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Campus Compact educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
civic engagement
Nome del sito: Campus Compact
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Campus Compact is a U.S. based coalition of more than 1,000 colleges and universities committed to the public purpose of higher education and dedicated to building democracy through civic education and community development. Campus compact is a relationship-driven organisation with a national office in Boston, MA, with state and regional Campus Compact providing place-based support for member institutions located throughout the country. As the only national higher education association dedicated solely to campus-based civic engagement, Campus Compact enables campuses to develop students’ citizenship skills and forge effective community partnerships. Its resources support administrators, faculty, staff, and students as they pursue community-based teaching, scholarship, and action in the service of public good. Campus Compact advances the public purposes of colleges and universities by deepening their ability to improve community life and to educate students for civic and social responsibility. Campus Compact envisions colleges and universities as vital agents and architects of a diverse democracy, committed to educating students for responsible citizenship in ways that both deepen their education and improve the quality of community life. Campus Compact’s work strengthens colleges and universities as contributors to educational equity now while developing the next generation of citizens and leaders for their communities.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
service learning
science education
Nome del sito: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Tipologia ente: Fondazioni
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: service learning science education
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is an independent policy and research centre whose aim is to build a field around the use of improvement science and networked improvement communities to solve longstanding inequities in educational outcomes. It was founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1905 and chartered in 1906 by an act of Congress. Improving teaching and learning has always been Carnegie’s motivation and heritage. The Carnegie Foundation advocates for the use of improvement science to accelerate how a field learns to improve. Improvement science is explicitly designed to accelerate learning-by-doing and address problems of practice, it is a more user-centred and problem-centred approached to improving teaching and learning. The overall goal is to develop the necessary know-how for a reform idea ultimately to spread faster and more effectively. Since improvement research is an iterative process often extending over considerable periods of time, it is also referred to as continuous improvement. Carnegie believes that the most effective and efficient way to organize improvement efforts is through networked improvement communities (NICs), a colleagueship of expertise building on the hard work and creativity of many. These are intentionally designed social organizations, each with a distinct problem-solving focus. As formal organizations, NICs have roles, responsibilities, and norms for membership and their features frame them as a scientific learning community. They maintain narratives that exemplify what they are about and why it is important to affiliate with them. Since 2008, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has been at the forefront of an emerging movement in education. In this regard, its mission is to promote the methods of improvement science in education and to foster the formation and growth of networked communities dedicated to making headway on longstanding inequities in educational outcomes associated with race, ethnicity, and poverty. Carnegie Foundation’s work today builds on these efforts of advancing improvement science with thousands of school district leaders, principals, teachers, policymakers, and researchers across the country and around the world.
National Center for Science & Civic Engagement (NCSCE) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
service learning
science education
Nome del sito: National Center for Science & Civic Engagement (NCSCE)
Tipologia ente: Fondazioni
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: service learning science education
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: NCSCE is a national organization that supports a community of teachers and learners. Through grant funding, it helps educators in and outside the classroom make connections between the content they teach and real world issues of civic importance. By putting content into context, what is inaccessible becomes accessible, what is uninteresting becomes interesting, and what is not meaningful becomes meaningful. It empowers learners by showing them that their knowledge matters, and what they learn today can help solve some of the biggest problems of tomorrow. Since 2001 more than 6,000 educators, administrators, students, and community leaders from over 5,000 two-and four-years colleges, universities, agencies, informal education venues, and community-based organisations have taken part in SENCER and NCSCE activities and contributed their knowledge and work to the project. NCSCE was founded in 2004, and since 2015 has been hosted by the Department of Technology and society at Stony Brook University. SENCER is the signature program of NCSCE. The origin of the SENCER approach was a course developed by Monica Devanas at Rutgers University that taught basic biology through a focus on HIV disease. Using a pressing and timely problem of immediate interest to students, such as the HIV epidemic, helped students understand complex biological concepts and increased their learning. It currently supports four initiatives, in addition to SENCER, that advance education and civic engagement: SENCER-ISE; Engaging Mathematics; SCEWestNet; GLISTEN. The mission of the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement (NCSCE) is to inspire, support, and disseminate campus-based science education reform strategies that strengthen learning and build civic accountability among students in colleges and universities. The Center will serve as a national resource for the improvement of undergraduate science education and will provide a platform enabling faculty and administrators to broaden the impact of their innovations and reforms beyond their campuses. NCSCE areas of focus are personal and public health; democracy; environment; globalisation; educational practice; assessment; humanities.
Asia Pacific University Community Engagement Network (APUCEN) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
civic engagement
Nome del sito: Asia Pacific University Community Engagement Network (APUCEN)
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Asia-Pacific University – Community Engagement Network (APUCEN) is a regional network of academic institutions of higher learning concerned with promoting the culture of university-community engagement in a proactive, inclusive, holistic and participatory way. APUCEN is motivated by the belief that institutions of higher learning and the community can collaborate to co-create knowledge to enhance the social, economic and environment and improve the quality of life of the community in the Asia-Pacific region. Community engagement, from the viewpoint of APUCEN, goes beyond outreach and extension or service. Instead, APUCEN is committed to the idea that universities should seek mutually beneficial relationship and partnership with communities to address communities’ issues and needs; with a commitment to sharing and reciprocity that is guided by mutual respect among the partners. APUCEN envisage making real difference to university-community partnership to informed progress particularly for the bottom billion or the unprivileged. It is in line with APUCEN’s aspiration to unite civil society and higher learning institutions and networks in common efforts to co-create knowledge, mobilize it to inform practice and policy, and improve the quality of life of the society within the region.
Engagement Australia educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
civic engagement
engaged research
Nome del sito: Engagement Australia
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: civic engagement engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Engagement Australia is the peak alliance of Australian and New Zealand universities focused on developing the engagement agenda in higher education. Engagement Australia was formed in 2003 with a vision to cultivate understanding and awareness of engagement as a strategic methodology for individual and institutional achievement in unison with societal improvement and impact. As an alliance, Engagement Australia is focused on providing services to its members that support professional learning and peer exchange, provide avenues for publication and collaboration, and importantly, recognise and showcase good practice. Moreover, Engagement Australia is the Australian focal point for the Talloires global engagement network and has partnership that span national networks in every continent, strong international relationships, linkages and partnerships. Engagement Australia creates inclusive forums for discussion and development of engagement, promoting practice, fostering awareness, building capacity and developing resources for universities and other member organisations. As a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, Engagement Australia is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors that is drawn from its members. Engagement Australia delivers a number of annual programs that respond to its members needs and it also curates case studies, publications and guides that support engagement scholarship and practice. Each year, Engagement Australia invests in strategic initiatives that responds to the needs of its members to advance the engagement agenda at the sector level in Australia and beyond.
European Children’s Universities Network (EUCUNET) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
service learning
science education
children's university
Nome del sito: European Children’s Universities Network (EUCUNET)
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: service learning science education children's university
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The European Children’s Universities Network (EUCUNET) was founded in 2008 with the aim of stimulate bilateral cooperation and to create basic standards for the organization and implementation of Children’s Universities. Children’s Universities are about exploring our world in an engaging and supportive way. Since the beginning of the new millennium, Children’s Universities have conquered many universities, in Europe and around the world, which have opened up to children and developed programmes in different forms that allow children to learn about science and the people behind science. Children’s Universities facilitate a necessary dialogue between children and scientists about the world, always including respect and acknowledgment of different viewpoints and transmitting the importance of critical questioning. The ongoing discussions about the diversity of Children’s Universities, the ever more important topic of social inclusion in science communication and many examples of good practice were the reason why was not discontinued after the EU-funding but re-founded as a membership organization in the year 2011. The strategic objective of is to support already consolidated Children’s Universities with fresh ideas and information and to foster the idea of equal access and better educational opportunities for children and young people. Having said that, EUCUNET is intended to increase interaction among member states and to extent existing practices in a professional and concerted manner not only in Europe but also on an international level.
Campus Engage educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
civic engagement
engaged research
Nome del sito: Campus Engage
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: civic engagement engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Based within the Irish Universities Association (IUA), Campus Engage is dedicated to supporting Irish higher education institutions to embed, scale and promote civic and community engagement across staff and student teaching, learning and research. Campus Engage is overseen by a steering Committee, facilitated by the IUA. Currently all 7 Irish universities and the Technological University of Dublin are represented on the Steering Committee and participate in the following areas of activity: community-based teaching and learning; engaged research and innovation for societal impact; student volunteering; planning for impact. Campus Engage, based at the Irish Universities Association (IUA), promotes and supports civic and community engagement (CCE) as a core function of Irish higher education. The Campus Engage National Network, established in 2007, is now made of 17 Irish higher education institution partners. It has been set up to promote civic and community, by better enabling Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), their staff and students across all disciplines, to engage with the needs of the communities they serve. Campus Engage defines civic engagement as: “A mutually beneficial knowledge-based collaboration between the higher education institution with the wider community, through community-campus partnerships including the activities of community based learning, community engaged research, volunteering, community/economic regeneration, capacity-building and access/widening participation”. Campus Engage website provide useful information including: how to guide, training opportunities, policy briefings, national contacts and tools for planning for impact for its audiences: higher education research, teaching and learning academic and support staff, students, member of civic and civil society organisations, funding agencies and policy makers.
Scottish Public Engagement Network (ScotPEN) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
civic engagement
Nome del sito: Scottish Public Engagement Network (ScotPEN)
Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Scottish Public Engagement Network (ScotPEN) is an inclusive network of people involved in public engagement in Scotland. It provides peer support, collaborative opportunities and a voice to shape and share good engagement practice. ScotPEN’s membership is made up of individuals working in a broad range of sectors: universities and research centres, cultural and heritage organisations, public bodies, science centres and freelance. Many of its members work in roles that support public access to and involvement in academic research. Others have a focus on developing or delivering public-facing events and programmes. The network came together in 2017 with the principal aim of providing peer support. By sharing expertise, good practice and challenges, it can facilitate collaborative opportunities, raise the profile of public engagement and act as a central point of contact for funders. The network also shares and promotes Scottish projects and their outcomes; moreover, it holds occasional social gatherings and an annual meeting for public engagement professionals working in higher education and research (see The 2017 Report: Wherever possible, it opens up its organisations’ events to the network. ScotPEN is supported by funding from the Wellcome Trust’s Institutional Strategic Support Fund.
The London Public Engagement Network (PEN) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
service learning
engaged research
Nome del sito: The London Public Engagement Network (PEN)
Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: service learning engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The London Public Engagement Network (PEN) is a network of public engagement professionals working in research organisations across London. PEN was created to provide professional networking opportunities and practical support for public engagement professionals working directly with researchers in research and higher education establishments in London. By working together, PEN aims to work towards a unified approach to public engagement support in London. The ethos of London PEN is to provide long-term support and advocacy for members to share skills, resources, experience and expertise. The network is particularly for those working with a ‘culture change’ remit and encouraging “two-way” forms of engagement (as part or all of their role). Through regular meetings, workshops and online conversations its members support each other in their roles both individually and through group projects. The London PEN meet regularly for informal coffee mornings to discuss current issues and challenges in the sector. As an example, topics regularly covered are: preparing business cases for public engagement; building internal public engagement networks; opportunities for collaboration; culture change strategies; funding for public engagement work and projects; developing and delivering public engagement training for researchers; examples of public engagement practice; drafting and delivering institutional public engagement strategies; national competitions, public engagement funding calls, and initiatives; training and development for public engagement professionals.
SciShops educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
public engagement
engaged research
Nome del sito: SciShops
Tipologia ente: Progetto
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: public engagement engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Science Shops (SciShops) are entities that carry out independent participatory scientific research on behalf of citizens and local civil society. It is an open, inclusive and often interdisciplinary process in which citizens and community groups collaborate with researchers to help solve issues at local and regional levels. SciShops will build an extensive knowledge base by analysing the practices of the existing European and International Science Shops. The goal is to engage community stakeholders in knowledge cafes and other community events in order to provide examples or the benefits of community-based research. The developed strategies and novel tools provided by the project, including a knowledge hub, a SciShop navigator, twinning and matchmaking platform, seek to provide guidelines for different types of organisations on how to establish and run a Science Shop. SciShops aims at building on and expanding the capacity of the Science Shops ecosystem in Europe and beyond. As part of the SciShops project, at least ten new university and non-university-based Science Shops will be established in Europe by project partners. The non-university Science Shops are affiliated to different types of organisations, such as small and medium enterprises, large enterprises, non-governmental and non-profit organisations and research institutes. The SciShop team aims to demonstrate the benefits of starting a Science Shop for various kind of organisation, as well as to show how civil society gains from collaborating with Science Shop in community-based participatory research.
Action Research educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
engaged research
Nome del sito: Action Research
Tipologia ente: Rivista
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Action Research is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, which is a forum for the development of the theory and practice of action research. The aim of the journal is to offer a viable alternative to dominant 'disinterested' models of social science, one that is relevant to people in the conduct of their lives, their organizations and their communities. The journal publishes quality articles on accounts of action research projects, explorations in the philosophy and methodology of action research, and considerations of the nature of quality in action research practice. The purpose with this international, peer-reviewed journal is to offer a forum for participative action oriented inquiry into questions that matter – questions relevant to people in the conduct of their lives, that enable them to flourish in their organisations and communities, and that evince a deep concern for the wider ecology. Action Research is essential reading for both academic and professionals engaged within the fields and discipline of: Healthcare, Education , Development, Management, Social Work , The Arts , Gender and Race The journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Research Involvement and Engagement educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
civic engagement
engaged research
Nome del sito: Research Involvement and Engagement
Tipologia ente: Rivista
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: civic engagement engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Research Involvement and Engagement is an interdisciplinary, health and social care journal focussing on patient and wider involvement and engagement in research, at all stages. The journal is co-produced by all key stakeholders, including patients, academics, policy makers and service users. Focussing on patient and public involvement and engagement in health and social care research, we welcome research articles, methodologies, protocols and commentaries, particularly those with patient authors. All submissions are peer-reviewed by patients and academics and are edited by a patient and an academic editor, who have equal weight in editorial decisions. We encourage submissions from anyone who is committed to delivering the patient or public voice in research. Research Involvement and Engagement co-produces the journal, involving academics, policy makers, patients and service-users, with a unique governance structure. It welcomes articles from anyone involved or engaged with research into supporting, encouraging or delivering the patient/public voice in research processes or structures. Research Involvement and Engagement is a Patients Included accredited journal. All articles published by Research Involvement and Engagement are made freely and permanently accessible online immediately upon publication, without subscription charges or registration barriers.
Science Education and Civic Engagement: An International Journal – SECEIJ educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
civic engagement
Nome del sito: Science Education and Civic Engagement: An International Journal – SECEIJ
Tipologia ente: Rivista
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The mission of this journal is to explore constructive connections between science education and civic engagement that will enhance both experiences for students. In the 21st century, mathematical and scientific reasoning is an essential element for full participation in a democratic society. Contributions to this journal will focus on using unsolved, complex civic issues as a framework to develop students’ understanding of the role of scientific knowledge in personal and public decision-making, along with examining how such knowledge is embedded in a broader social and political context. Since many pressing issues are not constrained by national borders, the journal encourages perspectives that are international or global in scope. In addition to examining what students learn, it will also explore how this learning takes place and how it can be evaluated, documented, and strengthened. By exploring civic questions as unsolved challenges, the journal seeks to empower students as engaged participants in their learning on campus and as citizens in their communities.
The Relevance of Science Education (ROSE) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
public engagement
Nome del sito: The Relevance of Science Education (ROSE)
Tipologia ente: Progetto
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education public engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: ROSE, The Relevance of Science Education, is an international comparative project meant to shed light on affective factors of importance to the learning of science and technology. Key international research institutions and individuals work jointly on the development of theoretical perspectives, research instruments, data collection and analysis. The target population is students towards the end of secondary school (age 15).
IRIS - Interests & Recruitment in Science. Factors influencing recruitment, retention and gender equity in science, technology and mathematics higher education educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
civic engagement
Nome del sito: IRIS - Interests & Recruitment in Science. Factors influencing recruitment, retention and gender equity in science, technology and mathematics higher education
Tipologia ente: Progetto
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: IRIS (Interest & Recruitment in Science) addresses the challenge that few young people (women in particular) choose education and career in science, technology and mathematics (STM). Women represent the greatest recruitment potential to STM; moreover, a higher participation from women may expand the ways of thinking and working within this area and contribute to gender equity. To understand and respond to this challenge, diverse causes and cures must be sought, ranging from school experiences and youth culture via higher education STM curricula and recruitment efforts, up to research department culture, PhD choice and employment patterns. IRIS aims to contribute to understanding and improving recruitment, retention and gender equity patterns in higher STM education. 1. On what priorities, values and experiences do young people base their educational choice? - How may youth's educational choice be interpreted through sociological perspectives on late modern societies? What makes many women turn away from STM? - Which considerations determine choice of PhD research topic for female and male STM students? 2. What are the success factors for efforts aimed at recruiting more (female) students to STM? - What features of STM education, in secondary school and at university level, influence recruitment of (female) students? - What are the effects of STM recruitment initiatives? 3. In what proportions, and for what reasons, do STM students opt out of STM education? - Are there differences in opt-out-rates between countries, institutions and genders? The main instrument will be a questionnaire to be completed by first-year students. All partners will contribute to instrument development, data collection and analysis, each with a specific focus. Questionnaire data will be complemented by literature reviews and smaller quantitative and qualitative studies. Central stakeholders will be brought into the work and results will be disseminated widely.
League of European Research Universities (LERU) educazione
knowledge transfer
science communication
service learning
Nome del sito: League of European Research Universities (LERU)
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: educazione knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: science communication service learning
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The League of European Research Universities (LERU) is a well-established network of 23 leading research-intensive universities based in 12 countries around Europe that share the values of high-quality teaching within an environment of internationally competitive research. Founded in 2002, LERU advocates education through an awareness of the frontiers of human understanding; the creation of new knowledge through basic research, which is the ultimate source of innovation in society; and the promotion of research across a broad front in partnership with industry and society at large. The League is a valued interlocutor for the European institutions and other policy stakeholders. It acts as a strong, outspoken voice of European research-intensive universities on a wide range of topics related to EU policies and initiatives. LERU aims to advance the understanding and knowledge of decision makers, policy makers and opinion leaders about the role and activities of research-intensive universities. It achieves this through direct communication and discussion within the policy community, solid proposals for improvement and progress, and carefully considered position papers on fundamental issues relevant to research-intensive universities. Its broad spectrum of activities and its contributions to policy debates have established LERU’s reputation as a major stakeholder in the EU, which has a distinctive and well-respected voice in the discussions about the future of Europe’s research policy. Actually, LERU maintains a dialogue and cooperates with the EU institutions and EU-related organisations active in the higher education and research arena on topics such as European Research Area, Open Science, Horizon 2020, FP9 and Erasmus+. LERU does this through direct communication and discussions within the policy community, sound proposals for improvement and progress, and carefully, considered publications on fundamental issues affecting Europe’s research universities. Furthermore, its 23 members bring together representatives to work on LERU policy development and mutual learning in a number of areas. There is a constant exchange of knowledge, expertise and funding, innovation, open scholarship, impact, academic careers, higher education including (post-) doctoral training, gender issues and more.
Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE) educazione
knowledge transfer
science education
technology transfer
Nome del sito: Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE)
Tipologia ente: Organizzazione no profit
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: educazione knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: science education technology transfer
Lingua: italiano
Abstract: L’Agenzia per la Promozione della Ricerca Europea (APRE) è un’associazione di ricerca non-profit che, da oltre 25 anni, fornisce ai propri associati come pure a imprese, enti pubblici, privati e persone fisiche, informazioni, supporto e assistenza per la partecipazione ai programmi e alle iniziative di collaborazione nazionali ed europee (oggi, con particolare riferimento ad Horizon 2020) nel campo della Ricerca, dello Sviluppo Tecnologico e Innovazione (RSTI) e del trasferimento dei risultati delle ricerche. L’Agenzia è stata fondata nel 1989 su iniziativa del Ministero Istruzione, Università e Ricerca (MIUR) e di alcuni organismi pubblici e privati per rispondere alla crescente domanda d’informazione sui programmi europei di ricerca. Prima realtà del suo genere in Italia, APRE accompagna la comunità scientifica e industriale italiana nel percorso verso l’Europa, e attualmente, nel mondo attraverso attività di informazione, assistenza, formazione, raccolta ed elaborazione di dati, studi e statistiche sulle azioni della Commissione Europea in materia di Ricerca, Sviluppo Tecnologico e Innovazione (RSTI) e sulla partecipazione italiana a tali attività. Inoltre, l’Agenzia è sede dei Punti di Contatto Nazionale, una struttura riconosciuta dalla Commissione Europea chiamata a fornire informazione e assistenza sui vari aspetti relativi ai programmi UE di RSTI e presente in tutti i 28 Stati Membri. L’Agenzia è sostenuta da più di 100 soci, enti pubblici o privati che condividono la sua missione istituzionale, ne sono parte attiva e, al contempo, beneficiari delle attività svolte. In particolare, i soci APRE prevengono da: enti di ricerca pubblici e privati; università; parchi scientifici; pubbliche amministrazioni; associazioni di categoria; organismi del sistema centrale; finanza; distretti tecnologici e imprese. Per rafforzare il sistema di cooperazione tra istituzioni, pubbliche e private, promuovere e diffondere la ricerca europea a livello territoriale, APRE dispone di una Rete di Sportelli che hanno un operatività a livello regionale ( Inoltre, l’Agenzia ha una sede anche a Bruxelles al fine di sostenere in modo più efficace i suoi Soci, promuovendo un loro più ampio coinvolgimento nelle politiche e nei programmi di Ricerca e Innovazione dell’Unione Europea (
European Network of Science Centres and Museums (ECSITE) comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science communication
civic engagement
Nome del sito: European Network of Science Centres and Museums (ECSITE)
Tipologia ente: Rete mista
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The European Network of Science Centres and Museums (ECSITE) was founded in 1989 by 23 organizations from the young European science centres scene. Over the past decades, the association has grown considerably in size and scope, adapting to its members’ changing social role and organizational needs. ECSITE’s vision is to foster creativity and critical thinking in European society, emboldening citizens to engage with science. Its mission is to inspire and empower science centres, museums and all organizations that engage people with science, and to promote their actions. ECSITE’s mission is to inspire and empower science centres, museums and all organisations that engage people with science, and to promote their actions. The network gathers 333 organizations in Europe and world-wide committed to science communication and to inspiring people with science (202 science centres/museums; 18 natural history museums; 30 research bodies; 33 private companies; 7 festivals; 6 professional networks and 37 other organizations). As a network, ECSITE catalyses its members’ collective strengths into a powerful voice, at the forefront of public engagement with science. To service its members, ECSITE organises the largest professional science communication conference in Europe, represents science engagement at European level, shapes and spreads best practice through its publications and awards, takes part inEuropean projects. ECSITE acts as a platform to: • Shape the future of science engagement • Watch trend, boost creativity and learn from each other • Harness its members’ collective powers and catalyse social impact • Collaborate at European level and worldwide. ECSITE collaborates with other organisations worldwide, acting as an advocate of science engagement and representing its members' interests.
Wissenschaft im Dialog comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science communication
civic engagement
Nome del sito: Wissenschaft im Dialog
Tipologia ente: Organizzazione no profit
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement
Lingua: tedesco
Abstract: Wissenschaft im Dialog (Science in Dialogue, WiD) promotes discussion and exchange about research in Germany and Europe. As a coordinator and partner of international projects and as a member of the European Science Events Association (EUSEA), WiD has a wealth of experience in managing European projects and collaborating with European partner organisations. WiD is a non-profit limited liability company (gGmbH) and it was founded in 2000 on the initiative of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft with the goal of strengthening dialogue between science and society. WiD has its headquarters in Berlin and it is made up of three committees: the group of associates, the steering committee and management. Wissenschaft im Dialog organises events, exhibitions, science fairs, symposia and competitions, and develops new formats for science communication. Its focus lies on current scientific themes, as well as on society’s expectations of and perceptions of science. WiD works on the strategic development of science communication and its evaluation and also serves scientists and professional communicators as a network and platform for the exchange of best practice examples. WiD is supported by all major scientific organisations in Germany and works with a number of philanthropic foundations. Many WiD projects are supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Vetenskap&Allmänhet (VA) comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science communication
public engagement
Nome del sito: Vetenskap&Allmänhet (VA)
Tipologia ente: Organizzazione no profit
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science communication public engagement
Lingua: svedese
Abstract: Vetenskap&Allmänhet (VA - means “Public and Science”) is an independent Swedish non-profit membership organisation that works to promote dialogue and openness between researchers and the public. VA promotes dialogue as a cornerstone of a democratic society and key to solving the societal challenges that we face. It is an obvious partner and knowledge hub for science and society dialogue in Sweden as well as internationally. VA’s members consist of some 90 organisations, authorities, universities, companies and associations. In addition, it has a number of individual members. The organisation was founded in 2002 and it is funded through membership fees, project grants and a grant from the Swedish Ministry of Education and Research. Since 2002, it publishes the VA Barometer investigating the Swedish public's attitudes towards science and researchers based on around 1,000 telephone interviews with a representative sample of the Swedish population aged 16–74 VA is an outward-looking organisation engaged in projects with many European partners and organisations and partners. It is also member of ECSA (European Citizen Science Association), ECSITE (European Network of Science Centres and Museum) and EUSEA (European Science Engagement Association). Four time a year VA issues an international newsletter in English. Much of VA’s work is carried out in project form, including public engagement activities, studied as well as advocacy work. Public engagement projects involve organising events, which stimulate dialogue between researchers and the public in new ways and novel arenas. VA also carries out studies and surveys with the aim of increasing knowledge about the relationship between science and society at large.