Raccolta documentale
Titolo documento | Ente | Autori | |
Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together | Campus Engage; Irish Research Council (IRC) | Engaged Research Working Group | |
Ente: Campus Engage; Irish Research Council (IRC) Autori: Engaged Research Working Group Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2017 Abstract: The Engaged Research report seeks to showcase the range and depth of engaged research practices in Ireland and sets out recommendations to collaboratively advance these practices for maximum societal impact. Parole chiave: Engaged Research, Social impact;Ricerca e impegno sociale, Impatto sociale; Riferimenti bibliografici: Campus Engage, (2017), Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together, (Report) Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.iua.ie/publications/engaged-research-society-and-higher-education-addressing-grand-societal-challenges-together/# Allegato Open: 2017_CAMPUSENGAGED_Engaged Research.pdf |
Indicators for promoting and monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation | Commissione Europea, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Science with and for Society | Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation | |
Ente: Commissione Europea, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Science with and for Society Autori: Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Indicators for promoting and monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2015 Abstract: The report illustrates the results of the work of the Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation appointed by the European Commission to identify indicators and monitoring tools and assess their performance in relation to the more general objectives of RRI. The report consists of three sections: 1) a theoretical introduction to the RRI; 2) a detailed review of possible indicators according to the eight key areas of RRI; 3) a concrete number of proposals for the implementation of sets of indicators. Parole chiave: Responsible research; innovation; public engagement; gender equality; policy Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission, Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation (2015) 'Indicators for promoting and monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation', report from the Expert Group. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/research/swafs/index.cfm?pg=policy&lib=education Allegato Open: 2015_Indicators For Promoting and Monitoring RRI.pdf |
Città/Università. Esperienze di ‘impegno civico’ | Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani | F. Cognetti, B. De Carli (eds) | |
Ente: Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Architettura e Studi Urbani Autori: F. Cognetti, B. De Carli (eds) Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Casi studio Titolo: Città/Università. Esperienze di ‘impegno civico’ Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2013 Abstract: Questa introduzione al servizio sottolinea i modi in cui sono stati trattati le esperienze e i testi teorici ai quali le curatrici fanno riferimento. La prospettiva è quella, da una parte, di rafforzare una dimenzione di riflessione sistematica a ridosso di una ampia produzione bibliografica internazionale sul public engagement dell'università; dall'altra di avviare un confronto con altre vicende in contesti e ambiti di riflessione più maturi di quello italiano. L'idea di fondo è quella di offrire delle riflessioni su casi di impegno civico di natura accademica attraverso quattro lenti per interpretare la relazione città-università: il contesto sociale e politico in cui le esperienze sono maturate; i presupposti teorico-critici delle attività di collaborazione; il lavoro con le pratiche e le modalità di lavoro; il ruolo dell'università. Parole chiave: impegno civico; città-università; pratiche Riferimenti bibliografici: Cognetti, Francesca e De Carli, Beatrice (2013) Città/Università. Esperienze di ‘impegno civico’. Territorio, vol. 66. Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://re.public.polimi.it/handle/11311/796923?mode=full.1#.XvbXIygzbIU |
Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabileper la progettazione nell’ambito diHORIZON 2020 | Università di Trento | G., Pellegrini | |
Ente: Università di Trento Autori: G., Pellegrini Contesto geografico: Italiano Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabileper la progettazione nell’ambito diHORIZON 2020 Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: L'autore esplora il concetto di RRI, con particolare attenzione a quegli aspetti che devono caratterizzare i progetti di ricerca nell'ambito RRI, per determinanrne una maggiore efficacia. Parole chiave: Ricerca Responsabile e Innovazione, multidisciplinarietà, valutazione, partenariati, efficacia dei progetti;Responsible Research and Innovation, multidisciplinarity; assessment, partnership, projects' impact Riferimenti bibliografici: Pellegrini, Giuseppe, (2018), Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabile per la progettazione nell’ambito di HORIZON 2020, in APRE Magazine, n. 8 Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://www.apre.it/apremagazine/ |
Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University | Campus Compact | H. C., Boyte; E., Hollander (eds) | |
Ente: Campus Compact Altri enti partner: Ford Foundation, University of Michigan Center for Community Service and Learning, Johnson Foundation and W.K. Kellogg Foundation. Autori: H. C., Boyte; E., Hollander (eds) Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University Tipologia documento: Manifesto Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 1999 Abstract: This document is the result of collaboration by participants at a Wingspread conference involving university presidents, provosts, deans, and faculty members with extensive experience in higher education as well as representatives of professional associations, private foundations, and civic organizations. The purpose of the conference was to formulate strategies for renewing the civic mission of the research university, both by preparing students for responsible citizenship in a diverse democracy, and also by engaging faculty members to develop and utilize knowledge for the improvement of society. Parole chiave: Civic mission, Research, Strategies, Knowledge, Responsible citizenship;Missione civica, Ricerca, Strategie, Conoscenza, società responsabile Riferimenti bibliografici: Boyte, Harry C.; Hollander, Elizabeth, (Eds.), (1999), Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University in Civic Engagement, n. 8 Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://compact.org/wingspread-declaration-on-the-civic-responsibilities-of-research-universities/ Allegato Open: 1999_Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the Ameri.pdf |
The Centrality of Engagement in higher education | Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) Council on Engagement and Outreach | H. E., Fitzgerald; et al. | |
Ente: Association of Public and Land Grant Universities (APLU) Council on Engagement and Outreach Autori: H. E., Fitzgerald; et al. Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: The Centrality of Engagement in higher education Tipologia documento: Libro bianco Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2015 Abstract: The centrality of engagement is critical to the success of higher education in the future. Engagement is essential to most effectively achieving the overall purpose of the university, which is focused on the knowledge enterprise. Today’s engagement is scholarly, is an aspect of learning and discovery, and enhances society and higher education. Undergirding today’s approach to community engagement is the understanding that not all knowledge and expertise resides in the academy, and that both expertise and great learning opportunities in teaching and scholarship also reside in non-academic settings. Parole chiave: definition of engagement; engagement's impact; engagement scholarship; engagement and transformational change in higher education;definizione di impegno; impatto; educazione e impegno sociale, impegno e cambiamento sociale nell'ambito accademico; Riferimenti bibliografici: Fitzgerald, Hiram E.; Bruns, Karen; Sonka, Steven T.; Furco, Andrew; Swanson, Louis , (2015), The Centrality of Engagement in Higher Education, adapted from Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement, (2012), Volume 16, Number 3, p. 7 Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.aplu.org/library?q=The+Centrality+of+Engagement+&types=all&year=all&project=all&owner=all Allegato Open: 2015_APLU_COUNCIL ON ENGAGEMENT_OUTREACH_The centrality of engagement.pdf |
The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment. Conceptual and Methodological Advances | International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) | H., Becker; F., Vanclay (eds.) | |
Ente: International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) Autori: H., Becker; F., Vanclay (eds.) Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment. Conceptual and Methodological Advances Tipologia documento: Manuale Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2003 Abstract: The handbook brings together contributions from international experts, mainly related to the IAIA Association, in order to address issues of maximizing benefits and costs cutting within the community development processes. This with the aim of identify primarily social impact measuring instruments, through the implementation of participatory processes. The contributions contained in this volume also aim at an increasingly shared redefinition of social impact assessment (SIA) as prediction, verification and assessment of consequences of social programmes, policies, projects and changes aimed at increasing sustainability and equity. Parole chiave: Social impact assessment; evaluation; benefit; sustainability; social utility; scientific integrity Riferimenti bibliografici: Henk A., Becker and Frank Vanclay (eds.) (2003) The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment. Conceptual and Methodological Advances, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing. Open Access: NO Collegamento: https://www.e-elgar.com/ |
A report on Responsible Research& Innovation | MATTER | H., Sutcliffe | |
Ente: MATTER Autori: H., Sutcliffe Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: A report on Responsible Research& Innovation Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2011 Abstract: This report is intended to explore the issues around Responsible Research and Innovation, particularly, though not exclusively, as expressed by participants at the DG Research Workshop on Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe in Brussels on 16-17 May 2011 Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation; science; policy; democratic governance; framing responsibility;Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili; scienza; politiche; democrazia e governance; responsabilità Riferimenti bibliografici: Sutcliffe, Hilary, (2011), A report on Responsible Research & Innovation, (Report) Open Access: SI Allegato Open: 2011_MATTER_HSutcliffe_ReportonRRI.pdf |
Didattica sul campo. Una raccolta di strumenti per lo sviluppo di percorsi didattici innovativi | Politecnico di Milano | I. Castelnuovo; F. Cognetti; A. Ranzini | |
Ente: Politecnico di Milano Autori: I. Castelnuovo; F. Cognetti; A. Ranzini Contesto geografico: Italiano Tema: Casi studio Titolo: Didattica sul campo. Una raccolta di strumenti per lo sviluppo di percorsi didattici innovativi Tipologia documento: Manuale Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2016 Abstract: Il contributo raccolto in questo quaderno restituisce parte delle attività sviluppate nel quadro dei progetti di responsabilità sociale del Politecnico di Milano attraverso il programma Polisocial, e in particolare all’interno dell’iniziativa Didattica sul campo che, giunta al quinto anno di sperimentazione, offe oggi un interessante collettore di esperienze che ci aiutano a riflettere sul ruolo dell’Università come attore “socialmente responsabile” e attivo nei processi di sviluppo urbano, sociale e culturale. Parole chiave: didattica sul campo; università e responsabilità sociale; action-learning Riferimenti bibliografici: Castelnuovo Ida, Cognetti Francesca , Ranzini Alice (a cura di) (2016) Didattica sul campo. Una raccolta di strumenti per lo sviluppo di percorsi didattici innovativi. I quaderni di Polisocial Q5. Open Access: SI Collegamento: http://www.polisocial.polimi.it/it/pubblicazioni/ Allegato Open: 2016_PoliMIPolisocial_DidatticaSulCampo-light.pdf |
Reinventing the Civic University | NESTA | J., Goddard | |
Ente: NESTA Autori: J., Goddard Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE Titolo: Reinventing the Civic University Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2009 Abstract: The author proposes a reflection on the role of engagement and argues that all publicly-funded universities in UK have a civic duty to engage with society, on the local, national and global scales. The author invites Universities to introduce an institution-wide strategy for civic engagement, a strategy that reaches across teaching and research rather than being considered as a third strand of activity. Parole chiave: civic engagement, teaching and research;impegno civico, didattica e ricerca Riferimenti bibliografici: Goddard, John, (2009), Reinventing the Civic University, in Provocation, n.12, NESTA Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.nesta.org.uk/report/re-inventing-the-civic-university/ Allegato Open: 2009_JGoddard_Reinventing the civic university.pdf |
The University as a common pool resource. A set of resources, moral and cultural values from the Academic Community of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana | Universidad Politécnica Salesiana | J., Herrán; et al. | |
Ente: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Autori: J., Herrán; et al. Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: The University as a common pool resource. A set of resources, moral and cultural values from the Academic Community of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana Tipologia documento: Volume Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2019 Abstract: This book seeks to deepen as well as identify the implications and the possibilities of imagining the university as a “common pool resource”. Thus, multiple contributions alternatively examine the broad experience of the Salesian mission in Ecuador, in order to reflect upon themes of community and resources. Then, the volume focuses on the task of education in Andean and Amazonian territories, where knowledge constitutes a common good for autonomy and self-government. Parole chiave: common good, knowledge society, intercultural education, social transparency, sustainability Riferimenti bibliografici: Herrán, Javier et al. (2019) The University as a common pool resource. A set of resources, moral and cultural values from the Academic Community of Universidad Politécnica Salesiana. Quito: Universidad Politécnica Salesiana [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/331970180_The_University_as_a_Common_Pool_Resource_A_set_of_resources_moral_and_cultural_values_from_the_Academic_Community_of_Universidad_Politecnica_Salesiana Allegato Open: 2019_UniversidadPolitecnicaSalesiana_The University a common good.pdf |
Higher Education in the World 6. Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local | GUNi - Global University Network for innovation | K., Abbas; et al. F. X. Grau; et al. (eds.) | |
Ente: GUNi - Global University Network for innovation Autori: K., Abbas; et al. F. X. Grau; et al. (eds.) Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Higher Education in the World 6. Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2017 Abstract: This report (HEIW6) aims to analyse the responsibilities of universities at local and global level, exploring the potential conflicts, and intrinsic difficulties, in addressing both the local demands of society based on the race for global competitiveness and the local and global demands to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable society. Furthermore, the concept of engagement is understood beyond the limited understandings of a third mission, so as to promote a mature view of the concept of engagement that integrates changes in internal organization, structures, dynamics, incentives and recognition systems that allow academia to advance new ways of developing its core mission. Parole chiave: knowledge-based economy, public good, glocal engagement, social responsibility, community-university engagement Riferimenti bibliografici: Abbas, Khairoon, et al. Grau, Francesc Xavier, et al. (eds.), (2017) Higher Education in the World 6. Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local, Girona, Global University Network for innovation [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: http://www.guninetwork.org/report/higher-education-world-6 Allegato Open: 2017_GUNI Report_HE in the world.pdf |
SFU Community Engagement Strategy: Draft for Discussion | Simon Fraser University | K., Magnusson; | |
Ente: Simon Fraser University Autori: K., Magnusson; Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: SFU Community Engagement Strategy: Draft for Discussion Tipologia documento: Documento strategico Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2013 Abstract: This three-year strategy is intended to show SFU in its evolution to become “Canada’s most community-engaged research university” and to maximize its contribution to the local, provincial, national and global economy and society. The same vision as an “engaged university” is considered the precondition for the first institutional community engagement strategy whose goals and objectives are meant as specific as an integral part of the academic mission, creating opportunities for practical and experiential learning, informing and inspiring research, but also contributing to its relevance and success. This strategy is finally intended to facilitate community access to knowledge and resources, by connecting, embedding and communicating SFU’s engagement efforts. Parole chiave: engagement, outreach, lifelong learning, community-engaged research, integration Riferimenti bibliografici: Magnusson, Karl (2013) SFU Community Engagement Strategy: Draft for Discussion, Burnaby, Simon Fraser University [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.sfu.ca/vpexternal/vice-president-external-relations/strategy.html Allegato Open: 2013_SFU_Community Engagement Strategy.pdf |
A how to guide. Engaged Research Planning for Impact - Society and Higher Education Addressing Grand Societal Challenges Together | Campus Engage | K., Morris; et al. | |
Ente: Campus Engage Altri enti partner: Irish Universities Association & Irish Research Council Autori: K., Morris; et al. Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: A how to guide. Engaged Research Planning for Impact - Society and Higher Education Addressing Grand Societal Challenges Together Tipologia documento: Linee guida Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: This is a brief guide to support researchers to reflect on the possible categories and types of impact that research activities can generate. The document proposes a framework as a tool to define, ex ante and during the research project development process, possible impacts and indicators for measuring them. Parole chiave: Impact framework; engaged research; planning for impact Riferimenti bibliografici: K., Morris; et al. (2018) A how to guide. Engaged Research Planning for Impact - Society and Higher Education Addressing Grand Societal Challenges Together, Dublin, Campus Engage. Open Access: SI Collegamento: http://www.campusengage.ie/what-we-do/publications/?cat-type=how-to-guide&cat=community-based-research Allegato Open: 2018_Campus Engage_Engaged Research Planning for Impact.pdf |
Changing what researchers “think and do”: Is this how involvement impacts on research?’. | TwoCan Associates, Hove | K., Staley | |
Ente: TwoCan Associates, Hove Autori: K., Staley Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Changing what researchers “think and do”: Is this how involvement impacts on research?’. Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2017 Abstract: Much has been written about the impact of involvement on research and the people involved, but much less is known about the impact on researchers. Based on previous experience of evaluating involvement, the author argues that researchers often report learning something new from involvement. Patients/the public bring ‘new’ knowledge to researchers, informed by their lived experience and use of services. The author therefore carried out a narrative review of the literature to explore in depth what researchers learn from involvement. The findings confirmed that researchers often gain new knowledge and skills through involvement, which can change their priorities, values and attitudes. Therefore, researchers often directly experience the impact of involvement themselves. This learning then changes their practice. It leads them to change the design, delivery and dissemination of their research. Thus, many of the reported outcomes of involvement might be underpinned by what the researchers learnt through the process. Reframing impacts on research as impacts on researchers’ learning has implications for practice and for motivating researchers to work with patients and the public. Further research and future evaluations of involvement might usefully explore the links between researchers’ learning and outcomes. Parole chiave: Patient and public involvement; user involvement; impact Riferimenti bibliografici: Staley, Kristina (2017) Changing what researchers 'think and do': Is this how involvement impacts on research?. Research for All, 1 (1), pp. 158–167. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/ioep/rfa/2017/00000001/00000001/art00013# Allegato Open: 2017_Staley_Changing what researchers think and do.pdf |
Europe Engage Survey of civic engagement and service-learning activities within the partner universities | Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain | L. McIlrath; et al. | |
Ente: Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain Altri enti partner: Higher education institutions involved in EUROPE ENGAGE are: Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain; National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland; Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherlands; Ghent University, Belgium; ISPA – Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida, Portugal; IMC University of Applied Science-Krems GmbH, Austria; University of Bologna, Italy; University of Brighton, United Kingdom; University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany; University of Helsinki, Finland; University of Zagreb, Croatia; Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania Autori: L. McIlrath; et al. Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Casi studio Titolo: Europe Engage Survey of civic engagement and service-learning activities within the partner universities Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2016 Abstract: The Europe Engage project (a Erasmus+ KA2 projects) was established to promote and support service-learning within (12) universities in Europe as a pedagogical approach that embeds and develops civic engagement within higher education, students, staff and the wider community. Service-learning (sometimes referred as community based or community engaged learning) is an innovative pedagogial approach that integrates meaningful community service or engagement into che curriculum and offers students academic credit for the learning that derives from active engagement within community and work on a real worrld problem. Refrection and experiential learning strategies underpin the process and the service is link to the academic discipline. Parole chiave: service-learning, community based learning, community engaged learning Riferimenti bibliografici: McIlrath, Lorraine et al (2016) Europe Engage Survey of Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Activities within the Partner Universities. Europe Engaged Project Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://europeengage.org/report-europe-engage-survey-of-civic-engagement-service-learning-activities-within-the-partner-universities/ Allegato Open: 2016_Report_EuropeEngageProject.pdf |
Engaging People in Making History: Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus | University of Leeds | L., King,; G., Rivett | |
Ente: University of Leeds Altri enti partner: York St John University Autori: L., King,; G., Rivett Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Engaging People in Making History: Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2015 Abstract: The purpose of this article is to offer a critical perspective of the ways through which Universities understand their relationship with partners and the public outside the Academy. Particular attention is given to the context of Higher Education in the United Kingdom and to a definition of impact reinterpreted from the point of view of two historians interested in assessing the extent of their research with regard to the differences between the parameters RCUK and REF and to the interdisciplinary distinctions. Parole chiave: Impact; engagement; publics; knowledge Riferimenti bibliografici: L., King,; G., Rivett (2015) Engaging People in Making History: Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus. History Workshop Journal, 80 (1), pp. 218–233. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://academic.oup.com/hwj/article/80/1/218/664991 Allegato Open: 2015_Engaging People in Making History Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus.pdf |
Polisocial Award. Esperienze di Ricerca Responsabile | Politecnico di Milano | M. Broz (eds) | |
Ente: Politecnico di Milano Autori: M. Broz (eds) Contesto geografico: Italiano Tema: Casi studio Titolo: Polisocial Award. Esperienze di Ricerca Responsabile Tipologia documento: Volume Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: Polisocial è il programma promosso dal Politecnico di Milano che affianca l’impegno sociale e la cooperazione allo sviluppo ai due tradizionali cardini dell’attività accademica: la didattica e la ricerca. Polisocial intende mettere l’università a stretto contatto con le dinamiche dei cambiamenti della società, estendendo la missione dell’Ateneo verso temi e bisogni sociali che nascono dal territorio, a livello sia locale che globale. Il programma inaugura così un nuovo modo di produrre e applicare il sapere scientifico, nonché di costruire l’eccellenza universitaria, promuovendo una nuova progettualità multidisciplinare attenta allo sviluppo umano e sociale e ampliando le opportunità formative, così come le occasioni di scambio e ricerca, offerte a studenti, giovani ricercatori, personale dell’Ateneo, e ad altri soggetti della propria rete. Il fine è quello di rinnovare le forme di ricerca e di didattica del Politecnico e accrescere un’attitudine responsabile, inducendo lo sviluppo di capacità, competenze e nuovi valori nelle future generazioni di professionisti e cittadini, sempre più consapevoli e preparati a rispondere alle sfide poste dalla società Parole chiave: università e responsabilità sociale; ricerca responsabile Riferimenti bibliografici: Broz Martin (a cura di),(2018) Polisocial Award. Esperienze di Ricerca Responsabile, Milano: Polisocial Open Access: SI Collegamento: http://www.polisocial.polimi.it/it/pubblicazioni/ Allegato Open: 2018_PoliMIPolisocialAward_EsperienzeRicercaResponsabile.pdf |
A common standard for the evaluation of publicengagement with research | NCCPE | M. S., Reed; et al. | |
Ente: NCCPE Altri enti partner: Newcastle University, UK; Queen Mary University of London, UK; Dialogue Matters, UK Autori: M. S., Reed; et al. Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: A common standard for the evaluation of publicengagement with research Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: The aim of the paper is to propose a linked conceptual and methodological framework that can be used as a common evaluation standard for public engagement projects across a wide range of possible contexts and purposes. Parole chiave: Responsible research and innovation (RRI); public participation; publicunderstanding of science; co-production; monitoring and evaluation Riferimenti bibliografici: Mark S., Reed; et al. (2018) A common standard for the evaluation of public engagement with research. Research for All, 2 (1), pp. 143–162. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/ioep/rfa/2018/00000002/00000001/art00013 Allegato Open: 2018_Reed et al. A common standard for the evaluation of public engagement with research.pdf |
Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union. A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth | European Commission - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation - Directorate A-Policy Development and Coordination Unit A.6 - Open Data Policy and Science Cloud | M., Mazzucato; | |
Ente: European Commission - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation - Directorate A-Policy Development and Coordination Unit A.6 - Open Data Policy and Science Cloud Autori: M., Mazzucato; Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti Titolo: Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union. A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth Tipologia documento: Linee guida Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: This document is aimed at drafting strategic recommendations on mission-oriented research and innovation in the EU, in order to guide the future European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. In the first place, it tries to answer questions of how to direct innovation, then, it develops a vision of what a European mission-oriented research and innovation policy could look like by considering mission as a massive opportunity to increase the impact of European research and innovation, grasp the public imagination and make real progress on complex challenges. Parole chiave: engagement, impact, mission, research and innovation, mission-oriented policy Riferimenti bibliografici: Mazzucato, Mariana (2018) Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union. A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growt, Brussels, European Commission [Accessed 3 July 2020]. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/mission-oriented-research-innovation-eu-problem-solving-approach-fuel-innovation-led-growth_it Allegato Open: 2018_UE_MMazzucato_Mission Oriented R_I.pdf |