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A common standard for the evaluation of publicengagement with research NCCPE M. S., Reed; et al.
Altri enti partner: Newcastle University, UK; Queen Mary University of London, UK; Dialogue Matters, UK
Autori: M. S., Reed; et al.
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: A common standard for the evaluation of publicengagement with research
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: The aim of the paper is to propose a linked conceptual and methodological framework that can be used as a common evaluation standard for public engagement projects across a wide range of possible contexts and purposes.
Parole chiave: Responsible research and innovation (RRI); public participation; publicunderstanding of science; co-production; monitoring and evaluation
Riferimenti bibliografici: Mark S., Reed; et al. (2018) A common standard for the evaluation of public engagement with research. Research for All, 2 (1), pp. 143–162.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/ioep/rfa/2018/00000002/00000001/art00013
Allegato Open: 2018_Reed et al. A common standard for the evaluation of public engagement with research.pdf
A handbook for Live Projects University of Sheffield (Sheffield School of Archiitecture) C. Butterworth; et al.
Ente: University of Sheffield (Sheffield School of Archiitecture)
Autori: C. Butterworth; et al.
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: A handbook for Live Projects
Tipologia documento: Manuale
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2013
Abstract: Live Projects are important in educating the architects of the future because, in contrast to more conventional teaching methods, Live Projects develop the collaborative and participatory skill that are essentilal to future practive. Live Projects establish an awareness of the social responsability of the architect and can empower students to produce work of exceptional quality that makes a difference to the communities they work with. Beyond the direct impact of the project on the communities involved, Live projects also make a wider impact by enriching the student learning experience, developing design, management and enterprise skill and significantly increasing employability. This handbook seeks to provide clear and accessible information on what Live Projects are, how they work and what to expect along the way.
Parole chiave: socially-engaged architectural education; live project
Riferimenti bibliografici: Butterworth, Carolyn et al. (2013) A handbook for Live Projects. University of Sheffield (Sheffield School of Archiitecture)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/architecture/march/live-projects
Allegato Open: 2013_Handbook_UoS_Live_Projects.pdf
A how to guide. Engaged Research Planning for Impact - Society and Higher Education Addressing Grand Societal Challenges Together Campus Engage K., Morris; et al.
Ente: Campus Engage
Altri enti partner: Irish Universities Association & Irish Research Council
Autori: K., Morris; et al.
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: A how to guide. Engaged Research Planning for Impact - Society and Higher Education Addressing Grand Societal Challenges Together
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: This is a brief guide to support researchers to reflect on the possible categories and types of impact that research activities can generate. The document proposes a framework as a tool to define, ex ante and during the research project development process, possible impacts and indicators for measuring them.
Parole chiave: Impact framework; engaged research; planning for impact
Riferimenti bibliografici: K., Morris; et al. (2018) A how to guide. Engaged Research Planning for Impact - Society and Higher Education Addressing Grand Societal Challenges Together, Dublin, Campus Engage.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: http://www.campusengage.ie/what-we-do/publications/?cat-type=how-to-guide&cat=community-based-research
Allegato Open: 2018_Campus Engage_Engaged Research Planning for Impact.pdf
A report on Responsible Research& Innovation MATTER H., Sutcliffe
Autori: H., Sutcliffe
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: A report on Responsible Research& Innovation
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2011
Abstract: This report is intended to explore the issues around Responsible Research and Innovation, particularly, though not exclusively, as expressed by participants at the DG Research Workshop on Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe in Brussels on 16-17 May 2011
Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation; science; policy; democratic governance; framing responsibility;Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili; scienza; politiche; democrazia e governance; responsabilità
Riferimenti bibliografici: Sutcliffe, Hilary, (2011), A report on Responsible Research & Innovation, (Report)
Open Access: SI
Allegato Open: 2011_MATTER_HSutcliffe_ReportonRRI.pdf
A vision of Responsible Research and Innovation European Commission-DG Research and Innovation; Team Leader Science Policy R., Von Schomberg;
Ente: European Commission-DG Research and Innovation; Team Leader Science Policy
Autori: R., Von Schomberg;
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: A vision of Responsible Research and Innovation
Tipologia documento: Contributo in volume
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2013
Abstract: The chapter outlines a vision behind Responsible Research and Innovation, taking a largely European policy perspective, provides a definition of the concept and proposes a broad framework for its mplementation under Research and Innovation schemes around the world.
Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation;Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili
Riferimenti bibliografici: Von Schomberg, Rene, ( 2013), A vision of responsible innovation, in Owen, R.; Heintz, M.; Bessant, J. (Eds.) in Responsible Innovation, London, John Wiley
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261035849_A_Vision_of_Responsible_Research_and_Innovation
Allegato Open: 2013_Chapter_RVonSchomberg_AVisionofRRI.pdf
Assessing impacts arising from public engagement withresearch NCCPE NCCPE
Autori: NCCPE
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Assessing impacts arising from public engagement withresearch
Tipologia documento: Documento di lavoro
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2012
Abstract: This discussion paper provides context for REF panels that are developing their criteria for assessing impacts arising through public engagement with research. The paper synthesises the outcomes from three workshops, held between March and May 2011. The ideas contained within it have been contributed to and commented on by REF panel representatives, the REF team, a range of academic staff and a number of evaluation and public engagement specialists, whom we would like to thank for their input.
Parole chiave: Public engagement, REF, impact statement, assessing impact, evidencing impact, case study
Riferimenti bibliografici: NCCPE (2012) Assessing impacts arising from public engagement with research, Bristol, NCCPE.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/resources
Allegato Open: 2012_NCCPE_Assessing Impacts arising from public engagement with research.pdf
Atenei e fondazioni universitarie al servizio dell’innovazione e dell’economia della conoscenza: sinergia per il futuro del paese. Emilia-Romagna una realtà strategica Fondazione Marco Biagi -  T. Fabbri; et al.
Ente: Fondazione Marco Biagi - 
Altri enti partner: Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia in collaborazione con gli Atenei della Regione Emilia Romagna e la Fondazione Alma Mater di Bologna
Autori: T. Fabbri; et al.
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: Atenei e fondazioni universitarie al servizio dell’innovazione e dell’economia della conoscenza: sinergia per il futuro del paese. Emilia-Romagna una realtà strategica
Tipologia documento: Atti Convegno
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
Abstract: La presente pubblicazione raccoglie gli interventi svolti nell’ambito del convegno nazionale del Coordinamento delle Fondazione Universitarie dal titolo: “Atenei e Fondazioni universitarie al servizio dell’innovazione e dell’economia della conoscenza: sinergie per il futuro del paese”, organizzato a Modena dalla Fondazione Marco Biagi in collaborazione con gli Atenei della Regione Emilia Romagna e la Fondazione Alma Mater di Bologna. Come sarà ampiamente illustrato dai contributi che seguono, il tema scelto per l’annuale convegno del Coordinamento delle Fondazioni universitarie è quello del rapporto tra gli atenei e le proprie fondazioni con il territorio, non necessariamente locale, in una prospettiva di terza missione. La parte introduttiva della pubblicazione, lascia spazio agli interventi dei rappresentanti delle istituzioni e degli Atenei della Regione Emilia Romagna e della Città di Modena. La seconda parte invece approfondisce il tema della terza missione fornendone una definizione esaustiva oltre ad una ricostruzione nel quadro nazionale e internazionale. La terza parte ricostruisce in sintesi l’interessante discussione che ha animato la tavola rotonda “Atenei e Fondazioni universitarie realtà strategiche per il futuro del paese” coordinata dal Direttore de Il Sole 24 Ore, Roberto Napoletano e conclusa dall’Assessore della Regione Emilia Romagna Patrizio Bianchi.
Parole chiave: Terza Missione; Fondazioni Universitarie; Organizzazione; Ricerca; Innovazione
Riferimenti bibliografici: Fondazione Marco Biagi (2016) Atti del Convegno 'Atenei e fondazioni universitarie al servizio dell’innovazione e dell’economia della conoscenza: sinergia per il futuro del paese. Emilia-Romagna una realtà strategica'.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.fmb.unimore.it/atenei-e-fondazioni-universitarie-al-servizio-dellinnovazione-e-delleconomia-della-conoscenza/
Allegato Open: 2016_Atti_Convegno_FMB_14_giugno.pdf
Briefing Paper: Auditing, Benchmarking and Evaluating Public Engagement NCCPE A., Hart; S., Northmore; C. Gerhardt
Altri enti partner: University of Bristol; University of the West of England (UWE)
Autori: A., Hart; S., Northmore; C. Gerhardt
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Briefing Paper: Auditing, Benchmarking and Evaluating Public Engagement
Tipologia documento: Documento di lavoro
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2009
Abstract: This briefing paper is written for academics, university administrators and community partners interested in monitoring and evaluating university public engagement. It provides an accessible guide to the field that can assist them in answering the questions they want to answer, in tailoring their own approach and negotiating that approach between the university and local communities.
Parole chiave: Community-university partnership; university public engagement; audit; benchmarking; dimensions of engagement; evaluating and measuring engagement
Riferimenti bibliografici: Hart, Angie, Northmore Simon and Gerhardt Chloe (2009) Briefing Paper: Auditing, Benchmarking and Evaluating Public Engagement, Bristol, NCCPE.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/resources
Allegato Open: Briefing paper evaluatingpublicengagement_1.pdf
Changing what researchers “think and do”: Is this how involvement impacts on research?’. TwoCan Associates, Hove K., Staley
Ente: TwoCan Associates, Hove
Autori: K., Staley
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Changing what researchers “think and do”: Is this how involvement impacts on research?’.
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: Much has been written about the impact of involvement on research and the people involved, but much less is known about the impact on researchers. Based on previous experience of evaluating involvement, the author argues that researchers often report learning something new from involvement. Patients/the public bring ‘new’ knowledge to researchers, informed by their lived experience and use of services. The author therefore carried out a narrative review of the literature to explore in depth what researchers learn from involvement. The findings confirmed that researchers often gain new knowledge and skills through involvement, which can change their priorities, values and attitudes. Therefore, researchers often directly experience the impact of involvement themselves. This learning then changes their practice. It leads them to change the design, delivery and dissemination of their research. Thus, many of the reported outcomes of involvement might be underpinned by what the researchers learnt through the process. Reframing impacts on research as impacts on researchers’ learning has implications for practice and for motivating researchers to work with patients and the public. Further research and future evaluations of involvement might usefully explore the links between researchers’ learning and outcomes.
Parole chiave: Patient and public involvement; user involvement; impact
Riferimenti bibliografici: Staley, Kristina (2017) Changing what researchers 'think and do': Is this how involvement impacts on research?. Research for All, 1 (1), pp. 158–167.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/ioep/rfa/2017/00000001/00000001/art00013#
Allegato Open: 2017_Staley_Changing what researchers think and do.pdf
Città/Università. Esperienze di ‘impegno civico’ Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani F. Cognetti, B. De Carli (eds)
Ente: Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani
Autori: F. Cognetti, B. De Carli (eds)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: Città/Università. Esperienze di ‘impegno civico’
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2013
Abstract: Questa introduzione al servizio sottolinea i modi in cui sono stati trattati le esperienze e i testi teorici ai quali le curatrici fanno riferimento. La prospettiva è quella, da una parte, di rafforzare una dimenzione di riflessione sistematica a ridosso di una ampia produzione bibliografica internazionale sul public engagement dell'università; dall'altra di avviare un confronto con altre vicende in contesti e ambiti di riflessione più maturi di quello italiano. L'idea di fondo è quella di offrire delle riflessioni su casi di impegno civico di natura accademica attraverso quattro lenti per interpretare la relazione città-università: il contesto sociale e politico in cui le esperienze sono maturate; i presupposti teorico-critici delle attività di collaborazione; il lavoro con le pratiche e le modalità di lavoro; il ruolo dell'università.
Parole chiave: impegno civico; città-università; pratiche
Riferimenti bibliografici: Cognetti, Francesca e De Carli, Beatrice (2013) Città/Università. Esperienze di ‘impegno civico’. Territorio, vol. 66.
Open Access: NO
Collegamento: https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/796923?mode=full.1#.XvbXIygzbIU
Conceptual Framework for Third Mission Indicator Definition Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme
Ente: Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Conceptual Framework for Third Mission Indicator Definition
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2012
Abstract: This document outlines and sets out the conceptual framework for the European Indicators and Ranking Methodology for University Third Mission.
Parole chiave: Continuing education processes and indicators; technology transfer & innvoation processes; social engagement processes and indicators
Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission (2012) Conceptual Framework for Third Mission Indicator Definition, Bruxelles, European Commission.
Open Access: NO
Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en
Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research Research Councils UK
Ente: Research Councils UK
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research
Tipologia documento: Concordato/Convenzione
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2010
Abstract: The Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research consists of a set of principles for the future support of public engagement within research organisations and, under each principle, an explanation of how it may best be embedded into institutional practices, building on the experiences of universities and research organisations across the UK.
Parole chiave: Public engagement, Research, Principles, Institutional practices;Public engagement, Ricerca, Principi, pratiche istituzionali;
Riferimenti bibliografici: Research Councils UK, (2010), Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research, (Concordato)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ukri.org/public-engagement/research-council-partners-and-public-engagement-with-research/embedding-public-engagement/
Allegato Open: 2010_Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research.pdf
Connecting the European Higher Education Agenda with Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation EnRRICH - Living Knowledge Network E., McKenna; A., Vargiu; (eds.)
Ente: EnRRICH - Living Knowledge Network
Autori: E., McKenna; A., Vargiu; (eds.)
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Connecting the European Higher Education Agenda with Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: This document is aimed at those working in higher education policy internationally, though it may also be of use to national and institutional level policymakers. The report summarizes the findings of the project ‘Enhancing Responsible Research and Innovation through Curricula in Higher Education (EnRRICH)’ in the context of the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. More in detail, the brief is structured around the four main policy priorities: tackling future skills mismatches and promoting excellence in skills development, building inclusive and connected higher education systems, ensuring higher education institutions contribute to innovation, supporting effective and efficient higher education systems.
Parole chiave: open science, responsible research and innovation, higher education, policy makers, civil society
Riferimenti bibliografici: McKenna, Emma, Vargiu, Andrea (eds.), (2018) Connecting the European Higher Education Agenda with Open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation, Bonn, EnRRICH-Living Knowledge Network [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.livingknowledge.org/projects/enrrich/
Allegato Open: 2018_EnRRICH_Policy_brief_3_final_policy_recommendations.pdf
De las aulas a las calles, del papel a la realidad, de la reflexión a la acción Università (UBA - FADU) - Taller Libre de Proyecto Social B. H.Pedro
Ente: Università (UBA - FADU) - Taller Libre de Proyecto Social
Autori: B. H.Pedro
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: De las aulas a las calles, del papel a la realidad, de la reflexión a la acción
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Spagnolo
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Abstract: Este libro sistematiza las experiencias de un grupo de universitarios, profesores y estudiantes, que emprendieron el camino de convertir en oportunidad pedagogica e investigadora la demanda de asistencia tecnica de sectores populares organizados para mejorar su habitat
Parole chiave: universidad; pratica social;
Riferimenti bibliografici: Taller Libre de Proyecto social (2015) De las aulas a las calles, del papel a la realidad, de la reflexión a la acción. Cuadernos de formación tlps 01.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: http://www.tlps.com.ar/
Allegato Open: 2015_Report_FADU_Taller Libre de Proyecto Social.pdf
Developing a framework for responsible innovation University of Bristol; Wageningen University & Research; University College London R., Owen; P. Macnaghten and J. Stilgoe
Ente: University of Bristol; Wageningen University & Research; University College London
Autori: R., Owen; P. Macnaghten and J. Stilgoe
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Developing a framework for responsible innovation
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2013
Abstract: The governance of emerging science and innovation is a major challenge for contemporary democracies. In this paper we present a framework for understanding and supporting efforts aimed at ‘responsible innovation’. The framework was developed in part through work with one of the first major research projects in the controversial area of geoengineering, funded by the UK Research Councils. We describe this case study, and how this became a location to articulate and explore four integrated dimensions of responsible innovation: anticipation, reflexivity, inclusion and responsiveness. Although the framework for responsible innovation was designed for use by the UK Research Councils and the scientific communities they support, we argue that it has more general application and relevance
Parole chiave: Responsible innovation; Governance; Emerging technologies; Ethics; Geoengineering;Innovazione responsabile; Governance; Tecnologie emergenti; Etica; Geoingegneria
Riferimenti bibliografici: Richard Owen, Phil Macnaghten, Jack Stilgoe, (2013), Developing a framework for responsible innovation, in Research Policy, Volume 42, Issue 9, November 2013, Pages 1568-1580
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0048733313000930
Allegato Open: 2013_Article_JStilgoeEtAl_DevelopingaFrameworkforRI.pdf
Developing a Public Engagement Strategy. Better Knowledge Better Society ADRN - Administrative Data Research Network C., Porteous; E., Mackey; M., Elliot; (eds.)
Ente: ADRN - Administrative Data Research Network
Autori: C., Porteous; E., Mackey; M., Elliot; (eds.)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Developing a Public Engagement Strategy. Better Knowledge Better Society
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: This guide is designed to help the researcher build a strategy and plan for public engagement in the research that is appropriate and meaningful. The focus is on PE - by exploring what is meant by the term public engagement and why it is important in the research process - for research that securely uses administrative data, although the principles may be applicable to other research areas and PE is considered just as important for research using administrative data as it is for research where based on questionnaires, focus groups or observation. The guide is split into two key parts: the first one explores some main questions, in order to create a public engagement strategy, the second one shows the practical issues needed in order to plan the type of public engagement activity to undertake.
Parole chiave: two-way engagement, policy impact, community benefit, dissemination, responsible research and innovation
Riferimenti bibliografici: Porteous, Carol, Mackey, Elaine, Elliot, Mark (eds.), (2018) Developing a Public Engagement Strategy. Better Knowledge Better Society, Swindon, Administrative Data Research Network.
Open Access: NO
Collegamento: https://www.adruk.org/
Didattica sul campo. Una raccolta di strumenti per lo sviluppo di percorsi didattici innovativi Politecnico di Milano I. Castelnuovo; F. Cognetti; A. Ranzini
Ente: Politecnico di Milano
Autori: I. Castelnuovo; F. Cognetti; A. Ranzini
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: Didattica sul campo. Una raccolta di strumenti per lo sviluppo di percorsi didattici innovativi
Tipologia documento: Manuale
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
Abstract: Il contributo raccolto in questo quaderno restituisce parte delle attività sviluppate nel quadro dei progetti di responsabilità sociale del Politecnico di Milano attraverso il programma Polisocial, e in particolare all’interno dell’iniziativa Didattica sul campo che, giunta al quinto anno di sperimentazione, offe oggi un interessante collettore di esperienze che ci aiutano a riflettere sul ruolo dell’Università come attore “socialmente responsabile” e attivo nei processi di sviluppo urbano, sociale e culturale.
Parole chiave: didattica sul campo; università e responsabilità sociale; action-learning
Riferimenti bibliografici: Castelnuovo Ida, Cognetti Francesca , Ranzini Alice (a cura di) (2016) Didattica sul campo. Una raccolta di strumenti per lo sviluppo di percorsi didattici innovativi. I quaderni di Polisocial Q5.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: http://www.polisocial.polimi.it/it/pubblicazioni/
Allegato Open: 2016_PoliMIPolisocial_DidatticaSulCampo-light.pdf
Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication Institute for Local Government
Ente: Institute for Local Government
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Abstract: This tip sheet seeks to demonstrate how strategic communication is an essential tool for effective public engagement. It offers advices on communication strategies before, during and after the agency’s public engagement effort, in order to effectively communicate about a public process or program and understand who the agency seeks to engage. The same report is aimed at facilitating to articulate a message for a policy or project, to create a media plan that integrates both traditional (print, radio and television) and online outlets, to create opportunities for sustaining communication, to maximize strategic communication and Public Engagement, to measure and evaluate the engagement.
Parole chiave: public engagement, communication, stakeholder, audience, policy
Riferimenti bibliografici: Institute for Local Government. (2015) 'Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication', Sacramento [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ca-ilg.org/EffectivePE-Strategic-Communication
Allegato Open: 2015_Institute for local government_Effective_public_engagement_strategic_communication.pdf
Embedding public engagement in higher education: Final report of the national action research programme NCCPE - National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement D., Burns; H., Squires;
Ente: NCCPE - National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Autori: D., Burns; H., Squires;
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Embedding public engagement in higher education: Final report of the national action research programme
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2011
Abstract: This report aims to demonstrate that any university seeking to embed support for public engagement needs to go back to first principles, and to clarify the role public engagement can play in helping it achieve its overarching purposes. In general terms, this document runs a more systematic reflection upon the profound challenge on how to integrate a lasting cultural change in the sector that positioned public engagement as a valued and supported activity for staff and students. More in detail, the report relates to NCCPE UK wide action research programme to support the embedding of public engagement in higher education in Britain.
Parole chiave: public engagement strategy, civic responsibility, action research, communal benefit, knowledge exchange
Riferimenti bibliografici: Burns, Danny, Squires, Heather (2011) Embedding public engagement in higher education: Final report of the national action research programme, Bristol, National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/search?s=Embedding%20public%20engagement%20in%20higher%20education%3A%20Final%20report%20of%20the%20national%20action%20research%20programme
Allegato Open: 2011_NCCPE_Embedding public engagementc2.pdf
Engaged Learning Sheffield. Co-production and community in education at the University of Sheffield The University of Sheffield B., Stone; I., Woolf;
Ente: The University of Sheffield
Autori: B., Stone; I., Woolf;
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Engaged Learning Sheffield. Co-production and community in education at the University of Sheffield
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Abstract: This document seeks to consolidate but also to facilitate and guide collaborative institutional action designed to enhance the public good. It means to share activities in an easily accessible way, inspiring academic staff to consider developing civically engaged learning projects, and encouraging further external partners. Moreover, the publication aims to further define a ‘Sheffield approach’, which is distinctive and rooted in the particularities of the region and its history. The same approach is based on a selected set of principles: reciprocity, co-production, partner-led approaches, sustainability, good communication, impact and ethical challenges.
Parole chiave: community-university engagement, responsibility, engaged learning, equality, civic identity
Riferimenti bibliografici: Stone, Brendan, Woolf, India (2015) Engaged Learning Sheffield. Co-production and community in education at the University of Sheffield, Sheffield, The University of Sheffield [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.sheffield.ac.uk/staff/learning-teaching/our-approach/current/engaged/publication
Allegato Open: 2015_UoSUK_EngagedLearningSheffield(1).pdf