Owen, R.; Heintz, M.; Bessant, J. (Eds.) in Responsible Innovation, London, John Wiley Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261035849_A_Vision_of_Responsible_Research_and_Innovation Allegato Open: 2013_Chapter_RVonSchomberg_AVisionofRRI.pdf |
Developing a framework for responsible innovation | University of Bristol; Wageningen University & Research; University College London | R., Owen; P. Macnaghten and J. Stilgoe | |
Ente: University of Bristol; Wageningen University & Research; University College London Autori: R., Owen; P. Macnaghten and J. Stilgoe Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Developing a framework for responsible innovation Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2013 Abstract: The governance of emerging science and innovation is a major challenge for contemporary democracies. In this paper we present a framework for understanding and supporting efforts aimed at ‘responsible innovation’. The framework was developed in part through work with one of the first major research projects in the controversial area of geoengineering, funded by the UK Research Councils. We describe this case study, and how this became a location to articulate and explore four integrated dimensions of responsible innovation: anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion and responsiveness. Although the framework for responsible innovation was designed for use by the UK Research Councils and the scientific communities they support, we argue that it has more general application and relevance Parole chiave: Responsible innovation; Governance; Emerging technologies; Ethics; Geoengineering;Innovazione responsabile; Governance; Tecnologie emergenti; Etica; Geoingegneria Riferimenti bibliografici: Richard Owen, Phil Macnaghten, Jack Stilgoe, (2013), Developing a framework for responsible innovation, in Research Policy, Volume 42, Issue 9, November 2013, Pages 1568-1580 Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048733313000930 Allegato Open: 2013_Article_JStilgoeEtAl_DevelopingaFrameworkforRI.pdf |
Responsible research and innovation: From science in societyto science for society, with society | University of Bristol; Wageningen University & Research; University College London | R., Owen; P., Macnaghten; J., Stilgoe | |
Ente: University of Bristol; Wageningen University & Research; University College London Autori: R., Owen; P., Macnaghten; J., Stilgoe Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Responsible research and innovation: From science in societyto science for society, with society Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: The term responsible (research and) innovation has gained increasing EU policy relevance in the last two years, in particular within the European Commission’s Science in Society programme, in the context of the Horizon 2020 Strategy. The paper provides a brief historical overview of the concept, and identify three distinct features that are emerging from associated discourses. The first is an emphasis on the democratic governance of the purposes of research and innovation and their orientation towards the ‘right impacts’. The second is responsiveness, emphasising the integration and institutionalisation of established approaches of anticipation, reflection and deliberation in and around research and innovation, influencing the direction of these and associated policy. The third concerns the framing of responsibility itself in the context of research and innovation as collective activities with uncertain and unpredictable consequences. Finally, the authors reflect on possible motivations for responsible innovation itself Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation; science; policy; democratic governance; framing responsibility;Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili; scienza; politiche; democrazia e governance; responsabilità Riferimenti bibliografici: Owen, Richard; Macnaghten, Phil; Stilgoe,Jack, (2012), Responsible research and innovation: From science in society to science for society, with society, in Science and Public Policy, Volume 39, Issue 6, p. 751–760 Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/263662329_Responsible_Research_and_Innovation_From_Science_in_Society_to_Science_for_Society_with_Society |
A report on Responsible Research& Innovation | MATTER | H., Sutcliffe | |
Ente: MATTER Autori: H., Sutcliffe Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: A report on Responsible Research& Innovation Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2011 Abstract: This report is intended to explore the issues around Responsible Research and Innovation, particularly, though not exclusively, as expressed by participants at the DG Research Workshop on Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe in Brussels on 16-17 May 2011 Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation; science; policy; democratic governance; framing responsibility;Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili; scienza; politiche; democrazia e governance; responsabilità Riferimenti bibliografici: Sutcliffe, Hilary, (2011), A report on Responsible Research & Innovation, (Report) Open Access: SI Allegato Open: 2011_MATTER_HSutcliffe_ReportonRRI.pdf |
The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement | National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) | ||
Ente: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE) Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement Tipologia documento: Manifesto Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2010 Abstract: The Manifesto proposes the benefits and impacts that the PE can generate for universities, teachers and students and civil society. Parole chiave: Impact; Public engagement; benefits;Impatto, Public engagement, benefici; Riferimenti bibliografici: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), (2010), The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement (Manifesto) Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/support-engagement/strategy-and-planning/manifesto-public-engagement/about-manifesto Allegato Open: 2010_NCCPE_Manifesto_for_public_engagement.pdf |
Many Experts, Many Audiences:Public Engagement with Science and Informal Science Education | Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) | E. McCallie; et al. | |
Ente: Center for Advancement of Informal Science Education (CAISE) Autori: E. McCallie; et al. Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Many Experts, Many Audiences:Public Engagement with Science and Informal Science Education Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2009 Abstract: This white paper is the product of the CAISE Public Engagement with Science Inquiry Group. It describes how public engagement with science (PES) in the context of informal science education can provide opportunities for public awareness of and participation in science and technology. The term engagement is characterized by mutual learning by publics and scientists rather than a one-way transmission of knowledge from experts to publics. Parole chiave: public awareness, public engagement, participation;consapevolezza pubblica, public engagement, partecipazione; Riferimenti bibliografici: McCallie, Ellen, et al. (2009), Many Experts, Many Audiences: Public Engagement with Science and Informal Science Education, (Report) Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.informalscience.org/many-experts-many-audiences-public-engagement-science Allegato Open: 2009_Report_EMcCallieEtAl_Many Experts Many Audiences.pdf |
The Centrality of Engagement in higher education | Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) Council on Engagement and Outreach | H. E., Fitzgerald; et al. | |
Ente: Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) Council on Engagement and Outreach Autori: H. E., Fitzgerald; et al. Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: The Centrality of Engagement in higher education Tipologia documento: Libro bianco Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2015 Abstract: The centrality of engagement is critical to the success of higher education in the future. Engagement is essential to most effectively achieving the overall purpose of the university, which is focused on the knowledge enterprise. Today’s engagement is scholarly, is an aspect of learning and discovery, and enhances society and higher education. Undergirding today’s approach to community engagement is the understanding that not all knowledge and expertise resides in the academy, and that both expertise and great learning opportunities in teaching and scholarship also reside in non-academic settings. Parole chiave: definition of engagement; engagement's impact; engagement scholarship; engagement and transformational change in higher education;definizione di impegno; impatto; educazione e impegno sociale, impegno e cambiamento sociale nell'ambito accademico; Riferimenti bibliografici: Fitzgerald, Hiram E.; Bruns, Karen; Sonka, Steven T.; Furco, Andrew; Swanson, Louis , (2015), The Centrality of Engagement in Higher Education, adapted from Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, (2012), Volume 16, Number 3, p. 7 Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.aplu.org/library?q=The+Centrality+of+Engagement+&types=all&year=all&project=all&owner=all Allegato Open: 2015_APLU_COUNCIL ON ENGAGEMENT_OUTREACH_The centrality of engagement.pdf |
Knowledge, engagement and Higher Education in Europe | Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) | P., Benneworth; M., Osborne | |
Ente: Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) Autori: P., Benneworth; M., Osborne Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Knowledge, engagement and Higher Education in Europe Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2014 Abstract: The authors analyse the "state of the art" of the community engagement of universities in Europe, providing a historical and contemporary background as well as many examples of exemplary practice. Parole chiave: community engagement of Universities, practices;Università e coinvolgimento delle comunità, pratiche; Riferimenti bibliografici: Benneworth, Paul; Osborne, Michael, (2014), Knowledge, engagement and higher education in Europe, in Escrigas, C., Granados, J., Hall, B.L. and Tandon, R. (eds.) Higher Education in the World 5 Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change, GUNI Series on the Social Commitment of Universities. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 204-217. Open Access: SI Collegamento: http://www.guninetwork.org/report/higher-education-world-5 Allegato Open: 2014_GUNI_PBenneworthMOsborne_Knowledge.pdf |
Engaged scholarship. The Politics of Engagement and Disengagement | University of Alberta, Canada | L., Shultz; T., Kajner (eds) | |
Ente: University of Alberta, Canada Autori: L., Shultz; T., Kajner (eds) Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Engaged scholarship. The Politics of Engagement and Disengagement Tipologia documento: Volume Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2013 Abstract: This book was motivated by a desire to contribute to in-depth, critical discussions about engaged scholarship and education. Recognizing that, although some theorizing is underway, much of the published literature on community-engaged scholarship focuses on practice-based stories and pragmatic concerns relating to encouraging, supporting, rewarding and institutionalizing engagement in a variety of educational settings, we sought to shift the discourse and create space for a more broad discussion. Parole chiave: engaged scholarship, community engagement, citizenship of knowledge;educazione e impegno sociale, coinvolgimento delle comunità, società della conoscenza; Riferimenti bibliografici: Shultz, Lynette; Kajner, Tania (Eds.), (2013), Engaged scholarship: The politics of engagement and disengagement, Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers. Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789462092907 |
The Talloires Network:A Global Coalition of Engaged Universities | The Talloires Network | R. M., Hollister;J. P., Pollock;M., Gearan;S., Stroud;J., Reid;E., Babcock; | |
Ente: The Talloires Network Autori: R. M., Hollister;J. P., Pollock;M., Gearan;S., Stroud;J., Reid;E., Babcock; Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: The Talloires Network:A Global Coalition of Engaged Universities Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: The article describes and analyzes the origins, work to date, and future of the Talloires Network. Included are reflections on the network’s strategies for advancing civic engagement in higher education globally, with particular attention to both the successes and the limitations of these strategies. Parole chiave: civic engagement in HE, strategies;impegno civico nelle Università, strategie Riferimenti bibliografici: Hollister, Robert M.; Pollock, John P.; Gearan, Mark; Stroud, Susan; Reid, Janice; Babcock, Elizabeth, (2012), The Talloires Network: A Global Coalition of Engaged Universities, in Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, Volume 16, Number 4, p. 81 Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://openjournals.libs.uga.edu/jheoe/article/view/984/983 Allegato Open: 2012_The Talloires Network_A Global Coalition of Engaged Universities.pdf |
Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication | Institute for Local Government | ||
Ente: Institute for Local Government Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication Tipologia documento: Linee guida Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2015 Abstract: This tip sheet seeks to demonstrate how strategic communication is an essential tool for effective public engagement. It offers advices on communication strategies before, during and after the agency’s public engagement effort, in order to effectively communicate about a public process or program and understand who the agency seeks to engage. The same report is aimed at facilitating to articulate a message for a policy or project, to create a media plan that integrates both traditional (print, radio and television) and online outlets, to create opportunities for sustaining communication, to maximize strategic communication and Public Engagement, to measure and evaluate the engagement. Parole chiave: public engagement, communication, stakeholder, audience, policy Riferimenti bibliografici: Institute for Local Government. (2015) 'Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication', Sacramento [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.ca-ilg.org/EffectivePE-Strategic-Communication Allegato Open: 2015_Institute for local government_Effective_public_engagement_strategic_communication.pdf |