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The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Ente: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2010
Abstract: The Manifesto proposes the benefits and impacts that the PE can generate for universities, teachers and students and civil society.
Parole chiave: Impact; Public engagement; benefits;Impatto, Public engagement, benefici;
Riferimenti bibliografici: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), (2010), The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement (Manifesto)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/support-engagement/strategy-and-planning/manifesto-public-engagement/about-manifesto
Allegato Open: 2010_NCCPE_Manifesto_for_public_engagement.pdf
The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Ente: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
Abstract: The document proposes a definition for PE, the guiding principles, as well as guidelines for the UK context. The 2019 edition of the Manifesto was produced for the 10th anniversary of the NCCPE.
Parole chiave: Public Engagement, principi, linee di indirizzo;Public Engagement, Principles, Guidelines;
Riferimenti bibliografici: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), (2019), The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement (Manifesto)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/support-engagement/strategy-and-planning/manifesto-public-engagement/about-manifesto
Allegato Open: 2019_NCCPE_manifesto_for_public_engagement.pdf
The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment. Conceptual and Methodological Advances International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) H., Becker; F., Vanclay (eds.)
Ente: International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)
Autori: H., Becker; F., Vanclay (eds.)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment. Conceptual and Methodological Advances
Tipologia documento: Manuale
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2003
Abstract: The handbook brings together contributions from international experts, mainly related to the IAIA Association, in order to address issues of maximizing benefits and costs cutting within the community development processes. This with the aim of identify primarily social impact measuring instruments, through the implementation of participatory processes. The contributions contained in this volume also aim at an increasingly shared redefinition of social impact assessment (SIA) as prediction, verification and assessment of consequences of social programmes, policies, projects and changes aimed at increasing sustainability and equity.
Parole chiave: Social impact assessment; evaluation; benefit; sustainability; social utility; scientific integrity
Riferimenti bibliografici: Henk A., Becker and Frank Vanclay (eds.) (2003) The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment. Conceptual and Methodological Advances, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Open Access: NO
Collegamento: https://www.e-elgar.com/
The public-engaged scientists: Motivations, enablers and barriers SISSA Medilab, Trieste Simona Cerrato, Valentina Daelli, Helena Pertot and Olga Puccioni
Ente: SISSA Medilab, Trieste
Autori: Simona Cerrato, Valentina Daelli, Helena Pertot and Olga Puccioni
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: The public-engaged scientists: Motivations, enablers and barriers
Tipologia documento: Contributo in volume
Lingua: Francese
Abstract: In this paper authors present a case study of the Children’s University programme of the International School for dvanced Studies (SISSA) (Trieste, Italy), discussing the three-year experience, and reporting the outcomes of a series of focus groups conducted with the young scientists who volunteered in the programme.
Parole chiave: public engagement with science and technology; professional development and training in science communication; public role of young scientists
Riferimenti bibliografici: Cerrato, S., Daelli, V., Pertot, H. and Puccioni, O. (2018) ‘The publicengaged scientists: Motivations, enablers and barriers’. Research for All, 2 (2): 313–322. DOI https://doi.org/10.18546/RFA.02.2.09
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://doi.org/10.18546/RFA.02.2.09
Allegato Open: The_public-engaged_scientists.pdf
The public-engaged scientists: Motivations, enablers and barriers Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste (ente di affiliazione degli autori) S.Cerrato; et al.
Ente: Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste (ente di affiliazione degli autori)
Autori: S.Cerrato; et al.
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: The public-engaged scientists: Motivations, enablers and barriers
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: Why do scientists volunteer to be involved in public engagement in science? What are the barriers that can prevent them participationg in dialogue with society? What can be done to facilitate their participation? In this paper we present a case study of the Children's University programme of the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) (Trieste, Italy), discussing the three-year experience, and reporting the outcomes of a series of focus groups conducted with the young scientists who volunteered in the programme. Two kinds of motivations emerged. The first is personal, for example volunteers' desire to improve their own communication abilities, or their curiosity for a new activity. The second is related to the perceived role of scientists in society: many volunteers feel a sense of duty and the need to promote science and its importance in society, to have an impact to the public perception of science and to seed the love for science in young people. After the first year of their involvement, volunters epressed the need to keep improving their communication skill and participating in professional training courses, and agreed that science communication should become part of all standard training programmes of PhDs. In order for the outreach not to remain a sporadic experience, it is essential that a strong institutional commitment exists to promote, recruit, encourage, professionally train and support those involved.
Parole chiave: public engagement with science and technology; professional development and training in science communication; public role of young scientists
Riferimenti bibliografici: Cerrato, Simona et al. (2018) The public-engaged scientists: Motivations, enablers and barriers. Research for All. 2. 313-322. 10.18546/RFA.02.2.09.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326714588_The_public-engaged_scientists_Motivations_enablers_and_barriers
Allegato Open: 2018_Paper_SCerratoEtAl_Pubilc Engaged Scientist.pdf
The regional role of universities in technology transfer and economic development Queensland University of Technology C. S., Gunasekara;
Ente: Queensland University of Technology
Autori: C. S., Gunasekara;
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: The regional role of universities in technology transfer and economic development
Tipologia documento: Documento di lavoro
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2004
Abstract: This paper explores the state of the literature on the role that universities perform in the development of regional innovation systems with a predominant focus on institutional analysis of university-industry technology transfer. It is considered the role performed by universities in different regional settings by showing current approaches which have tended to concentrate on transactional and institutional analysis.
Parole chiave: universities, regional innovation, regional development, engagement, social cohesion
Riferimenti bibliografici: Gunasekara, Chris S. (2004) 'The regional role of universities in technology transfer and economic development', St. Andrews, British Academy of Management Conference [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://eprints.qut.edu.au/1008/
Allegato Open: 2004_Paper_CGunaskekara.pdf
The SPARKS’ handbook. A guideline of innovative formats for participatory activities & more Ecsite (the European network of science centres and museums)
Ente: Ecsite (the European network of science centres and museums)
Altri enti partner: Amsterdam Health and Technology Institute (NL); Ars Electronica (AT); AS Cyprus College Limited European University Cyprus (CY); Bonn Science Shop (DE); Copernicus Science Centre (PL); ERRIN, European Regions Research and Innovation Network (BE); ESSRG Kft., Environmental Social Science Research Group (HU); Institute of Social Innovations (LT); KEA European Affairs (BE); Labworm Science Shop at Sapientia University, Faculty of Science Miercurea Ciuc (RO); Luxembourg Science Center (LU); Neulogy (SK); Science Museum London (UK); Università della Svizzera italiana L’ideatorio - (CH)
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: The SPARKS’ handbook. A guideline of innovative formats for participatory activities & more
Tipologia documento: Manuale
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
Abstract: The Sparks Handbook intends to convey important guidelines for each of the museums, science centres and organisations hosting the Sparks'Exhibition "Beyond the Lab: The DIY science revolution" but its scope is much wider: Any science engagement organisation can profit of these rich material curated by Copernicus Science Centre and WILA Bonn Science Shop. You will find an overview of the exhibition, refresh the Responsible Research and Innovation scope of every step we are taking and get a deep insight on how to run innovative participatory activities.
Parole chiave: participation dialogue science cafés rri responsible research and innovation health care medicine
Riferimenti bibliografici: Ecsite (2016) 'The SPARKS’ handbook. A guideline of innovative formats for participatory activities & more', Sparks Project.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ecsite.eu/activities-and-services/resources/sparks-handbook-participatory-activities
Allegato Open: 2016_SPARKS_handbook.pdf
The Talloires Declaration. On the Civic Roles and Social Responsibilities of Higher Education The Talloires Network
Ente: The Talloires Network
Altri enti partner: Altri enti
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: The Talloires Declaration. On the Civic Roles and Social Responsibilities of Higher Education
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2005
Abstract: In September 2005, Tufts University convened the Talloires Conference 2005, the first international gathering of the heads of universities devoted to strengthening the civic roles and social responsibilities of higher education. The conference produced the Talloires Declaration on the Civic Roles and Social Responsibilities of Higher Education. All signatories of the Declaration have committed their institutions to educating for social responsibility and civic engagement, and to strengthening the application of university resources to the needs of local and global communities.
Parole chiave: principles, aims, social responsibility of universities
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://talloiresnetwork.tufts.edu/wp-content/uploads/TalloiresDeclaration2005.pdf
Allegato Open: 2005_The_Talloires_Network_Declaration.pdf
The Talloires Network:A Global Coalition of Engaged Universities The Talloires Network R. M., Hollister;J. P., Pollock;M., Gearan;S., Stroud;J., Reid;E., Babcock;
Ente: The Talloires Network
Autori: R. M., Hollister;J. P., Pollock;M., Gearan;S., Stroud;J., Reid;E., Babcock;
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: The Talloires Network:A Global Coalition of Engaged Universities
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2012
Abstract: The article describes and analyzes the origins, work to date, and future of the Talloires Network. Included are reflections on the network’s strategies for advancing civic engagement in higher education globally, with particular attention to both the successes and the limitations of these strategies.
Parole chiave: civic engagement in HE, strategies;impegno civico nelle Università, strategie
Riferimenti bibliografici: Hollister, Robert M.; Pollock, John P.; Gearan, Mark; Stroud, Susan; Reid, Janice; Babcock, Elizabeth, (2012), The Talloires Network: A Global Coalition of Engaged Universities, in Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, Volume 16, Number 4, p. 81
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://openjournals.libs.uga.edu/jheoe/article/view/984/983
Allegato Open: 2012_The Talloires Network_A Global Coalition of Engaged Universities.pdf
The University as a common pool resource. A set of resources, moral and cultural values from the Academic Community of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Universidad Politécnica Salesiana J., Herrán; et al.
Ente: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Autori: J., Herrán; et al.
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: The University as a common pool resource. A set of resources, moral and cultural values from the Academic Community of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana
Tipologia documento: Volume
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
Abstract: This book seeks to deepen as well as identify the implications and the possibilities of imagining the university as a “common pool resource”. Thus, multiple contributions alternatively examine the broad experience of the Salesian mission in Ecuador, in order to reflect upon themes of community and resources. Then, the volume focuses on the task of education in Andean and Amazonian territories, where knowledge constitutes a common good for autonomy and self-government.
Parole chiave: common good, knowledge society, intercultural education, social transparency, sustainability
Riferimenti bibliografici: Herrán, Javier et al. (2019) The University as a common pool resource. A set of resources, moral and cultural values from the Academic Community of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. Quito: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331970180_The_University_as_a_Common_Pool_Resource_A_set_of_resources_moral_and_cultural_values_from_the_Academic_Community_of_Universidad_Politecnica_Salesiana
Allegato Open: 2019_UniversidadPolitecnicaSalesiana_The University a common good.pdf
Three Orientations of Local Government to Public Engagement: Passive – Active – Sustaining Institute for Local Government
Ente: Institute for Local Government
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Three Orientations of Local Government to Public Engagement: Passive – Active – Sustaining
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
Abstract: This tip sheet is intended to clarify and promote “sustaining” commitment to public engagement, to help local officials and civic leaders throughout California to be more aware of efforts to involve the public and also suggest approaches that embed public participation into local decision-making. Considering public engagement from “passive” to “active” to “sustaining” aims at helping a community consider where its own perspectives and practices on these matters presently fall, and to assess whether more needs to be done. More generally, the report shows how a community with a “sustaining orientation” to public engagement may build on the practices of an “active orientation,” adding those additional practices and capacities that help support and maintain the effective and strategic use of public engagement over time as appropriate.
Parole chiave: public engagement, decision-making, democratic governance, capacity building, community
Riferimenti bibliografici: Institute for Local Government. (2016) 'Three Orientations of Local Government to Public Engagement: Passive – Active – Sustaining', Sacramento [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ca-ilg.org/document/three-orientations-local-government-public-engagement-passive-active-sustaining
Allegato Open: 2016_Orientations_Institute for local government_California.pdf
Toward a Definition and Characterization of the Engaged Campus: Six Cases IUPUI - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis B. A., Holland;
Ente: IUPUI - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Autori: B. A., Holland;
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Toward a Definition and Characterization of the Engaged Campus: Six Cases
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2001
Abstract: This article springs from the The University as Citizen Conference, hosted by the University of South Florida in February 2001, where six institutions were invited to present the story of their campus' experiences with implementing and sustaining civic engagement programs. From these cases, the article shows the characteristics of an engaged campus and the features of sustainable campus-community partnerships.
Parole chiave: civic mission, civic responsibility, mutually-beneficial exchange, knowledge management, critical mass
Riferimenti bibliografici: Holland, Barbara A. (2001) Toward a Definition and Characterization of the Engaged Campus: Six Cases Metropolitan Universities Journal, 12 (3), pp. 20-29 [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/muj/article/view/19903
Allegato Open: 2001_BAHolland_Engaged campus.pdf
UCL Public Engagement Strategy UCL - University College London
Ente: UCL - University College London
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: UCL Public Engagement Strategy
Tipologia documento: Documento strategico
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: This strategic report presents Public Engagement as a core mission and a key pathway to enhance the UCL’s impact in society, in order to inform and influence public discourse. Basically, with regard to the academic vision, it describes some approaches enacted by the university from creating and sharing knowledge to collaborative models of engagement to involve diverse public groups. Then, the report concentrates upon four strategic aims: to become a global leader in listening to communities and engaging with public groups, to champion a culture of public engagement across UCL, to enable the UCL community to be effective in public engagement activities, to create a London-wide impact and being a good neighbour.
Parole chiave: public engagement, vision, community, impact, capacity building
Riferimenti bibliografici: University College London. (2017) 'UCL Public Engagement Strategy', London [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/culture/public-engagement/public-engagement-strategy
Allegato Open: 2017_UCL_public_engagement_strategy_2017.pdf
Un'analisi degli indicatori di impatto sociale Università di Brescia E., Chiaf
Ente: Università di Brescia
Altri enti partner: Unione Europea
Autori: E., Chiaf
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Un'analisi degli indicatori di impatto sociale
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: La ricerca intende fornire una pratica guida operativa in tema di strumenti e metodi di misurazione dell’impatto, con particolare riferimento alle imprese sociali; si avvale di una rassegna teorica introduttiva sul tema della definizione d’impatto sociale e sui processi di misurazione, seguiti dall'approfondimento dei principali metodi di misurazione dell’impatto.
Parole chiave: Impatto; impresa sociale; sostenibilità; risorse
Riferimenti bibliografici: E., Chiaf (2018) 'Un'analisi degli indicatori di impatto sociale', Act Social
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://centrostudisocialis.it/attivita/valutazione-e-misurazione-dimpatto/
Allegato Open: 2018_Social impact indicators identification.pdf
Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2011-2014 ANVUR
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2011-2014
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: Il documento illustra i risultati dell’esercizio di Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2011-2014 (VQR 2011-2014). In particolare, il report offre un quadro puntuale degli aspetti salienti che hanno caratterizzato questo esercizio di valutazione, rispettivamente: le istituzioni che vi hanno preso parte; le attività valutate; le metodologie di valutazione adottate; il ruolo e l’operato della Commissione di Esperti di Valutazione della Terza Missione (CETM); i risultati delle attività di TM nella valorizzazione della ricerca (Atenei/enti e consorzi); i risultati delle attività di TM nella promozione di beni pubblici di natura sociale, educativa e culturale (Atenei/enti e consorzi).
Parole chiave: Valutazione della Terza Missione (TM); Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2011-2014 (VQR 2011-2014)
Riferimenti bibliografici: ANVUR (2017) Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2011-2014, Roma, ANVUR.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.anvur.it/rapporto-2016/
Allegato Open: 2017_ANVUR_VQR 2011-2014_Terza Missione.pdf
What’s in it for me? The benefits of public engagement for researchers RCUK - Research Councils (UK)
Ente: RCUK - Research Councils (UK)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: What’s in it for me? The benefits of public engagement for researchers
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2010
Abstract: This document seeks to encourage researchers to engage with the public and embed public engagement in the higher education and research sectors. To this end, it helps researchers in overcoming barriers they may encounter in engaging with the public, then it explores some examples of how public engagement enhances research and produces a wide range of positive benefits in terms of public impact, networking opportunities, skills development, quality grant applications, career enhancement and research methodologies.
Parole chiave: public engagement, research, benefit, society, audience
Riferimenti bibliografici: Research Councils UK. (2010) 'What’s in it for me? The benefits of public engagement for researchers', Swindon [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ukri.org/public-engagement/research-council-partners-and-public-engagement-with-research/guides-policies-research-and-publications/
Allegato Open: 2010_RCUK_What_s in it for me__BenefitsofPE.pdf
Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University Campus Compact H. C., Boyte; E., Hollander (eds)
Ente: Campus Compact
Altri enti partner: Ford Foundation, University of Michigan Center for Community Service and Learning, Johnson Foundation and W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
Autori: H. C., Boyte; E., Hollander (eds)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 1999
Abstract: This document is the result of collaboration by participants at a Wingspread conference involving university presidents, provosts, deans, and faculty members with extensive experience in higher education as well as representatives of professional associations, private foundations, and civic organizations. The purpose of the conference was to formulate strategies for renewing the civic mission of the research university, both by preparing students for responsible citizenship in a diverse democracy, and also by engaging faculty members to develop and utilize knowledge for the improvement of society.
Parole chiave: Civic mission, Research, Strategies, Knowledge, Responsible citizenship;Missione civica, Ricerca, Strategie, Conoscenza, società responsabile
Riferimenti bibliografici: Boyte, Harry C.; Hollander, Elizabeth, (Eds.), (1999), Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University in Civic Engagement, n. 8
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://compact.org/wingspread-declaration-on-the-civic-responsibilities-of-research-universities/
Allegato Open: 1999_Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the Ameri.pdf