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European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education (EUPRIO) comunicazione
science communication
science education
Nome del sito: European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education (EUPRIO)
Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti
Contesto geografico: EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione
Topic livello 2: science communication science education
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The European Association of Communication Professionals in Higher Education (EUPRIO) is the association of higher education communicators in Europe whose goal is to ensure communicating with stakeholders as a key factor in university strategic planning. EUPRIO aims to achieve this by demonstrating communications excellence through the sharing of best practice and new ideas from around the world. It was established in Brussels in 1986 with the support of the European Community (now European Union). EUPRIO aims to promote exchange of ideas, techniques and experience amongst its members, encourage and promote collaboration and partnership between European institutions of higher education and research in the field of communication. EUPRIO represents the interest of higher education communication in national and international policy making and it has National Representatives in 17 European Countries, and members and supporters in more than 21 Countries. The annual conference is the most important meeting point for an EUPRIO member, to increase knowledge, exchange experience and meet colleagues from other countries.
Engagement Australia educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
civic engagement
engaged research
Nome del sito: Engagement Australia
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: civic engagement engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Engagement Australia is the peak alliance of Australian and New Zealand universities focused on developing the engagement agenda in higher education. Engagement Australia was formed in 2003 with a vision to cultivate understanding and awareness of engagement as a strategic methodology for individual and institutional achievement in unison with societal improvement and impact. As an alliance, Engagement Australia is focused on providing services to its members that support professional learning and peer exchange, provide avenues for publication and collaboration, and importantly, recognise and showcase good practice. Moreover, Engagement Australia is the Australian focal point for the Talloires global engagement network and has partnership that span national networks in every continent, strong international relationships, linkages and partnerships. Engagement Australia creates inclusive forums for discussion and development of engagement, promoting practice, fostering awareness, building capacity and developing resources for universities and other member organisations. As a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee, Engagement Australia is governed by a voluntary Board of Directors that is drawn from its members. Engagement Australia delivers a number of annual programs that respond to its members needs and it also curates case studies, publications and guides that support engagement scholarship and practice. Each year, Engagement Australia invests in strategic initiatives that responds to the needs of its members to advance the engagement agenda at the sector level in Australia and beyond.
Participatory Research in Asia(PRIA) responsabilità (engagement)
knowledge transfer
civic engagement
engaged research
Nome del sito: Participatory Research in Asia(PRIA)
Tipologia ente: Rete terzo settore
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: responsabilità (engagement) knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: civic engagement engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: PRIA’s mission is about building capacities of citizens, communities and institutions, to enable vibrant, gender-equal societies. Established in 1982 by Rajesh Tandon (PRIA’s Founder-President), Participatory Research in Asia is a global centre for participatory research and training based in New Delhi. PRIA has field offices in 4 states and linkages with nearly 3000 NGOs to deliver its programmes on the ground. PRIA’s work is focused on empowerment of the excluded through capacity building, knowledge building and policy advocacy. Over three decades, PRIA has promoted ‘participation as empowerment’, capacity building of community organisations, and people’s participation in governance. Initiatives are undertaken in the overall perspective of ‘making democracy work for all’ – in the political system; democratic culture in families, communities and society; and participatory democracy with active citizenship.
Asia Pacific University Community Engagement Network (APUCEN) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
civic engagement
Nome del sito: Asia Pacific University Community Engagement Network (APUCEN)
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Asia-Pacific University – Community Engagement Network (APUCEN) is a regional network of academic institutions of higher learning concerned with promoting the culture of university-community engagement in a proactive, inclusive, holistic and participatory way. APUCEN is motivated by the belief that institutions of higher learning and the community can collaborate to co-create knowledge to enhance the social, economic and environment and improve the quality of life of the community in the Asia-Pacific region. Community engagement, from the viewpoint of APUCEN, goes beyond outreach and extension or service. Instead, APUCEN is committed to the idea that universities should seek mutually beneficial relationship and partnership with communities to address communities’ issues and needs; with a commitment to sharing and reciprocity that is guided by mutual respect among the partners. APUCEN envisage making real difference to university-community partnership to informed progress particularly for the bottom billion or the unprivileged. It is in line with APUCEN’s aspiration to unite civil society and higher learning institutions and networks in common efforts to co-create knowledge, mobilize it to inform practice and policy, and improve the quality of life of the society within the region.
National Center for Science & Civic Engagement (NCSCE) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
service learning
science education
Nome del sito: National Center for Science & Civic Engagement (NCSCE)
Tipologia ente: Fondazioni
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: service learning science education
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: NCSCE is a national organization that supports a community of teachers and learners. Through grant funding, it helps educators in and outside the classroom make connections between the content they teach and real world issues of civic importance. By putting content into context, what is inaccessible becomes accessible, what is uninteresting becomes interesting, and what is not meaningful becomes meaningful. It empowers learners by showing them that their knowledge matters, and what they learn today can help solve some of the biggest problems of tomorrow. Since 2001 more than 6,000 educators, administrators, students, and community leaders from over 5,000 two-and four-years colleges, universities, agencies, informal education venues, and community-based organisations have taken part in SENCER and NCSCE activities and contributed their knowledge and work to the project. NCSCE was founded in 2004, and since 2015 has been hosted by the Department of Technology and society at Stony Brook University. SENCER is the signature program of NCSCE. The origin of the SENCER approach was a course developed by Monica Devanas at Rutgers University that taught basic biology through a focus on HIV disease. Using a pressing and timely problem of immediate interest to students, such as the HIV epidemic, helped students understand complex biological concepts and increased their learning. It currently supports four initiatives, in addition to SENCER, that advance education and civic engagement: SENCER-ISE; Engaging Mathematics; SCEWestNet; GLISTEN. The mission of the National Center for Science and Civic Engagement (NCSCE) is to inspire, support, and disseminate campus-based science education reform strategies that strengthen learning and build civic accountability among students in colleges and universities. The Center will serve as a national resource for the improvement of undergraduate science education and will provide a platform enabling faculty and administrators to broaden the impact of their innovations and reforms beyond their campuses. NCSCE areas of focus are personal and public health; democracy; environment; globalisation; educational practice; assessment; humanities.
McConnell Foundation responsabilità (engagement)
knowledge transfer
service learning
civic engagement
Nome del sito: McConnell Foundation
Tipologia ente: Fondazioni
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: responsabilità (engagement) knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: service learning civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The McConnell Foundation is a private Canadian foundation that develops and applies innovative approaches to social, cultural, economic and environmental challenges. It does so through granting and investing, capacity building, convening, and co-creation with grantees, partners and the public. The McConnell Foundation envisions a Canada in which the economy and the social systems advance the well-being of people, and in which the natural environment is stewarded for future generations. It is committed to reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples, and seek to unleash the resources and creativity of individuals and organizations from all sectors to solve social challenges. The McConnell Foundation supports Canadians in building a more inclusive, innovative, sustainable and resilient society. Furthermore, it is a member of several associations and affinity groups as such as Canadian Environmental Grantmakers’ Network, the Circle on Philanthropy and Aboriginal Peoples in Canada, Early Child Development Funders Working Group (ECDFWG), The Global Alliance for the Future of Food, Grantmakers for Effective Organizations, Imagine Canada, Mental Health and Wellness Affinity Group, the Northern Manitoba Food, Culture and Community Collaborative, Philanthropic Foundations Canada (PFC), Public Policy Forum, Social Innovation Exchange (SIX), and Canadian Food Funders’ Collaborative.
Engagement Scholarship Consortium comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
knowledge transfer
service learning
engaged research
Nome del sito: Engagement Scholarship Consortium
Tipologia ente: Rete mista
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement) knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: service learning engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The Engagement Scholarship Consortium (ESC), a 501 (c) (3) non-profit educational organization, is composed of higher education member institutions, a mix of state-public and private institutions. Its goal is to work collaboratively to build strong university-community partnerships anchored in the rigor of scholarship, and designed to help build community capacity. The ESC traces its origins back a decade when Pennsylvania State University, Ohio State University and the University of Wisconsin-Extension initiated an annual meeting to share knowledge about their community-based programs (the National Outreach Scholarship Conference). The concept of community-university engaged scholarship has emerged over the past two decades as part of the continuing dialogue on the nature of knowledge and the role of academic institutions in society. The goals of community-engaged scholarship are the generation, exchange and application of mutually beneficial and socially useful knowledge and practices developed through active partnership between academy and the community. The Engagement Scholarship Consortium is comprised of member institutions from across North America and around the world (American University of Nigeria and University of Alberta).
Community-Based Research Canada (CBRC) comunicazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science communication
research impact
Nome del sito: Community-Based Research Canada (CBRC)
Tipologia ente: Rete mista
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science communication research impact
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Community-Based Research Canada (CBRC) emerged in 2008 and evolved from the Pan-Canadian Coalition on Community Based Research as a coalition of group of Canadian universities, research networks, and community organizations at CUExpo 2008 in Victoria, British Columbia. The coalition had a vision of putting research and knowledge to work to make communities more sustainable, fair, safe, healthy, and prosperous. CBRC have a history of fostering collaboration and engagement between higher education institutions and the broader society in Canada. In 2016, CBRC became a national non-profit organization whose mission is to be a national champion and facilitator for community-based research (CBR) and campus-community engagement in Canada. In the vision of CBRC, community-based research can create socio-cultural, economic and environmental benefit for Canadians and Indigenous Peoples in Canada. CBRC intent is to build an inclusive and open network engaging already existing networks, to build support for community-campus partnerships, community-based research and community engagement. The main goals of CBRC are: advance research, policy and advocacy engagement; catalyse a national movement and capacity building; support communication and networks. CBRC brings together key players of community-campus partnership and its network builds capacity for academia and broader communities to collaborate and use research as a tool to mobilize community participation and action. CBRC connects to Canadian networks such as the Canadian Alliance for Community Service-Learning, Research Impact, and Community Campus Partnership for Health as well as global networks such as the Living Knowledge Network in Europe, the National Coordinating Centre for Public Engagement in the United Kingdom, the Global Alliance for Community Engaged Research and the Global University Network for Innovation. Specifically, CBRC members include academic institutions, community organizations and businesses, networks, researchers, practitioners, and students. CBRC is committed to reconciliation between Canada and Indigenous peoples and believes that participatory research is one of many mechanisms through which reconciliation can be achieved. CBRC supports research that is conducted by and with Indigenous communities on their priority issues, using community developed and/or approved research approaches, amplifying the voice and choice of Indigenous people throughout the research process and resulting in meaningful outcomes ultimately leading to social change.
Centre for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS responsabilità (engagement)
engaged research
research impact
Nome del sito: Centre for Advancing Research Impact in Society (ARIS
Tipologia ente: Centri di ricerca
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: responsabilità (engagement) impatto
Topic livello 2: engaged research research impact
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The ARIS Centre is housed at the University of Missouri and will work with scientists and engagement practitioners to build capacity, advance scholarship, grow partnership and provide resources to help them engage with and demonstrate the impact of research in their community and society. The work of the centre will be beneficial to researchers who are responsible for driving discovery, to practitioners who collaborate with researchers and community stakeholder, and to the public who benefit from research and education advancements. The ARIS Centre will emphasize support for serving traditionally underserved populations while providing inclusive public engagement to ensure a diverse science workforce. A key focus and task of ARIS will include collaborating with international colleagues to share practices and resources around BI, knowledge mobilisation, societal impact, valorisation, and research uptake. ARIS will spur this collaboration through the development and sharing of research proposals, publications, and programs that share evidence-based practices for enhancing societal impact of research, as well as provide opportunities for broader impacts professionals to attend international conferences and colloquia to better understand societal impact through an international lens. ARIS was founded in 2018 with co-funding from the following National Science foundation Directorates: Biological Sciences, Computer and Information Science and Engineering, Engineering, Geosciences, Mathematical and Physical Sciences, Social, Behavioural and Economic Sciences, and Education and Human Resources.
Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
service learning
science education
Nome del sito: Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching
Tipologia ente: Fondazioni
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: service learning science education
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching is an independent policy and research centre whose aim is to build a field around the use of improvement science and networked improvement communities to solve longstanding inequities in educational outcomes. It was founded by Andrew Carnegie in 1905 and chartered in 1906 by an act of Congress. Improving teaching and learning has always been Carnegie’s motivation and heritage. The Carnegie Foundation advocates for the use of improvement science to accelerate how a field learns to improve. Improvement science is explicitly designed to accelerate learning-by-doing and address problems of practice, it is a more user-centred and problem-centred approached to improving teaching and learning. The overall goal is to develop the necessary know-how for a reform idea ultimately to spread faster and more effectively. Since improvement research is an iterative process often extending over considerable periods of time, it is also referred to as continuous improvement. Carnegie believes that the most effective and efficient way to organize improvement efforts is through networked improvement communities (NICs), a colleagueship of expertise building on the hard work and creativity of many. These are intentionally designed social organizations, each with a distinct problem-solving focus. As formal organizations, NICs have roles, responsibilities, and norms for membership and their features frame them as a scientific learning community. They maintain narratives that exemplify what they are about and why it is important to affiliate with them. Since 2008, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has been at the forefront of an emerging movement in education. In this regard, its mission is to promote the methods of improvement science in education and to foster the formation and growth of networked communities dedicated to making headway on longstanding inequities in educational outcomes associated with race, ethnicity, and poverty. Carnegie Foundation’s work today builds on these efforts of advancing improvement science with thousands of school district leaders, principals, teachers, policymakers, and researchers across the country and around the world.
Campus Compact educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
civic engagement
Nome del sito: Campus Compact
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Campus Compact is a U.S. based coalition of more than 1,000 colleges and universities committed to the public purpose of higher education and dedicated to building democracy through civic education and community development. Campus compact is a relationship-driven organisation with a national office in Boston, MA, with state and regional Campus Compact providing place-based support for member institutions located throughout the country. As the only national higher education association dedicated solely to campus-based civic engagement, Campus Compact enables campuses to develop students’ citizenship skills and forge effective community partnerships. Its resources support administrators, faculty, staff, and students as they pursue community-based teaching, scholarship, and action in the service of public good. Campus Compact advances the public purposes of colleges and universities by deepening their ability to improve community life and to educate students for civic and social responsibility. Campus Compact envisions colleges and universities as vital agents and architects of a diverse democracy, committed to educating students for responsible citizenship in ways that both deepen their education and improve the quality of community life. Campus Compact’s work strengthens colleges and universities as contributors to educational equity now while developing the next generation of citizens and leaders for their communities.
Association Science et Bien Commun (ASBC) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
Nome del sito: Association Science et Bien Commun (ASBC)
Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education
Lingua: francese
Abstract: Association Science et Bien Commun was founded in July 2011 in Quebec as a not-for-profit organisation and it is based at Laval University. The Association’s mission is to stimulate vigilance and action for an open and democratized science that serves the common good. ASBC has extensive contacts in French-speaking West Africa and Haiti. The Association aim is to support and disseminate research works promoting the development of a socially responsible, non-racist, gender-neutral, multilingual, fair, open, pluriversal science, for the common good.
The Talloires Network educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
civic engagement
Nome del sito: The Talloires Network
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The Talloires Network is an international association of institutions committed to strengthening the civic roles and social responsibilities of higher education. They work together to implement the recommendations of the Talloires Declaration and build a global movement of engaged universities. The Network envisions universities around the world as dynamic forces in their societies, incorporating civic engagement into their research and teaching mission. The network was founded in 2005 when Tufts University President, Lawrence S. Bacow, convened the Talloires Conference 2005 in France, the first international gathering of the heads of universities devoted to strengthening the civic roles and social responsibilities of higher education. The conference produced the Talloires Declaration on the Civic Roles and Social Responsibilities of Higher Education. The Talloires Network is building a global movement of civically engaged and socially responsible higher education institutions and it is advocating for expansion of civic engagement activities. At the beginning of 2020, there are 393 signatory members in 77 countries around the world.
UNESCO Chair in Community-based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education responsabilità (engagement)
knowledge transfer
science education
civic engagement
Nome del sito: UNESCO Chair in Community-based Research and Social Responsibility in Higher Education
Tipologia ente: Centri di ricerca
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: responsabilità (engagement) knowledge transfer
Topic livello 2: science education civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: Based at the University of Victoria (UVic) and the Society for Participatory Research in Asia (PRIA), this Chair is co-directed by Dr. Budd L Hall and Dr. Rajesh Tandon. The UNESCO Chair supports North-South-South and South-South partnerships that build on and enhance the emerging consensus in knowledge democracy. It strengthens recent collaboration between the Higher Education section in UNESCO, the Global University Network for Innovation (GUNI), Global Alliance on Community University Engagement and other regional and global networks. It co-creates new knowledge through partnerships among universities (academics), communities (civil society) and government (policy makers) leading to new capacities; new solutions to pressing problems related to sustainability, social and economic disparities, cultural exclusion, mistrust and conflict; and awareness among policy makers; enhanced scholarship of engagement; and of social responsibility in Higher Education. The main focus areas of UNESCO Chair are research and knowledge production, policy dialogues and advocacy (strengthening social responsibility in Higher Education dialogues; technical support for policy-makers; strengthening capacity for Community-based Research), capacity development, enhancement, and dissemination (new web site launch; policy briefs for donors; provision of trainings; development of learning materials; creation of a YouTube channel; additional selected publications). UNESCO Chair current project is Knowledge for Change (K4C) that will train next generation of mentors and leaders in Community Based Research (CBR) to a global standard developed by UNESCO Chair on CBR around the world, especially in global south and excluded north. The critical challenges facing humanity today require new understandings and solutions. Achieving Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) will require new insights and connections locally and globally. New understandings and innovative solutions have been shown to be catalysed through co-construction of knowledge carried out in respectful partnership with local communities. UNESCO Chair has developed global standards of curriculum and pedagogy for training next generation of researchers in CBR methodology.
The International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility, and Democracy (IC) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
science education
civic engagement
Nome del sito: The International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility, and Democracy (IC)
Tipologia ente: Rete mista
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: science education civic engagement
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The International Consortium for Higher Education, Civic Responsibility, and Democracy (IC) is a global research network whose mission is to support development of democratic societies through education mission and structure. IC seeks to develop, explain and advance the contributions of higher education to democracy on college and university campuses, their local communities and the wider society. The Consortium works in collaboration with the Council of Europe (COE)* and its Steering Committee on Educational Policy and Practice (CDPPE) with representatives of the 50 States party to the European Cultural Convention and is comprised of the United States (represented by a Steering Committee from the American Association of State Colleges and Universities, American Council on Education, Association of American Colleges and Universities, Campus Compact, Democracy Commitment, NASPA-Student Affairs Professionals in Higher Education and Anchors Institutions Task Force), Australia (Engagement Australia), the United Kingdom (represented by the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement), Ireland (Campus Engage Ireland) and South Africa (represented by Universities South Africa). The Barbara and Edward Netter Centre for Community Partnerships at the University of Pennsylvania houses the executive offices of the Consortium. Ira Harkavy, Associate Vice President and Founding Director of the Netter Centre, is the Chair.
The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) educazione
responsabilità (engagement)
civic engagement
engaged research
Nome del sito: The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi)
Tipologia ente: Rete di Università
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: educazione responsabilità (engagement)
Topic livello 2: civic engagement engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) is an international network created in 1999 and supported by the UNESCO and the Catalan Association of Public Universities (ACUP), which hosts its Secretariat and Presidency. GUNi headquarters are located in Barcelona. Moreover, GUNi has regional offices in Asia and the Pacific, Latin America and the Caribbean, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Arab States and Europe. GUNi was created within the framework of the UNITWIN/UNESCO Chairs Programme, by UNESCO, UNU and the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC) after UNESCO’s World Conference on Higher Education (WCHE) in 1998 to give continuity to and facilitate the implementation of its main decisions. GUNi mission is to strengthen the role of higher education in society contributing to the renewal of the visions and policies of higher education across the world under a vision of public service, relevance and social responsibility. In this regard, GUNi facilitates dialogue and ideas of emerging issues on higher education and its impact on society and works to promote innovation in higher education policies and systems worldwide sharing UNESCO’s principles and values. Furthermore, GUNi takes an active role through the analysis and engagement of the global challenges under the context of Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations 2030 Agenda. GUNi focuses its research and activity in one specific topic related to the challenges that higher education is facing today. This topic defines the theme of the Higher Education in the World (HEIW) GUNi Report, the International GUNi Conference, the academic seminars and relevant researchers and programs endeavoured for a period of 2-3 years. The current topics in which GUNi is working are related to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI), Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the future of the Humanities and the relation between science and humanities in the 21st century. GUNi is a network currently composed of over 227 members from 80 countries, which includes the UNESCO Chairs in Higher Education, higher education institutions,
Public Communication of Science and Technology Network (PCST) comunicazione
science communication
science education
Nome del sito: Public Communication of Science and Technology Network (PCST)
Tipologia ente: Rete di professionisti
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione
Topic livello 2: science communication science education
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The PCST Network seeks to promote new ideas, methods, intellectual and practical questions, and perspectives on the communication of science and technology. Specifically, it aims to improve the theoretical understanding of science communication by providing a forum to consider the latest developments; to improve the practice of science communication by providing a forum to consider strategies and methods; to promote an exchange between practitioners and theoreticians; to improve both the study and practice of science communication. Every two years, PCST organises a conference bringing together practitioners, educators and researchers in the diverse and growing field of science communication. They include elements of academic and professional conferences, including presentation of research, reflections on practice, and countries in all continents and have been hosted most recently in Turkey, Brazil, Italy and India. Each hosting has helped boost interest in PCST in the relevant city, region or country as well as strengthening international networking. The PCST Network also organises symposia. They have different focus to the conferences, with a focus on a single issue or a particular region.
International Council of Museums (ICOM) comunicazione
science education
engaged research
Nome del sito: International Council of Museums (ICOM)
Tipologia ente: Rete di Musei
Contesto geografico: Extra-EU
Topic livello 1: comunicazione educazione
Topic livello 2: science education engaged research
Lingua: inglese
Abstract: The International Council of Museums is an international organization of museums and museum professionals, created in 1946-1947, which is committed to the research, conservation, continuation and communication to society of the world’s natural and cultural heritage, present and future, tangible and intangible. More than 60 years after its creation, the organisation continues to represent the global museum community since it has evolved in accordance with international museum professionals’ needs worldwide, keeping in mind its main mission Moreover, ICOM is a membership association and a non-governmental organisation, which establishes professional and ethical standards for museum activities. As forum of experts, it makes recommendations on issues related to cultural heritage, promotes capacity building and advances knowledge. ICOM is the only global organization in the museum filed and it raises public cultural awareness through global networks and co-operation programmes. Among its members, ICOM counts 44.686 professionals in over 138 countries with 118 national committees and 32 international committees. ICOM is the only global organisation in the museum field.
Prova comunicazione
science communication
Nome del sito: Prova
Tipologia ente: Rete di Musei
Contesto geografico: Italia
Topic livello 1: comunicazione
Topic livello 2: science communication
Ambito VQR: Proprietà intellettuale o industriale
Ambito Disciplinare: opzione 1
Lingua: italiano
Abstract: prova
Note: prova