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Public Engagement Framework The Praxis Group for the City of Fort Saskatchewan
Ente: The Praxis Group for the City of Fort Saskatchewan
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Public Engagement Framework
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2012
Abstract: This report is intended to provide an ovierview of Public Engagement efforts, strategies and processes in the city of Fort Saskatchewan. In the first section, it defines Public Engagement by describing the levels of engagement and their relationship to decision-making. The last section is meant to develop and implement engagement processes for a variety of urban situations. This framework aims at generating new discussions about Public Engagement, with a common basis for understanding and approaching it, including clarification of needs and goals, as well as more desired outcomes.
Parole chiave: public engagement, democratic process, community, inclusiveness, commitment
Riferimenti bibliografici: The Praxis Group for the City of Fort Saskatchewan. (2012) 'Public Engagement Framework', Fort Saskatchewan [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.fortsask.ca/en/your-city-hall/public-engagement.aspx
Allegato Open: 2012_City of Fort Saskatchewan_Public Engagement_framework.pdf
Three Orientations of Local Government to Public Engagement: Passive – Active – Sustaining Institute for Local Government
Ente: Institute for Local Government
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Three Orientations of Local Government to Public Engagement: Passive – Active – Sustaining
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
Abstract: This tip sheet is intended to clarify and promote “sustaining” commitment to public engagement, to help local officials and civic leaders throughout California to be more aware of efforts to involve the public and also suggest approaches that embed public participation into local decision-making. Considering public engagement from “passive” to “active” to “sustaining” aims at helping a community consider where its own perspectives and practices on these matters presently fall, and to assess whether more needs to be done. More generally, the report shows how a community with a “sustaining orientation” to public engagement may build on the practices of an “active orientation,” adding those additional practices and capacities that help support and maintain the effective and strategic use of public engagement over time as appropriate.
Parole chiave: public engagement, decision-making, democratic governance, capacity building, community
Riferimenti bibliografici: Institute for Local Government. (2016) 'Three Orientations of Local Government to Public Engagement: Passive – Active – Sustaining', Sacramento [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ca-ilg.org/document/three-orientations-local-government-public-engagement-passive-active-sustaining
Allegato Open: 2016_Orientations_Institute for local government_California.pdf
How to develop a public engagement strategy. Examples of how universities are developing strategies for public engagement NCCPE - National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Ente: NCCPE - National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: How to develop a public engagement strategy. Examples of how universities are developing strategies for public engagement
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: This brief presents some examples of current university public engagement strategies to provide with some models to build on. Each of these strategies goes to define what is meant by public engagement, and what is in and out of scope. In each case, there are distinctive differences in how they express what public engagement means in their institution, in order to deliver value to core areas of university activity, to cross references to key goals and objectives for the institution and to gain secure long term support. The same examples have been selected to show how the process of involving people for across the university and beyond can deliver a lot of ‘buy in’ to the result, and ensure that the strategy draws on a variety of perspectives and expertise.
Parole chiave: public engagement, strategy, benefit, impact, outreach
Riferimenti bibliografici: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement. (2017) 'How to develop a public engagement strategy. Examples of how universities are developing strategies for public engagement', Bristol [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/support-engagement/engagement-professionals/develop-strategy
Allegato Open: 2017_NCCPE_Developing_a_public_engagement_strategy.pdf
UCL Public Engagement Strategy UCL - University College London
Ente: UCL - University College London
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: UCL Public Engagement Strategy
Tipologia documento: Documento strategico
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: This strategic report presents Public Engagement as a core mission and a key pathway to enhance the UCL’s impact in society, in order to inform and influence public discourse. Basically, with regard to the academic vision, it describes some approaches enacted by the university from creating and sharing knowledge to collaborative models of engagement to involve diverse public groups. Then, the report concentrates upon four strategic aims: to become a global leader in listening to communities and engaging with public groups, to champion a culture of public engagement across UCL, to enable the UCL community to be effective in public engagement activities, to create a London-wide impact and being a good neighbour.
Parole chiave: public engagement, vision, community, impact, capacity building
Riferimenti bibliografici: University College London. (2017) 'UCL Public Engagement Strategy', London [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ucl.ac.uk/culture/public-engagement/public-engagement-strategy
Allegato Open: 2017_UCL_public_engagement_strategy_2017.pdf
Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication Institute for Local Government
Ente: Institute for Local Government
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Abstract: This tip sheet seeks to demonstrate how strategic communication is an essential tool for effective public engagement. It offers advices on communication strategies before, during and after the agency’s public engagement effort, in order to effectively communicate about a public process or program and understand who the agency seeks to engage. The same report is aimed at facilitating to articulate a message for a policy or project, to create a media plan that integrates both traditional (print, radio and television) and online outlets, to create opportunities for sustaining communication, to maximize strategic communication and Public Engagement, to measure and evaluate the engagement.
Parole chiave: public engagement, communication, stakeholder, audience, policy
Riferimenti bibliografici: Institute for Local Government. (2015) 'Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication', Sacramento [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ca-ilg.org/EffectivePE-Strategic-Communication
Allegato Open: 2015_Institute for local government_Effective_public_engagement_strategic_communication.pdf
The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Ente: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2010
Abstract: The Manifesto proposes the benefits and impacts that the PE can generate for universities, teachers and students and civil society.
Parole chiave: Impact; Public engagement; benefits;Impatto, Public engagement, benefici;
Riferimenti bibliografici: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), (2010), The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement (Manifesto)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/support-engagement/strategy-and-planning/manifesto-public-engagement/about-manifesto
Allegato Open: 2010_NCCPE_Manifesto_for_public_engagement.pdf
Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research Research Councils UK
Ente: Research Councils UK
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research
Tipologia documento: Concordato/Convenzione
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2010
Abstract: The Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research consists of a set of principles for the future support of public engagement within research organisations and, under each principle, an explanation of how it may best be embedded into institutional practices, building on the experiences of universities and research organisations across the UK.
Parole chiave: Public engagement, Research, Principles, Institutional practices;Public engagement, Ricerca, Principi, pratiche istituzionali;
Riferimenti bibliografici: Research Councils UK, (2010), Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research, (Concordato)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ukri.org/public-engagement/research-council-partners-and-public-engagement-with-research/embedding-public-engagement/
Allegato Open: 2010_Concordat for Engaging the Public with Research.pdf
Engagement Principles and Guiding Practices - The engagement charter University of British Columbia/ Canada
Ente: University of British Columbia/ Canada
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Engagement Principles and Guiding Practices - The engagement charter
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
Abstract: The document proposes a set of principles for defining, designing, implementing and concluding public engagement for planning processes. These are also guiding practices for each principle that describe how the principles can be activated.
Parole chiave: Public Engagement, Strategies, Implementation, Practices;Public Engagement, Strategie, Implementazione, Pratiche;
Riferimenti bibliografici: University of British Columbia, (2016), Engagement Principles and Guiding Practices - The engagement charter (Manifesto)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://planning.ubc.ca/about-us/what-guides-us/engagement-principles
Allegato Open: 2016_UBC_CCPEngagementCharter.pdf
Manifesto of the Beltane Public Engagement Network Beltane Public Engagement Network
Ente: Beltane Public Engagement Network
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Manifesto of the Beltane Public Engagement Network
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: The document outlines the form, mission, identity, principles and values of the Beltane Public Engagement Network from November 2018 onwards.
Parole chiave: Public Engagement, Mission, Principles;Public Engagement, Missione, Principi
Riferimenti bibliografici: Beltane Public Engagement Network, (2018), Manifesto of the Beltane Public Engagement Network (Manifesto)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.beltanenetwork.org/discover-beltane/what-is-beltane/
Allegato Open: 2018_Beltane-Partnership-Manifesto.pdf
Manifesto APEnet per il valore pubblico della conoscenza Rete APEnet
Ente: Rete APEnet
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Manifesto APEnet per il valore pubblico della conoscenza
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
Abstract: Il documento esplicita i principi, gli obiettivi e le azioni della Rete a sostegno delle strategie e delle pratiche di PE nel contesto italiano
Parole chiave: Public Engagement, Obiettivi, Strategie, Azioni;Public Engagement, Aims, Strategies, Actions;
Riferimenti bibliografici: Rete APEnet, (2019), Manifesto APEnet per il valore pubblico della conoscenza, (Manifesto)
Open Access: SI
Allegato Open: 2019_ManifestoAPEnet.pdf
The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Ente: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
Abstract: The document proposes a definition for PE, the guiding principles, as well as guidelines for the UK context. The 2019 edition of the Manifesto was produced for the 10th anniversary of the NCCPE.
Parole chiave: Public Engagement, principi, linee di indirizzo;Public Engagement, Principles, Guidelines;
Riferimenti bibliografici: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), (2019), The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement (Manifesto)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/support-engagement/strategy-and-planning/manifesto-public-engagement/about-manifesto
Allegato Open: 2019_NCCPE_manifesto_for_public_engagement.pdf
Getting to Policy Impact: Concepts and Framework Stockholm Environment Institute J., Forrester; et al.
Ente: Stockholm Environment Institute
Autori: J., Forrester; et al.
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Getting to Policy Impact: Concepts and Framework
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2009
Abstract: This brief methodological report investigates the definitions and the management practices of scientific knowledge as a facilitator of sustainable policies involving ever greater involvement of multiple stakeholders, maintaining levels of scientific excellence and promoting the integration of knowledge in different political contexts. The report also defines the concept of impact policies as models of change for the co-creation of knowledge in the public policy sphere.
Parole chiave: Sustainability knowledge; policy impact; stakeholder
Riferimenti bibliografici: J., Forrester; et al. (2009) Getting to Policy Impact: Concepts and Framework, Stokholm, Stokholm Environment Institute
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSearch?Query=Getting+to+Policy+Impact%3A+Concepts+and+Framework&acc=off&wc=on&fc=off&group=none
Allegato Open: 2009_Getting to Policy Impact_ Concepts and Framework.pdf
Mapping civic engagement within higher Education in Ireland All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE) L. McIlrath; et al. (eds)
Ente: All Ireland Society for Higher Education (AISHE)
Autori: L. McIlrath; et al. (eds)
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: Mapping civic engagement within higher Education in Ireland
Tipologia documento: Volume
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2009
Abstract: This publication highlights a range of activities that undepin civic engageemnt within higher education in Ireland from diverse perspectives. It is an example of current thinking, experiences and rationale in thhis area. Contributions have been drawn from those working within policy bodies, universities, and community based/service learning, community university partnership and broadly, the role of institutions of higher education within society are explored from academic, professional and personal lenses. In addition, the contributions and experiences offered are indipendent and representative of the authors and not the editors. This book seeks to provide insight into the range of theories, practices, processes and the varying manifestation of civic engageement activities between communities and institutions of higher education in Ireland. This publication is the voice of all the relevant stakeholders with regards to civic engageemnt within higher education. The publication has been divided into three distinct but interrelated sections: Section One "Foundations for Civic Engageemnt within Higher Education in Ireland" takes account of contextual and conceptual issue. Section two "Case Studies" offers multiple perspectives on a range od models, activities nd experiences that underpin civic engagement and partnerships between the community and university. Section three "Conclusion" offers reflections on the main mesages emanating from this publication with some thoughts on future implications for the role of the university broadly within society and specifically whithin community.
Parole chiave: community engagement, regional development, higher education, engaged university,
Riferimenti bibliografici: McIlrath, Lorraine et al. (eds) (2009) Mapping Civic Engagement within Higher Education in Ireland. AISHE-R: n.1.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.aishe.org/reading-1/
Allegato Open: 2009_LMcllrarthEtAl_Mapping_Civic_Engagement_final.pdf
Engaged scholarship. The Politics of Engagement and Disengagement University of Alberta, Canada L., Shultz; T., Kajner (eds)
Ente: University of Alberta, Canada
Autori: L., Shultz; T., Kajner (eds)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Engaged scholarship. The Politics of Engagement and Disengagement
Tipologia documento: Volume
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2013
Abstract: This book was motivated by a desire to contribute to in-depth, critical discussions about engaged scholarship and education. Recognizing that, although some theorizing is underway, much of the published literature on community-engaged scholarship focuses on practice-based stories and pragmatic concerns relating to encouraging, supporting, rewarding and institutionalizing engagement in a variety of educational settings, we sought to shift the discourse and create space for a more broad discussion.
Parole chiave: engaged scholarship, community engagement, citizenship of knowledge;educazione e impegno sociale, coinvolgimento delle comunità, società della conoscenza;
Riferimenti bibliografici: Shultz, Lynette; Kajner, Tania (Eds.), (2013), Engaged scholarship: The politics of engagement and disengagement, Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers.
Open Access: NO
Collegamento: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789462092907
The public-engaged scientists: Motivations, enablers and barriers Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste (ente di affiliazione degli autori) S.Cerrato; et al.
Ente: Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati di Trieste (ente di affiliazione degli autori)
Autori: S.Cerrato; et al.
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: The public-engaged scientists: Motivations, enablers and barriers
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: Why do scientists volunteer to be involved in public engagement in science? What are the barriers that can prevent them participationg in dialogue with society? What can be done to facilitate their participation? In this paper we present a case study of the Children's University programme of the International School for Advanced Studies (SISSA) (Trieste, Italy), discussing the three-year experience, and reporting the outcomes of a series of focus groups conducted with the young scientists who volunteered in the programme. Two kinds of motivations emerged. The first is personal, for example volunteers' desire to improve their own communication abilities, or their curiosity for a new activity. The second is related to the perceived role of scientists in society: many volunteers feel a sense of duty and the need to promote science and its importance in society, to have an impact to the public perception of science and to seed the love for science in young people. After the first year of their involvement, volunters epressed the need to keep improving their communication skill and participating in professional training courses, and agreed that science communication should become part of all standard training programmes of PhDs. In order for the outreach not to remain a sporadic experience, it is essential that a strong institutional commitment exists to promote, recruit, encourage, professionally train and support those involved.
Parole chiave: public engagement with science and technology; professional development and training in science communication; public role of young scientists
Riferimenti bibliografici: Cerrato, Simona et al. (2018) The public-engaged scientists: Motivations, enablers and barriers. Research for All. 2. 313-322. 10.18546/RFA.02.2.09.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/326714588_The_public-engaged_scientists_Motivations_enablers_and_barriers
Allegato Open: 2018_Paper_SCerratoEtAl_Pubilc Engaged Scientist.pdf
Teorie e pratiche nelle cliniche legali. vol 2 Università degli Studi di Bergamo A. Maestroni; et al.
Ente: Università degli Studi di Bergamo
Autori: A. Maestroni; et al.
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: Teorie e pratiche nelle cliniche legali. vol 2
Tipologia documento: Volume
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: Teorie e pratiche nelle cliniche legali, vol. II, nel suo complesso è utile per capire come poter fondare, gestire e far crescere una clinica legale nonché per inquadrare il nascente Movimento clinico legale italiano; movimento che da una parte si pone, e pone al dibattito giuridico, un problema di “giustizia” e di “accesso alla giustizia”, partendo dall’attenzione ai diritti fondamentali, che segnano il confine di ciò che non è nella disponibilità di variabili maggioranza politiche, e dall’altra si presenta come termometro sociale delle comunità in cui le Università sono inserite. A emergere è un metodo di insegnamento del diritto che è anche un preciso posizionamento in chiave solidaristica e sussidiaria del giurista e dello stesso sapere che questi rappresenta rispetto alla società e alle dinamiche di potere e di diseguaglianza che la attraversano.
Parole chiave: cliniche legali; università e responsabilità sociale; didattica sul campo;
Riferimenti bibliografici: Brambilla, Paola, Carrer Matteo, Maestroni, Angelo (a cura di) (2018) Teorie e pratiche nelle cliniche legali. Torino: Giappichelli.
Open Access: NO
Collegamento: https://www.giappichelli.it/teorie-e-pratiche-nelle-cliniche-legali
Percorsi. Il Public engagement nella ricerca: consapevolezza, obiettivi, responsabilità, strumenti, impatto Università degli Studi di Torino A., De Bortoli
Ente: Università degli Studi di Torino
Autori: A., De Bortoli
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Percorsi. Il Public engagement nella ricerca: consapevolezza, obiettivi, responsabilità, strumenti, impatto
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: Il report illustra il progetto di ricerca PERCORSI il cui obiettivo principale è stato quello di individuare, condividere, sperimentare e diffondere metodi e strumenti efficaci per riconoscere, censire, valorizzare e valutare le attività di public engagement delle strutture di ricerca. A tal proposito, sono stati utilizzati sia alcuni strumenti e metodologie tradizionali della ricerca sociale, ma anche strumenti di progettazione partecipata e lavoro collaborativo come il workshop e le tecnologie offerte dal web.
Parole chiave: Terza Missione; ANVUR; VQR 2011-2014; progetto ISAAC; public engagement
Open Access: SI
Allegato Open: 2017_Percorsi_Il PE nella Ricerca.pdf
Briefing Paper: Auditing, Benchmarking and Evaluating Public Engagement NCCPE A., Hart; S., Northmore; C. Gerhardt
Altri enti partner: University of Bristol; University of the West of England (UWE)
Autori: A., Hart; S., Northmore; C. Gerhardt
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Briefing Paper: Auditing, Benchmarking and Evaluating Public Engagement
Tipologia documento: Documento di lavoro
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2009
Abstract: This briefing paper is written for academics, university administrators and community partners interested in monitoring and evaluating university public engagement. It provides an accessible guide to the field that can assist them in answering the questions they want to answer, in tailoring their own approach and negotiating that approach between the university and local communities.
Parole chiave: Community-university partnership; university public engagement; audit; benchmarking; dimensions of engagement; evaluating and measuring engagement
Riferimenti bibliografici: Hart, Angie, Northmore Simon and Gerhardt Chloe (2009) Briefing Paper: Auditing, Benchmarking and Evaluating Public Engagement, Bristol, NCCPE.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/resources
Allegato Open: Briefing paper evaluatingpublicengagement_1.pdf
Social impact assessment: the state of the art Community Insights Pty Ltd, Groningen, The Netherlands A.M., Esteves; D., Franks; F., Vanclay
Ente: Community Insights Pty Ltd, Groningen, The Netherlands
Altri enti partner: University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands
Autori: A.M., Esteves; D., Franks; F., Vanclay
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Social impact assessment: the state of the art
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2012
Abstract: The report analyses some potential for improvement in research and management of social impact assessment practices in relation to planned actions (SIA). In particular, it recognizes the need to revise the methodological approach of investigation based on some key concepts such as human rights, gender, sustainability. Moreover, he should be noted the importance of collaboration with local government networks to disseminate the relevance of this research and social impact assessment approach.
Parole chiave: Social impact assessment; impact and benefit agreements; community development agreements; social impact; management plan; social sustainability
Riferimenti bibliografici: A.M., Esteves; D., Franks; F., Vanclay (2012) Social impact assessment: the state of the art. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 30 (1,), pp. 34–42.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14615517.2012.660356
Allegato Open: 2012_Social impact assessment the state of the art.pdf
Linee guida per la compilazione della Scheda Unica AnnualeTerza Missione e Impatto Sociale SUA-TM/IS per le Università ANVUR ANVUR
Autori: ANVUR
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Linee guida per la compilazione della Scheda Unica AnnualeTerza Missione e Impatto Sociale SUA-TM/IS per le Università
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: Il documento illustra le linee guida per la compilazione della Scheda Unica Annuale Terza Missione e Impatto sociale per le Università.
Parole chiave: Valutazione della Terza Missione (TM); impatto sociale
Riferimenti bibliografici: ANVUR (2018) Linee guida per la compilazione della Scheda Unica Annuale Terza Missione e Impatto Sociale SUA-TM/IS per le Università, Roma, ANVUR.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.anvur.it/attivita/temi/lineeguidasua-tm/
Allegato Open: 2018_ANVUR SUA-TM_Lineeguida.pdf