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Bundensnetwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE) comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science communication
civic engagement
Nome del sito: Bundensnetwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE)
Tipologia ente: Rete mista
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement
Lingua: tedesco
Abstract: The Bundesnetzwerk Bürgerschaftliches Engagement (BBE) – National Network for Civil Society - is a German network linking organizations and associations from the third sector (non-profit organizations) and civil society, from business and work life and federal and community institutions. The cooperation within the network is based on mutual trust and partnership, relying primarily on dialogue, cooperation and practical stimuli for the promotion of commitment and civic involvement. Everyone involved benefits from the cooperation and moves closer to the common goal. This common goal is the strengthening of civil society and of civic involvement. The key objective is the improvement of the general legal, organizational and institutional conditions for civic involvement. BBE wants to encourage and support concrete projects for actual practice in civil society, the state and the business as well as raise and activate political awareness. The BBE was founded by the National Council of the International Year of Volunteers (IVY 2001) in 2002 and today it has more than 260 member organizations sponsoring and supporting millions if committed citizens in Germany. BBE wants to intensify the sharing of experience at a national, European and International level and make the findings of academics and research on the topic of civic involvement accessible to a broader public.
Wissenschaft im Dialog comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science communication
civic engagement
Nome del sito: Wissenschaft im Dialog
Tipologia ente: Organizzazione no profit
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement
Lingua: tedesco
Abstract: Wissenschaft im Dialog (Science in Dialogue, WiD) promotes discussion and exchange about research in Germany and Europe. As a coordinator and partner of international projects and as a member of the European Science Events Association (EUSEA), WiD has a wealth of experience in managing European projects and collaborating with European partner organisations. WiD is a non-profit limited liability company (gGmbH) and it was founded in 2000 on the initiative of the Stifterverband für die Deutsche Wissenschaft with the goal of strengthening dialogue between science and society. WiD has its headquarters in Berlin and it is made up of three committees: the group of associates, the steering committee and management. Wissenschaft im Dialog organises events, exhibitions, science fairs, symposia and competitions, and develops new formats for science communication. Its focus lies on current scientific themes, as well as on society’s expectations of and perceptions of science. WiD works on the strategic development of science communication and its evaluation and also serves scientists and professional communicators as a network and platform for the exchange of best practice examples. WiD is supported by all major scientific organisations in Germany and works with a number of philanthropic foundations. Many WiD projects are supported by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research
Beltane Public Engagement Network comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science communication
civic engagement
Nome del sito: Beltane Public Engagement Network
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The Beltane Public Engagement Network is a partnership formed in 2008 between Edinburgh Napier University, Heriot-Watt University, Queen Margaret University and The University of Edinburgh. The mission of the Beltane Network is to support and advance a culture of public engagement with research at its partner universities.
RUS – Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science communication
civic engagement
Nome del sito: RUS – Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement
Lingua: italiano
Abstract: Promossa dalla CRUI – Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Italiane da luglio 2015, la Rete delle Università per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile (RUS) è la prima esperienza di coordinamento e condivisione tra tutti gli Atenei italiani impegnati sui temi della sostenibilità ambientale e della responsabilità sociale. Le principali finalità della RUS sono: diffondere la cultura e le buone pratiche di sostenibilità, sia all’interno che all’esterno degli Atenei, mettendo in comune competenze ed esperienze, in modo da incrementare gli impatti positivi delle azioni messe in atto dalle singole Università; promuovere gli SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) e contribuire al loro raggiungimento; rafforzare la riconoscibilità e il valore dell’esperienza italiana a livello internazionale. La RUS si propone, inoltre, come modello di buona pratica da estendere anche ad altri settori della Pubblica Amministrazione, dell’Istruzione e del territorio in generale, incentivando lo sviluppo di collaborazione tra università e città, diffondendo innovazione sociale sul territorio e fornendo stimoli culturali per l’intero sistema Paese.
ReTHINK comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science communication
civic engagement
Nome del sito: ReTHINK
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science communication civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The RETHINK project aspires to rethink science communication, both its theory and practice, to accommodate the major challenges to the individual and collective process of making sense about science. A guiding principle of RETHINK is that the contextual knowledge of citizens across the EU should play a vital role in shaping future scientific and technological developments and the sharing of this knowledge should be facilitated. The overall objective of RETHINK is to contribute to making the European science communication ecosystem more open, inclusive, reflexive and adaptive. The project’s aim is to improve the quality of interactions between science and society by providing concrete recommendations and training resources for nurturing open and reflexive science-society interfaces. The RETHINK project brings together six partners as well as four linked third parties from ten European countries, integrating scholarly and practical expertise, experimentation and good practices of new approaches in communication science. It brings together organisations ranging from academia to science centres, from media to technology assessment and a Europe Sounding Board that league very different backgrounds and areas of expertise. RETHINK has established seven hubs, called Rethinkerspaces, which will generate a thorough and widespread overview of the national science communication landscape and act as testbeds and validation mechanism. Such Rethinkerspaces have been established in universities and science engagement organisations from seven European countries that together present a wide range of the European science communication landscape.
ScienceWorks– Connecting Science & Society impatto
knowledge transfer
research impact
technology transfer
Nome del sito: ScienceWorks– Connecting Science & Society
Tipologia ente: Centri di ricerca
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: impatto knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: research impact technology transfer
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: ScienceWorks supports the process of value creation out of scientific research for society. Its approach is to draw on the expertise of sector experts and to apply good practices from around the world. Value creation out of scientific research contributes to our economy and society. ScienceWorks helps to optimize this process through the correct use of instruments and to support new connections. ScienceWorks is active in these fields: • Transferring scientific knowledge to society; • Improving processes of value creation out of scientific research; • Optimizing the regional innovation system; • Internationalization of high tech clusters; • Ranking and measuring the impact of university knowledge transfer; • Analysing and supporting science based incubators & science parks. ScienceWorks supports the transfer of scientific knowledge to society to its office in The Hague. Its experts have been advisors of governments, high tech businesses and universities in many countries. ScienceWorks has access to international networks of experts in the field of value creation and innovation policy, including the AESIS Network. Its approach is to establish a well designed team of advisors for every assignment. ScienceWorks supports governments, knowledge institutes and companies to increase their efficiency in implementing science into practice. To achieve this it offers the following service: • The measurement of the impact of science in practice and monitoring the progress thereof, on the following levels: for universities and other institutes; for regions; for scientists. • Shaping the cooperation between science and practice. Besides the activities and advisory work, ScienceWorks also manages an international network to support the interaction between science and society.
Netval - Network per la Valorizzazione della Ricerca impatto
knowledge transfer
research impact
technology transfer
Nome del sito: Netval - Network per la Valorizzazione della Ricerca
Tipologia ente: Rete mista
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: impatto knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: research impact technology transfer
Lingua: italiano
Abstract: Netval è stata fondata nel novembre 2002 come network informale tra Università ed Enti Pubblici di Ricerca, diventata associazione nel 2007 e, ad oggi, fanno parte del network 61 università italiane e 10 Enti Pubblici di Ricerca non universitari. La mission di Netval è valorizzare la ricerca universitaria nei confronti del sistema economico ed imprenditoriale, enti ed istituzioni pubbliche, associazioni imprenditoriali e aziende, venture capitalist e istituzioni finanziarie. In questo senso, Netval intende rappresentare un ponte tra la ricerca pubblica e le imprese interessate ad accrescere la propria competitività attraverso l'innovazione. I principali obiettivi di Netval sono: condividere e rafforzare le competenze delle Università italiane e degli enti pubblici di ricerca in materia di valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca; sviluppare il ruolo di interfaccia e cerniera istituzionale con l’industria; promuovere la formazione e il rafforzamento delle competenze specialistiche in materia di valorizzazione della ricerca; avviare attività di confronto sui temi propri dell’associazione. Nei suoi anni di attività, Netval si è posta come scopo fondamentale la diffusione delle informazioni e della cultura del TT in Italia attraverso iniziative volte a mettere in contatto gli Uffici di Trasferimento Tecnologico (UTT) di Università ed Enti Pubblici di Ricerca attraverso incontri, corsi di formazione e partecipazione a gruppi tematici, raccolta e diffusione dei dati sul trasferimento tecnologico attraverso il Rapporto Annuale Netval. In particolare, dalla sua costituzione, Netval ha sviluppato il più completo e aggiornato programma di formazione disponibile in Italia sul tema della valorizzazione dei risultati della ricerca pubblica e ha nel corso degli anni ampliato la propria offerta formativa con provata soddisfazione da parte dei partecipanti, costituiti soprattutto da personale degli UTT delle università e degli Enti Pubblici di Ricerca.
The Relevance of Science Education (ROSE) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
public engagement
Nome del sito: The Relevance of Science Education (ROSE)
Tipologia ente: Progetto
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education public engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: ROSE, The Relevance of Science Education, is an international comparative project meant to shed light on affective factors of importance to the learning of science and technology. Key international research institutions and individuals work jointly on the development of theoretical perspectives, research instruments, data collection and analysis. The target population is students towards the end of secondary school (age 15).
European Science Engagement Association (EUSEA) responsabilità (engagement)
public engagement
research impact
Nome del sito: European Science Engagement Association (EUSEA)
Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: responsabilità (engagement) impatto
Topic livello 2: public engagement research impact
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The European Science Engagement Association (EUSEA) is an international community of public engagement professionals and an international knowledge-sharing platform and accelerator of innovation in the fields of public engagement. Founded in 2001 in Vienna, Austria, EUSEA has evolved from a meeting-place for science festival organizers to a collaborative international community for public engagement practitioners. The association addresses experts involved in the design, organization and implementation of public engagement activities across Europe. EUSEA in an active consortium member in projects funded by the European Commission and supports partners in European funding policies. Today, EUSEA encourages and supports innovative formats of science-society dialogues across Europe – ranging from Researcher’s Nights to Science Parliaments, from Science Cafés to Maker Faire, from public debates to local strategies uniting scientists with policy makers. EUSEA initiates and supports many of these activities as a strong partner striving to develop science festivals and public engagement activities that make an impact across Europe. The major EUSEA past and current projects are: Our Space, Our Future (2018-2020); Nucleus (2015-2019); Sustain (2018-2020); Perform (2015-2018); PLACES (2010-2014).
The Network for Advancing and Evaluation of the Societal Impact of Science (AESIS) impatto
knowledge transfer
public engagement
research impact
Nome del sito: The Network for Advancing and Evaluation of the Societal Impact of Science (AESIS)
Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: impatto knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: public engagement research impact
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The Network for Advancing and Evaluation of the Societal Impact of Science (AESIS) was founded in 2015, and brings together experts around the theme of measuring and demonstrating the societal impact of scientific research. University strategists, research funders, science evaluator and research managers from around the world exchange knowledge and expertise about the different ways to demonstrate societal impact and systems to support this impact. AESISIS organises annually the conference Impact of Science, bur for example also a course on integrating societal impact in a research strategy.
Administrative Data Research UK (ADR UK) responsabilità (engagement)
public engagement
research impact
Nome del sito: Administrative Data Research UK (ADR UK)
Tipologia ente: Rete di istituzioni
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: responsabilità (engagement) impatto
Topic livello 2: public engagement research impact
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Administrative Data Research UK (ADR UK) is a partnership transforming the way researchers access the UK’s wealth of public sector data, to enable better informed policy decisions that improve people’s lives. By linking together data held by different parts of government, and by facilitating safe and secure access for accredited researchers to these newly joined-up data sets, ADR UK is creating a sustainable body of knowledge about how our society and economy function – tailored to give decision makers the answers they need to solve important policy questions. ADR UK is made up of three national partnerships (ADR Scotland, ADR Wales, and ADR Northern Ireland), and the Office for National Statistics (ONS), which ensures data provided by UK Government bodies is accessed by researchers in a safe and secure form with minimal risk to data holders or the public. The partnership is also coordinated by a UK-wide Strategic Hub, which also promotes the benefits of administrative data research to the public and the wider research community, engages with UK Government to secure access to data, and manages a dedicated research budget. ADR UK is committed to a set of values that are central to the partnership’s activities and progress, guiding how they work together with their partners and defining how they engage with stakeholders and with the public. Their core values are: responsible and ethical data use; independence; relevance and ambition. ADR UK is initially a three-year investment from July 2018 to July 2021, supported by £44 million drawn from the National Productivity Investment Fund (NPIF) via the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), part of the UK Research and Innovation. The research enabled by ADR UK represents a hugely useful resource for anyone seeking to understand and improve UK society, including government policy makers. ADR UK works closely with both UK government departments and the devolved administrations to create opportunities for its research projects to answer their questions, directly inform, and influence policy. In doing so, ADR UK has designed a set of research themes aligned with departmental Areas of Research Interest (ARIs) and the stated priority research interests of the devolved administrations to help answer the most pressing policy questions that UK society faces. ADR UK’s work plays an important role in bridging the gap between government and academia, enabling government policy to be informed by the best evidence available, and putting us on the path to a future in which the true potential of administrative data to improve society is realised. ADR UK’s eight core strategic research themes are: housing and communities; health and wellbeing; children and young people; world of work; growing old; inequality and social inclusion; climate and sustainability; crime and justice.
Engagement Scholarship Consortium comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
knowledge transfer
service learning
engaged research
Nome del sito: Engagement Scholarship Consortium
Tipologia ente: Rete mista
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement) knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: service learning engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC), a 501 (c) (3) non-profit educational organization, is composed of higher education member institutions, a mix of state-public and private institutions. Its goal is to work collaboratively to build strong university-community partnerships anchored in the rigor of scholarship, and designed to help build community capacity. The ESC traces its origins back a decade when Pennsylvania State University, Ohio State University and the University of Wisconsin-Extension initiated an annual meeting to share knowledge about their community-based programs (the National Outreach Scholarship Conference). The concept of community-university engaged scholarship has emerged over the past two decades as part of the continuing dialogue on the nature of knowledge and the role of academic institutions in society. The goals of community-engaged scholarship are the generation, exchange and application of mutually beneficial and socially useful knowledge and practices developed through active partnership between academy and the community. The Engagement Scholarship Consortium is comprised of member institutions from across North America and around the world (American University of Nigeria and University of Alberta).
The London Public Engagement Network (PEN) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
service learning
engaged research
Nome del sito: The London Public Engagement Network (PEN)
Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: service learning engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The London Public Engagement Network (PEN) is a network of public engagement professionals working in research organisations across London. PEN was created to provide professional networking opportunities and practical support for public engagement professionals working directly with researchers in research and higher education establishments in London. By working together, PEN aims to work towards a unified approach to public engagement support in London. The ethos of London PEN is to provide long-term support and advocacy for members to share skills, resources, experience and expertise. The network is particularly for those working with a ‘culture change’ remit and encouraging “two-way” forms of engagement (as part or all of their role). Through regular meetings, workshops and online conversations its members support each other in their roles both individually and through group projects. The London PEN meet regularly for informal coffee mornings to discuss current issues and challenges in the sector. As an example, topics regularly covered are: preparing business cases for public engagement; building internal public engagement networks; opportunities for collaboration; culture change strategies; funding for public engagement work and projects; developing and delivering public engagement training for researchers; examples of public engagement practice; drafting and delivering institutional public engagement strategies; national competitions, public engagement funding calls, and initiatives; training and development for public engagement professionals.
International Council of Museums (ICOM) comunicazione
science education
engaged research
Nome del sito: International Council of Museums (ICOM)
Tipologia ente: Rete di Musei
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione
Topic livello 2: science education engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The International Council of Museums is an international organization of museums and museum professionals, created in 1946-1947, which is committed to the research, conservation, continuation and communication to society of the world’s natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible. More than 60 years after its creation, the organisation continues to represent the global museum community since it has evolved in accordance with international museum professionals’ needs worldwide, keeping in mind its main mission Moreover, ICOM is a membership association and a non-governmental organisation, which establishes professional and ethical standards for museum activities. As forum of experts, it makes recommendations on issues related to cultural heritage, promotes capacity building and advances knowledge. ICOM is the only global organization in the museum filed and it raises public cultural awareness through global networks and co-operation programmes. Among its members, ICOM counts 44.686 professionals in over 138 countries with 118 national committees and 32 international committees. ICOM is the only global organisation in the museum field.
Action Research educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
engaged research
Nome del sito: Action Research
Tipologia ente: Rivista
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Action Research is an international, interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal, which is a forum for the development of the theory and practice of action research. The aim of the journal is to offer a viable alternative to dominant 'disinterested' models of social science, one that is relevant to people in the conduct of their lives, their organizations and their communities. The journal publishes quality articles on accounts of action research projects, explorations in the philosophy and methodology of action research, and considerations of the nature of quality in action research practice. The purpose with this international, peer-reviewed journal is to offer a forum for participative action oriented inquiry into questions that matter – questions relevant to people in the conduct of their lives, that enable them to flourish in their organisations and communities, and that evince a deep concern for the wider ecology. Action Research is essential reading for both academic and professionals engaged within the fields and discipline of: Healthcare, Education , Development, Management, Social Work , The Arts , Gender and Race The journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).
Centre for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS responsabilità (engagement)
engaged research
research impact
Nome del sito: Centre for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS
Tipologia ente: Centri di ricerca
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: responsabilità (engagement) impatto
Topic livello 2: engaged research research impact
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The ARIS Centre is housed at the University of Missouri and will work with scientists and engagement practitioners to build capacity, advance scholarship, grow partnership and provide resources to help them engage with and demonstrate the impact of research in their community and society. The work of the centre will be beneficial to researchers who are responsible for driving discovery, to practitioners who collaborate with researchers and community stakeholder, and to the public who benefit from research and education advancements. The ARIS Centre will emphasize support for serving traditionally underserved populations while providing inclusive public engagement to ensure a diverse science workforce. A key focus and task of ARIS will include collaborating with international colleagues to share practices and resources around BI, knowledge mobilisation, societal impact, valorisation, and research uptake. ARIS will spur this collaboration through the development and sharing of research proposals, publications, and programs that share evidence-based practices for enhancing societal impact of research, as well as provide opportunities for broader impacts professionals to attend international conferences and colloquia to better understand societal impact through an international lens. ARIS was founded in 2018 with co-funding from the following National Science foundation Directorates: Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Engineering, Geosciences, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences, and Education and Human Resources.
Research for All Journal responsabilità (engagement)
engaged research
research impact
Nome del sito: Research for All Journal
Tipologia ente: Rivista
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: responsabilità (engagement) impatto
Topic livello 2: engaged research research impact
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Research for All is an open access, peer-reviewed journal focusing on research that involves universities and communities, services or industries working together. Contributors and readers are from both inside and outside of higher education. They include researchers, policymakers, managers, practitioners, community-based organizations, schools, businesses and the intermediaries who bring these people together. The journal aims to raise the quality of engaged research by stimulating discussion about the effectiveness of engagement with researchers, research outcomes and processes. The journal highlights the potential in active public engagement for robust academic study, for the development of involved communities, and for the impact of research. It explores engagement with different groups and their cultures, and features theoretical and empirical analysis alongside authoritative commentary to explore a range of themes that are key to engaged research including the development of reciprocal relationships, sector-specific communication and participatory action research. The journal is co-sponsored by the UCL Institute of Education and the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement.
Orion Open Science - Open Responsible Research and Innovation to further Outstanding KNowledge responsabilità (engagement)
knowledge transfer
public engagement
engaged research
Nome del sito: Orion Open Science - Open Responsible Research and Innovation to further Outstanding KNowledge
Tipologia ente: Progetto
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: responsabilità (engagement) knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: public engagement engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: ORION is a 4-year project (runs from May 2017 to April 2021) that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Science with and for Society (SWAFS) Work Programme. The main aim of SWAFS Programme is to build effective cooperation between science and society. Open science is a core strategy of the European Commission that involves widening participation and collaboration as well as sharing research processes and outcomes to improve research and innovation. ORION will explore ways in which research and funding organisations in life sciences and biomedicine can open up the way they fund, organise and do research. The project aims to trigger evidence-based institutional, cultural and behavioural changes in Research Funding and Performing Organisations (RFPOs), targeting researchers, management staff and high-level leadership. ORION long-term vision is to “embed” open Science and Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles (ethics, gender, governance, open access, public engagement, and science education) in RFPOs, in their policies, practices and processes to organise and do research. After an assessment exercise on Open Science awareness and practice, the project will co-design and perform “co-creation experiments” with different grouping of RRI actors. Project’s experiments will tackle three specific challenges of Open Science: opening up the research engine; identifying risks and opportunities presented by disruptive technology; running multi-stakeholder Citizen Science (CS) projects in fundamental research. These challenges will serve as case studies to try out different co-design/co-creation methods with multiple stakeholders, and engaging unusual blends of actors, e.g. funders and citizens, or researchers, industry and citizens. The project will identify drivers and barriers, interests and values, and in some cases produce “prototypes”, in the format of new Citizen Science projects, new research strategies and new funding frameworks, and last but not least new training material.
SciShops educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
public engagement
engaged research
Nome del sito: SciShops
Tipologia ente: Progetto
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: public engagement engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Science Shops (SciShops) are entities that carry out independent participatory scientific research on behalf of citizens and local civil society. It is an open, inclusive and often interdisciplinary process in which citizens and community groups collaborate with researchers to help solve issues at local and regional levels. SciShops will build an extensive knowledge base by analysing the practices of the existing European and International Science Shops. The goal is to engage community stakeholders in knowledge cafes and other community events in order to provide examples or the benefits of community-based research. The developed strategies and novel tools provided by the project, including a knowledge hub, a SciShop navigator, twinning and matchmaking platform, seek to provide guidelines for different types of organisations on how to establish and run a Science Shop. SciShops aims at building on and expanding the capacity of the Science Shops ecosystem in Europe and beyond. As part of the SciShops project, at least ten new university and non-university-based Science Shops will be established in Europe by project partners. The non-university Science Shops are affiliated to different types of organisations, such as small and medium enterprises, large enterprises, non-governmental and non-profit organisations and research institutes. The SciShop team aims to demonstrate the benefits of starting a Science Shop for various kind of organisation, as well as to show how civil society gains from collaborating with Science Shop in community-based participatory research.
McConnell Foundation responsabilità (engagement)
knowledge transfer
service learning
civic engagement
Nome del sito: McConnell Foundation
Tipologia ente: Fondazioni
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: responsabilità (engagement) knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: service learning civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The McConnell Foundation is a private Canadian foundation that develops and applies innovative approaches to social, cultural, economic and environmental challenges. It does so through granting and investing, capacity building, convening, and co-creation with grantees, partners and the public. The McConnell Foundation envisions a Canada in which the economy and the social systems advance the well-being of people, and in which the natural environment is stewarded for future generations. It is committed to reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, and seek to unleash the resources and creativity of individuals and organizations from all sectors to solve social challenges. The McConnell Foundation supports Canadians in building a more inclusive, innovative, sustainable and resilient society. Furthermore, it is a member of several associations and affinity groups as such as Canadian Environmental Grantmakers’ Network, the Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, Early Child Development Funders Working Group (ECDFWG), The Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, Imagine Canada, Mental Health and Wellness Affinity Group, the Northern Manitoba Food, Culture and Community Collaborative, Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC), Public Policy Forum, Social Innovation Exchange (SIX), and Canadian Food Funders’ Collaborative.