Nome del sito | Topic | Parole chiave | |
Associazione Italiana Comunicatori d’Università (AICUN) | comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication engaged research |
Nome del sito: Associazione Italiana Comunicatori d’Università (AICUN) URL: Tipologia ente: Associazioni Contesto geografico: EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication engaged research Lingua: italiano Abstract: AICUN è l’Associazione Italiana Comunicatori d’Università, fondata nel 1992, che unisce coloro che a vario titolo si occupano di comunicazione nelle università italiane. Sin dalla sua fondazione, AICUN è legata all’EUPRIO (European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education). L’Associazione ha come scopo preminente la tutela dei principi etici e della qualificazione professionale dei Comunicatori d’Università a livello nazionale e internazionale. L’Associazione, con oltre 25 anni di attività, promuove la formazione e l’aggiornamento professionale nel settore della comunicazione, momenti di incontro e di confronto tra i comunicatori e certifica con periodicità la formazione professionale dei propri associati. AICUN promuove, inoltre, attività di ricerca e d’insegnamento orientate all’evoluzione teorica e operativa dell’attività di comunicazione. I principali obiettivi di AICUN sono: sviluppare la comunicazione universitaria; tutelare i principi etici a cui la comunicazione universitaria si deve ispirare; promuovere la formazione e l’aggiornamento dei propri associati per una sempre maggiore qualificazione professionale; promuovere lo scambio di idee tra professionisti dello stesso settore; promuovere l’organizzazione di seminari e incontri a livello locale, nazionale e internazionale; monitorare lo stato di avanzamento della comunicazione universitaria attraverso la realizzazione di ricerche e indagini. Nei primi anni del 2000, l’Associazione ha istituito l’Osservatorio permanente sulla comunicazione universitaria che conduce indagini e ricerche sullo stato della comunicazione universitaria e su particolari ambiti d’azione. Ad oggi, l’indagine viene condotta indicativamente ogni due anni. AICUN ogni anno bandisce un premio di studio nell’ambito della comunicazione universitaria e degli enti di ricerca o organizza il Forum sulla Comunicazione Universitaria. AICUN è l’Associazione Italiana Comunicatori d’Università, fondata nel 1992, che unisce coloro che a vario titolo si occupano di comunicazione nelle università italiane. Sin dalla sua fondazione, AICUN è legata all’EUPRIO (European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education). L’Associazione ha come scopo preminente la tutela dei principi etici e della qualificazione professionale dei Comunicatori d’Università a livello nazionale e internazionale. L’Associazione, con oltre 25 anni di attività, promuove la formazione e l’aggiornamento professionale nel settore della comunicazione, momenti di incontro e di confronto tra i comunicatori e certifica con periodicità la formazione professionale dei propri associati. AICUN promuove, inoltre, attività di ricerca e d’insegnamento orientate all’evoluzione teorica e operativa dell’attività di comunicazione. I principali obiettivi di AICUN sono: sviluppare la comunicazione universitaria; tutelare i principi etici a cui la comunicazione universitaria si deve ispirare; promuovere la formazione e l’aggiornamento dei propri associati per una sempre maggiore qualificazione professionale; promuovere lo scambio di idee tra professionisti dello stesso settore; promuovere l’organizzazione di seminari e incontri a livello locale, nazionale e internazionale; monitorare lo stato di avanzamento della comunicazione universitaria attraverso la realizzazione di ricerche e indagini. Nei primi anni del 2000, l’Associazione ha istituito l’Osservatorio permanente sulla comunicazione universitaria che conduce indagini e ricerche sullo stato della comunicazione universitaria e su particolari ambiti d’azione. Ad oggi, l’indagine viene condotta indicativamente ogni due anni. AICUN ogni anno bandisce un premio di studio nell’ambito della comunicazione universitaria e degli enti di ricerca o organizza il Forum sulla Comunicazione Universitaria. |
Observa Science in Society | comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication public engagement |
Nome del sito: Observa Science in Society URL: Tipologia ente: Centri di ricerca Contesto geografico: EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication public engagement Lingua: italiano Abstract: Observa Science in Society è un centro di ricerca indipendente, senza fini di lucro, legalmente riconosciuto che promuove la riflessione e il dibattito sui rapporti tra scienza e società, favorendo il dialogo tra ricercatori, policy makers e cittadini. Observa svolge attività di supervisione scientifica, pianificazione e valutazione di iniziative per il coinvolgimento dei cittadini su questioni scientifiche e tecnologiche. Realizza studi sulla percezione pubblica di temi, istituzioni e soggetti dell’area tecnico-scientifica e sulla loro visibilità e rappresentazione nei mass media. Inoltre, promuove attività di sensibilizzazione, formazione e aggiornamento sulle tematiche relative al rapporto tra scienza e società e del dialogo con i cittadini e i mass media, rivolte a ricercatori e altri professionisti del mondo scientifico, sanitario e ambientale. Observa organizza seminari e dibattiti, pubblica studi e materiali di ricerca nella propria collana e sul proprio sito web e promuove momenti inediti di incontro e di dialogo tra scienza e arti. Inoltre, ha dato vita all’Osservatorio Scienza e Società, il primo monitoraggio permanente delle tendenze e degli orientamenti dell’opinione pubblica italiana verso la ricerca e l’innovazione tecnologica. Observa fa parte delle principali reti internazionali di collaborazione sul tema dei rapporti tra scienza e società, tra cui ESCoNet (European Science Communicators Training Network), Science and the City, MACOSPOL (MappingControversies on Science for Politics) e del network di istituzioni attive nell’analisi degli orientamenti pubblici verso la scienza coordinato dalla London School of Economics and Political Science. È inoltre parte del ROSE (Relevance of Science Education) e IRIS (Interest&Recruitment in Science). Tutte le attività sono supervisionate da un Comitato Scientifico internazionale e interdisciplinare, che comprende studiosi delle scienze naturali e delle scienze sociali. |
RUS – Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile | comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication civic engagement |
Nome del sito: RUS – Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile URL: Tipologia ente: Rete di Università Contesto geografico: EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement Lingua: italiano Abstract: Promossa dalla CRUI – Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane da luglio 2015, la Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (RUS) è la prima esperienza di coordinamento e condivisione tra tutti gli Atenei italiani impegnati sui temi della sostenibilità ambientale e della responsabilità sociale. Le principali finalità della RUS sono: diffondere la cultura e le buone pratiche di sostenibilità, sia all’interno che all’esterno degli Atenei, mettendo in comune competenze ed esperienze, in modo da incrementare gli impatti positivi delle azioni messe in atto dalle singole Università; promuovere gli SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) e contribuire al loro raggiungimento; rafforzare la riconoscibilità e il valore dell’esperienza italiana a livello internazionale. La RUS si propone, inoltre, come modello di buona pratica da estendere anche ad altri settori della Pubblica Amministrazione, dell’Istruzione e del territorio in generale, incentivando lo sviluppo di collaborazione tra università e città, diffondendo innovazione sociale sul territorio e fornendo stimoli culturali per l’intero sistema Paese. |
BLOOM – Boosting European Citizens’ Knowledge and Awareness of Bio-Economy Research and Innovation | comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication engaged research |
Nome del sito: BLOOM – Boosting European Citizens’ Knowledge and Awareness of Bio-Economy Research and Innovation URL: Tipologia ente: Progetto Contesto geografico: EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication engaged research Lingua: inglese Abstract: BLOOM is an EU Coordination and Support Action implemented from 2017 to 2020. The project aims at bringing together partners from across Europe to debate, communicate, and engage the public in the potential of bioeconomy. An economy based on biomass promises to foster a circular economy and to enhance climate change migration, while reducing dependence on fossil fuels. Bioeconomy covers a broad range of sectors, from agriculture and the agrifood industry, to fisheries, forestry, biorefineries, chemistry and (bio) energy - but despite its many applications, it has yet to enter into the public consciousness as an exciting solution to societal challenges. Across Europe, five regional hubs are being established to foster public engagement in the bioeconomy and to create space of exchange and debate. The hubs are focusing on different areas important to the regions. They will enlarge their regional networks with Civil Society Organisations and engage young European citizens, science communication networks, NGOs, media and – crucially – the general public, through a series of co-creation workshops and outreach activities. Additionally, schools in ten different European countries are specifically involved and working on how to integrate bioeconomy into the diverse European school systems. Anchor points in the BLOOM projects are five BLOOM hubs in different regions in Europe that form communities of practice. They are led by consortium partners who invite and involve network partners, such as regional triple helix partners and other bioeconomy stakeholders. Together, they build working teams that develop in co-creation workshops outreach activities and materials strengthen increased public engagement in bioeconomy. |
ReTHINK | comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication civic engagement |
Nome del sito: ReTHINK URL: Contesto geografico: EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement Lingua: inglese Abstract: The RETHINK project aspires to rethink science communication, both its theory and practice, to accommodate the major challenges to the individual and collective process of making sense about science. A guiding principle of RETHINK is that the contextual knowledge of citizens across the EU should play a vital role in shaping future scientific and technological developments and the sharing of this knowledge should be facilitated. The overall objective of RETHINK is to contribute to making the European science communication ecosystem more open, inclusive, reflexive and adaptive. The project’s aim is to improve the quality of interactions between science and society by providing concrete recommendations and training resources for nurturing open and reflexive science-society interfaces. The RETHINK project brings together six partners as well as four linked third parties from ten European countries, integrating scholarly and practical expertise, experimentation and good practices of new approaches in communication science. It brings together organisations ranging from academia to science centres, from media to technology assessment and a Europe Sounding Board that league very different backgrounds and areas of expertise. RETHINK has established seven hubs, called Rethinkerspaces, which will generate a thorough and widespread overview of the national science communication landscape and act as testbeds and validation mechanism. Such Rethinkerspaces have been established in universities and science engagement organisations from seven European countries that together present a wide range of the European science communication landscape. |
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement – Open journals | comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication public engagement |
Nome del sito: Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement – Open journals URL: Tipologia ente: Rivista Contesto geografico: Extra-EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication public engagement Lingua: inglese Abstract: International Journal of Science Education Part B: Communication and Public Engagement will address the communication between and the engagement by individuals and groups concerning evidence-based information about the nature, outcomes, and social consequences, of science and technology. The journal will aim: • to bridge the gap between theory and practice concerning the communication of evidence-based information about the nature, outcomes, and social consequences of science and technology; • to address the perspectives on communication about science and technology of individuals and groups of citizens of all ages, scientists and engineers, media persons, industrialists, policy makers, from countries throughout the world; • to promote rational discourse about the role of communication concerning science and technology in private, social, economic and cultural aspects of life. |
Public Understanding of Science | comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication engaged research |
Nome del sito: Public Understanding of Science URL: Tipologia ente: Rivista Contesto geografico: Extra-EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication engaged research Lingua: inglese Abstract: The mission of the Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement (JHEOE) is to serve as the premier peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal to advance theory and practice related to all forms of outreach and engagement between higher education institutions and communities. This includes highlighting innovative endeavours; critically examining emerging issues, trends, challenges, and opportunities; and reporting on studies of impact in the areas of public service, outreach, engagement, extension, engaged research, community-based research, community-based participatory research, action research, public scholarship, service-learning, and community service. The JHEOE invites manuscripts in five categories: • Research Articles: quantitative, qualitative, or mixed-method studies that demonstrate the long-term impact of a university-community engagement project on the community, students, faculty and staff, or the institution. • Reflective Essays: thought provoking examinations of current issues related to university-community engagement that are anchored in the literature. • Projects with Promise: descriptions or early-stage university-community engagement projects with early indications of impact; plan for long-term evaluation; plan for how the project will be sustained; and best practices for the reader to emulate. • Book Reviews: reviews of books related to university-community engagement that go beyond mere description of the contents to analyse and glean implications for theory and practice. • Dissertation Overviews: dissertation summaries of method used to examine topics related to university-community engagement. The Guiding Principles of the JHEOE include high expectations for rigorous scholarship and clarity of presentation. Public Understanding of Science is a fully peer-reviewed international journal covering all aspects of the inter-relationships between science (including technology and medicine) and the public. Topics covered include: Citizen science, Communication of Innovation and Technology, History of science popularisation and of science in culture, Perceptions of science, Popular protest against science (‘anti-science’), Popular representations of science, Public engagement in science and technology, Scientific and para-scientific belief systems, Science and scientists in fiction, Science and the media, Science communication, Scientific lobbying . This Journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics. |
European Network of Science Communication Trainers (ESConet) | comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication service learning |
Nome del sito: European Network of Science Communication Trainers (ESConet) URL: Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti Contesto geografico: Extra-EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication service learning Lingua: inglese Abstract: A decade ago, the European Commission (EC) warned: 'Our society is faced with challenge of finding its proper place in a world shaken by economic and political turbulence ... science, technology and innovation are indispensable to meet this challenge. However, there are indications that (their) immense potential is out of step with ordinary citizens'. (Science and society action plan, 2001). In response, the Commission proposed 38 actions, involving researchers, media professionals and the Commission itself that were vital if the public had confidence and supported their scientists in providing solutions to the problems facing the European Union (EU). Many of these actions centred on better, more honest and more engaging communication amongst researchers, journalists, broadcasters, policy makers and European citizens. But a key question was how to empower Europe's researchers to communicate better with the audiences identified by the Commission as crucial to ensuring science-in-society relations fit for the new millennium. After all, whilst researchers are well educated in their scientific disciplines, there is little in their training that prepares them to be involved in dialogue around the more controversial aspects of their work and its consequences, or even to talk to busy media professionals and policy makers with deadlines to meet and decisions to be reached. ESCONET, the European network of science communication trainers, set out to address this problem. ESCONET has a team of 24 trainers from 12 countries across Europe, including many media professionals and leading science communication academics. ESCONET was and is ideally set up to deal with the complex needs of researchers across a wide variety of natural, applied and social science disciplines from countries covering the entire EU. Under the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6), we developed a set of modules that could be put together flexibly to create science communication training workshops to fit the time available and the particular needs of the researchers to be trained. Under FP7, we have delivered two series of three-day workshops in both 'basic' science communication practices and advanced, deliberative communication and engagement around key and controversial issues. The results of the FP7 have been 'mass' science communication training on a scale never achieved before: - a total of 20 workshops delivered under contract to the EC - 10 in 2009 and 10 in 2010; - a total of 367 training places delivered - 168 in 2009, 199 in 2010; - 231 researchers from 34 countries, trained, including 25 EU countries, 2 candidate countries, 5 other European countries and 2 non-European countries. The immediate feedback from these workshops has been overwhelmingly positive. More in depth evaluation shows that training on the workshops results in increased confidence and science communication activity levels. Note: |
Mapping Controversies on Science for Politics (MACOSPOL) | comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication public engagement |
Nome del sito: Mapping Controversies on Science for Politics (MACOSPOL) URL: Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti Contesto geografico: EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication public engagement Lingua: inglese Abstract: MACOSPOL is a joint enterprise of researchers in science, technology and society across Europe to bring together their various expertises in order to devise a collaborative tool (called a platform) to map out scientific and technical controversies. The idea is that European citizens wishing to involve themselves into technical and scientific issues, need an equipment that is similar to those devised for generating opinions in normal political matters. This equipment does not exist yet for technical democracy even though enormous amount of research has already been done. The digital world facilitates exchange of methods and expertise and it is this facilitation that we want to maximize by bringing together the MACOSPOL consortium. This consortium allows the connection of the best research in Science, Technology and Society with the best research on web-based tools. Once the platform devised and tried out, it will be tested whether or not, in real sized controversies, it is possible for European citizens to come to better judgment about those issues. Note: |
Engagement Scholarship Consortium | comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement) knowledge transfer |
service learning engaged research |
Nome del sito: Engagement Scholarship Consortium URL: Tipologia ente: Rete mista Contesto geografico: Extra-EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement) knowledge transfer Topic livello 2: service learning engaged research Lingua: inglese Abstract: The Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC), a 501 (c) (3) non-profit educational organization, is composed of higher education member institutions, a mix of state-public and private institutions. Its goal is to work collaboratively to build strong university-community partnerships anchored in the rigor of scholarship, and designed to help build community capacity. The ESC traces its origins back a decade when Pennsylvania State University, Ohio State University and the University of Wisconsin-Extension initiated an annual meeting to share knowledge about their community-based programs (the National Outreach Scholarship Conference). The concept of community-university engaged scholarship has emerged over the past two decades as part of the continuing dialogue on the nature of knowledge and the role of academic institutions in society. The goals of community-engaged scholarship are the generation, exchange and application of mutually beneficial and socially useful knowledge and practices developed through active partnership between academy and the community. The Engagement Scholarship Consortium is comprised of member institutions from across North America and around the world (American University of Nigeria and University of Alberta). |
Community-Based Research Canada (CBRC) | comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication research impact |
Nome del sito: Community-Based Research Canada (CBRC) URL: Tipologia ente: Rete mista Contesto geografico: Extra-EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication research impact Lingua: inglese Abstract: Community-Based Research Canada (CBRC) emerged in 2008 and evolved from the Pan-Canadian Coalition on Community Based Research as a coalition of group of Canadian universities, research networks, and community organizations at CUExpo 2008 in Victoria, British Columbia. The coalition had a vision of putting research and knowledge to work to make communities more sustainable, fair, safe, healthy, and prosperous. CBRC have a history of fostering collaboration and engagement between higher education institutions and the broader society in Canada. In 2016, CBRC became a national non-profit organization whose mission is to be a national champion and facilitator for community-based research (CBR) and campus-community engagement in Canada. In the vision of CBRC, community-based research can create socio-cultural, economic and environmental benefit for Canadians and Indigenous Peoples in Canada. CBRC intent is to build an inclusive and open network engaging already existing networks, to build support for community-campus partnerships, community-based research and community engagement. The main goals of CBRC are: advance research, policy and advocacy engagement; catalyse a national movement and capacity building; support communication and networks. CBRC brings together key players of community-campus partnership and its network builds capacity for academia and broader communities to collaborate and use research as a tool to mobilize community participation and action. CBRC connects to Canadian networks such as the Canadian Alliance for Community Service-Learning, Research Impact, and Community Campus Partnership for Health as well as global networks such as the Living Knowledge Network in Europe, the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement in the United Kingdom, the Global Alliance for Community Engaged Research and the Global University Network for Innovation. Specifically, CBRC members include academic institutions, community organizations and businesses, networks, researchers, practitioners, and students. CBRC is committed to reconciliation between Canada and Indigenous peoples and believes that participatory research is one of many mechanisms through which reconciliation can be achieved. CBRC supports research that is conducted by and with Indigenous communities on their priority issues, using community developed and/or approved research approaches, amplifying the voice and choice of Indigenous people throughout the research process and resulting in meaningful outcomes ultimately leading to social change. |
Bundensnetwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE) | comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication civic engagement |
Nome del sito: Bundensnetwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE) URL: Tipologia ente: Rete mista Contesto geografico: EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement Lingua: tedesco Abstract: The Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE) – National Network for Civil Society - is a German network linking organizations and associations from the third sector (non-profit organizations) and civil society, from business and work life and federal and community institutions. The cooperation within the network is based on mutual trust and partnership, relying primarily on dialogue, cooperation and practical stimuli for the promotion of commitment and civic involvement. Everyone involved benefits from the cooperation and moves closer to the common goal. This common goal is the strengthening of civil society and of civic involvement. The key objective is the improvement of the general legal, organizational and institutional conditions for civic involvement. BBE wants to encourage and support concrete projects for actual practice in civil society, the state and the business as well as raise and activate political awareness. The BBE was founded by the National Council of the International Year of Volunteers (IVY 2001) in 2002 and today it has more than 260 member organizations sponsoring and supporting millions if committed citizens in Germany. BBE wants to intensify the sharing of experience at a national, European and International level and make the findings of academics and research on the topic of civic involvement accessible to a broader public. |
Beltane Public Engagement Network | comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement) |
science communication civic engagement |
Nome del sito: Beltane Public Engagement Network URL: Tipologia ente: Rete di Università Contesto geografico: Extra-EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement) Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement Lingua: inglese Abstract: The Beltane Public Engagement Network is a partnership formed in 2008 between Edinburgh Napier University, Heriot-Watt University, Queen Margaret University and The University of Edinburgh. The mission of the Beltane Network is to support and advance a culture of public engagement with research at its partner universities. |
International Council of Museums (ICOM) | comunicazione educazione |
science education engaged research |
Nome del sito: International Council of Museums (ICOM) URL: Tipologia ente: Rete di Musei Contesto geografico: Extra-EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione Topic livello 2: science education engaged research Lingua: inglese Abstract: The International Council of Museums is an international organization of museums and museum professionals, created in 1946-1947, which is committed to the research, conservation, continuation and communication to society of the world’s natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible. More than 60 years after its creation, the organisation continues to represent the global museum community since it has evolved in accordance with international museum professionals’ needs worldwide, keeping in mind its main mission Moreover, ICOM is a membership association and a non-governmental organisation, which establishes professional and ethical standards for museum activities. As forum of experts, it makes recommendations on issues related to cultural heritage, promotes capacity building and advances knowledge. ICOM is the only global organization in the museum filed and it raises public cultural awareness through global networks and co-operation programmes. Among its members, ICOM counts 44.686 professionals in over 138 countries with 118 national committees and 32 international committees. ICOM is the only global organisation in the museum field. |
Public Communication of Science and Technology Network (PCST) | comunicazione educazione |
science communication science education |
Nome del sito: Public Communication of Science and Technology Network (PCST) URL: Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti Contesto geografico: Extra-EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione Topic livello 2: science communication science education Lingua: inglese Abstract: The PCST Network seeks to promote new ideas, methods, intellectual and practical questions, and perspectives on the communication of science and technology. Specifically, it aims to improve the theoretical understanding of science communication by providing a forum to consider the latest developments; to improve the practice of science communication by providing a forum to consider strategies and methods; to promote an exchange between practitioners and theoreticians; to improve both the study and practice of science communication. Every two years, PCST organises a conference bringing together practitioners, educators and researchers in the diverse and growing field of science communication. They include elements of academic and professional conferences, including presentation of research, reflections on practice, and countries in all continents and have been hosted most recently in Turkey, Brazil, Italy and India. Each hosting has helped boost interest in PCST in the relevant city, region or country as well as strengthening international networking. The PCST Network also organises symposia. They have different focus to the conferences, with a focus on a single issue or a particular region. |
European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education (EUPRIO) | comunicazione educazione |
science communication science education |
Nome del sito: European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education (EUPRIO) URL: Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti Contesto geografico: EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione Topic livello 2: science communication science education Lingua: inglese Abstract: The European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education (EUPRIO) is the association of higher education communicators in Europe whose goal is to ensure communicating with stakeholders as a key factor in university strategic planning. EUPRIO aims to achieve this by demonstrating communications excellence through the sharing of best practice and new ideas from around the world. It was established in Brussels in 1986 with the support of the European Community (now European Union). EUPRIO aims to promote exchange of ideas, techniques and experience amongst its members, encourage and promote collaboration and partnership between European institutions of higher education and research in the field of communication. EUPRIO represents the interest of higher education communication in national and international policy making and it has National Representatives in 17 European Countries, and members and supporters in more than 21 Countries. The annual conference is the most important meeting point for an EUPRIO member, to increase knowledge, exchange experience and meet colleagues from other countries. |
ICOM Italia – International Council of Museums Italia | comunicazione educazione |
science communication science education |
Nome del sito: ICOM Italia – International Council of Museums Italia URL: Tipologia ente: Rete di Musei Contesto geografico: EU Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione Topic livello 2: science communication science education Lingua: italiano Abstract: ICOM Italia è uno dei 119 Comitati Nazionali di ICOM ed è il principale network italiano di musei e professionisti museali, con circa 2500 soci, individuali e istituzionali. ICOM Italia è strutturata in 13 Coordinamenti Regionali che garantiscono una capillare presenza sul territorio nazionale e 14 Commissioni Tematiche che sviluppano e approfondiscono un dibattito nazionale su temi specifici. ICOM Italia opera, sia in ambito nazionale che internazionale, in coerenza con il Codice etico e la missione di ICOM Internazionale per la salvaguardia del patrimonio culturale e lo sviluppo dei musei. Il Comitato Nazionale italiano di ICOM viene istituito il 17 maggio 1947, a solo sei mesi dalla costituzione dell’International Council of Museums (, avvenuta nel corso della I Conferenza generale dell’UNESCO tenutasi a Parigi nel novembre 1946. |
Prova | comunicazione |
science communication |
Nome del sito: Prova URL: Tipologia ente: Rete di Musei Contesto geografico: Italia Topic livello 1: comunicazione Topic livello 2: science communication Ambito VQR: Proprietà intellettuale o industriale Ambito Disciplinare: opzione 1 Lingua: italiano Abstract: prova Note: prova |
CRUI – Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane | |||
Nome del sito: CRUI – Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane URL: Tipologia ente: Associazioni Contesto geografico: EU Lingua: italiano Abstract: La CRUI è l'associazione delle Università italiane statali e non statali. Nata nel 1963 come associazione privata dei Rettori, ha acquisito nel tempo un riconosciuto ruolo istituzionale e di rappresentanza e una concreta capacità di influire sullo sviluppo del sistema universitario attraverso un'intensa attività di studio e di sperimentazione. Dal 2007 la CRUI è l’associazione delle Università statali e non statali riconosciute. La CRUI si propone come: • strumento di indirizzo e di coordinamento delle autonomie universitarie; • luogo privilegiato di sperimentazione di modelli e di metodi da trasferire al sistema universitario; • laboratorio di condivisione e diffusione di best practice; • moderno centro di servizi a disposizione delle università. Dal 2001 la Conferenza dei Rettori è affiancata dalla Fondazione CRUI, incaricata di sviluppare azioni di interfaccia fra sistema universitario e società nell’ottica dello sviluppo culturale ed economico del Paese La CRUI si compone di diverse Commissioni quali: la Commissione Didattica; la Commissione Biblioteche; la Commissione per l’Internazionalizzazione; la Commissione Medicina e la Commissione dei Delegati per la Ricerca. |
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