Raccolta documentale
Titolo documento | Ente | Autori | |
Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2011-2014 | ANVUR | ||
Ente: ANVUR Contesto geografico: Italiano Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2011-2014 Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2017 Abstract: Il documento illustra i risultati dell’esercizio di Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2011-2014 (VQR 2011-2014). In particolare, il report offre un quadro puntuale degli aspetti salienti che hanno caratterizzato questo esercizio di valutazione, rispettivamente: le istituzioni che vi hanno preso parte; le attività valutate; le metodologie di valutazione adottate; il ruolo e l’operato della Commissione di Esperti di Valutazione della Terza Missione (CETM); i risultati delle attività di TM nella valorizzazione della ricerca (Atenei/enti e consorzi); i risultati delle attività di TM nella promozione di beni pubblici di natura sociale, educativa e culturale (Atenei/enti e consorzi). Parole chiave: Valutazione della Terza Missione (TM); Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2011-2014 (VQR 2011-2014) Riferimenti bibliografici: ANVUR (2017) Valutazione della Qualità della Ricerca 2011-2014, Roma, ANVUR. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.anvur.it/rapporto-2016/ Allegato Open: 2017_ANVUR_VQR 2011-2014_Terza Missione.pdf |
Parte II. La Ricerca. Sezione 9Attività di Terza Missione: Strategie, Risorse ed Impatto | ANVUR | B., Blasi; P., Miccoli; S., Romagnosi | |
Ente: ANVUR Autori: B., Blasi; P., Miccoli; S., Romagnosi Contesto geografico: Italiano Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Parte II. La Ricerca. Sezione 9Attività di Terza Missione: Strategie, Risorse ed Impatto Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: Il documento intende proporre una breve rassegna delle esperienze internazionali sulla Terza Missione, ripercorrere l'esperienza di valutazione della Terza Missione condotta dall'ANVUR e fornire un quadro delle attività che sono state svolte dalle università nel periodo 2011-2014 (VQR 2011-2014). Parole chiave: Valutazione della Terza Missione (TM); impatto della ricerca; modelli di engagement; valorizzazione della ricerca; produzione di beni pubblici Riferimenti bibliografici: B., Blasi; P., Miccoli; S., Romagnosi (2018) Parte II. La Ricerca. Sezione 9 Attività di Terza Missione: Strategie, Risorse ed Impatto, in Rapporto ANVUR sullo stato del Sistema Universitario e della Ricerca 2018 Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.anvur.it/atti-e-pubblicazioni/lavori-di-ricerca/valutazione-della-terza-missione-e-dellimpatto-sociale/ Allegato Open: 2018_ANVUR_Rapporto Biennale_Sezione 9_attività di TM.pdf |
Linee guida per la compilazione della Scheda Unica AnnualeTerza Missione e Impatto Sociale SUA-TM/IS per le Università | ANVUR | ANVUR | |
Ente: ANVUR Autori: ANVUR Contesto geografico: Italiano Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Linee guida per la compilazione della Scheda Unica AnnualeTerza Missione e Impatto Sociale SUA-TM/IS per le Università Tipologia documento: Linee guida Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: Il documento illustra le linee guida per la compilazione della Scheda Unica Annuale Terza Missione e Impatto sociale per le Università. Parole chiave: Valutazione della Terza Missione (TM); impatto sociale Riferimenti bibliografici: ANVUR (2018) Linee guida per la compilazione della Scheda Unica Annuale Terza Missione e Impatto Sociale SUA-TM/IS per le Università, Roma, ANVUR. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.anvur.it/attivita/temi/lineeguidasua-tm/ Allegato Open: 2018_ANVUR SUA-TM_Lineeguida.pdf |
Indicators for promoting and monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation | Commissione Europea, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Science with and for Society | Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation | |
Ente: Commissione Europea, Directorate-General for Research and Innovation, Science with and for Society Autori: Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Indicators for promoting and monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2015 Abstract: The report illustrates the results of the work of the Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation appointed by the European Commission to identify indicators and monitoring tools and assess their performance in relation to the more general objectives of RRI. The report consists of three sections: 1) a theoretical introduction to the RRI; 2) a detailed review of possible indicators according to the eight key areas of RRI; 3) a concrete number of proposals for the implementation of sets of indicators. Parole chiave: Responsible research; innovation; public engagement; gender equality; policy Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission, Expert Group on Policy Indicators for Responsible Research and Innovation (2015) 'Indicators for promoting and monitoring Responsible Research and Innovation', report from the Expert Group. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/research/swafs/index.cfm?pg=policy&lib=education Allegato Open: 2015_Indicators For Promoting and Monitoring RRI.pdf |
Un'analisi degli indicatori di impatto sociale | Università di Brescia | E., Chiaf | |
Ente: Università di Brescia Altri enti partner: Unione Europea Autori: E., Chiaf Contesto geografico: Italiano Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Un'analisi degli indicatori di impatto sociale Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Italiano Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: La ricerca intende fornire una pratica guida operativa in tema di strumenti e metodi di misurazione dell’impatto, con particolare riferimento alle imprese sociali; si avvale di una rassegna teorica introduttiva sul tema della definizione d’impatto sociale e sui processi di misurazione, seguiti dall'approfondimento dei principali metodi di misurazione dell’impatto. Parole chiave: Impatto; impresa sociale; sostenibilità; risorse Riferimenti bibliografici: E., Chiaf (2018) 'Un'analisi degli indicatori di impatto sociale', Act Social Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://centrostudisocialis.it/attivita/valutazione-e-misurazione-dimpatto/ Allegato Open: 2018_Social impact indicators identification.pdf |
Engaging People in Making History: Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus | University of Leeds | L., King,; G., Rivett | |
Ente: University of Leeds Altri enti partner: York St John University Autori: L., King,; G., Rivett Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Engaging People in Making History: Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus Tipologia documento: Articolo Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2015 Abstract: The purpose of this article is to offer a critical perspective of the ways through which Universities understand their relationship with partners and the public outside the Academy. Particular attention is given to the context of Higher Education in the United Kingdom and to a definition of impact reinterpreted from the point of view of two historians interested in assessing the extent of their research with regard to the differences between the parameters RCUK and REF and to the interdisciplinary distinctions. Parole chiave: Impact; engagement; publics; knowledge Riferimenti bibliografici: L., King,; G., Rivett (2015) Engaging People in Making History: Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus. History Workshop Journal, 80 (1), pp. 218–233. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://academic.oup.com/hwj/article/80/1/218/664991 Allegato Open: 2015_Engaging People in Making History Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus.pdf |
Monitoring the evolution and benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation | Commissione Europea - Directorate General for Research and Innovation | ||
Ente: Commissione Europea - Directorate General for Research and Innovation Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Monitoring the evolution and benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Francese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: This Executive Summary outlines the conclusions of the monitoring of RRI’s initiatives in Europe. Some lines of action for future monitoring activities are proposed in the document. Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI); monitoraggio Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://publications.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/d7d917da-c13b-11e8-9893-01aa75ed71a1/language-en Allegato Open: 2018_Monitoring the evolution and benefits of RRI.pdf |
Scientific society support for scientists working to build institutional capacity for public engagement:Examples from the AAAS Leshner Leadership Institute | American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) | E. T., Cloyd | |
Ente: American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Autori: E. T., Cloyd Contesto geografico: Extra EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Scientific society support for scientists working to build institutional capacity for public engagement:Examples from the AAAS Leshner Leadership Institute Tipologia documento: Altri materiali Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: This poster describes the overall activity of the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Center and points out purpose, processes and people involved in building institutional capacity for public engagement and institutional change with reference to examples from the AAAS Leshner Leadership Institute for Public Engagement with Science - one of the premier programs of the AAAS Center. Parole chiave: Public engagement; institutional change; (self)assessment Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.aaas.org/ Allegato Open: 2018_AAAS Scientific society support for scientists.pdf |
Monitoring Policy and Research Activities on Sciencein Society in Europe (MASIS) | Commissione Europea - Publications Office of the European Union | N., Mejlgard; et al. | |
Ente: Commissione Europea - Publications Office of the European Union Autori: N., Mejlgard; et al. Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Monitoring Policy and Research Activities on Sciencein Society in Europe (MASIS) Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: This report summarizes the main findings concerning MASIS Project and its execution across 38 countries involved in it (27 EU and 11 associated countries). Namely, the main activities of the MASIS project were the design, collection, validation and update of 38 national reports on science in society, and the creation, maintenance and update of the MASIS website as well as the facilitation of a MASIS community and collection of information (news) pertinent to MASIS from the 38 countries. Parole chiave: MASIS project; Science in Society; science in policy making; science communication Riferimenti bibliografici: N., Mejlgard; et al. (2012) Monitoring Policy and Research Activities on Science in Society in Europe (MASIS), Bruxelles, European Commission - Publications Office of the European Union. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu Allegato Open: 2012_Monitoring policy research activities on Science in Society_MASIS.pdf |
Social impact assessment: the state of the art | Community Insights Pty Ltd, Groningen, The Netherlands | A.M., Esteves; D., Franks; F., Vanclay | |
Ente: Community Insights Pty Ltd, Groningen, The Netherlands Altri enti partner: University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia; University of Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands Autori: A.M., Esteves; D., Franks; F., Vanclay Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Social impact assessment: the state of the art Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: The report analyses some potential for improvement in research and management of social impact assessment practices in relation to planned actions (SIA). In particular, it recognizes the need to revise the methodological approach of investigation based on some key concepts such as human rights, gender, sustainability. Moreover, he should be noted the importance of collaboration with local government networks to disseminate the relevance of this research and social impact assessment approach. Parole chiave: Social impact assessment; impact and benefit agreements; community development agreements; social impact; management plan; social sustainability Riferimenti bibliografici: A.M., Esteves; D., Franks; F., Vanclay (2012) Social impact assessment: the state of the art. Impact Assessment and Project Appraisal, 30 (1,), pp. 34–42. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/14615517.2012.660356 Allegato Open: 2012_Social impact assessment the state of the art.pdf |
Monitoring the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation (MoRRI) | Commissione Europea - Directorate General for Research and Innovation | ||
Ente: Commissione Europea - Directorate General for Research and Innovation Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Monitoring the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation (MoRRI) Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: The report (see, in particular, paragraph 3.4 Impact pathways and the generation of RRI benefits) sets out the potential metrics and benefits of RRI through a reflection aimed at verifying the validity of the indicators used and an identification of new and profitable indicators (input/output). Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI); societal challenge; inclusive data strategy; knowledge; benefits Riferimenti bibliografici: Commissione Europea - Directorate General for Research and Innovation (2018) Monitoring the Evolution and Benefits of Responsible Research and Innovation (MoRRI), Bruxelles, European Commission. Open Access: SI Collegamento: http://www.guninetwork.org/news/monitoring-evolution-and-benefits-responsible-research-and-innovation-outline-morri-final-event Allegato Open: 2018_Monitoring the evolution and benefits of RRI.pdf |
Engaging with Impact:How do we know if wehave made a difference? | Wellcome Trust | S., Aggett; A., Dunn; R., Vincent | |
Ente: Wellcome Trust Autori: S., Aggett; A., Dunn; R., Vincent Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Engaging with Impact:How do we know if wehave made a difference? Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: This report is based on conversations held at Trust’s fourth international engagement workshop: ‘Engaging with impact: how do we know if we have made a difference?’ which took place in South Africa in October 2012. The purpose of this document is to convey the outcome of dialogues focused on quality and impact referring to evaluation cases and scientific knowledge sharing processes with the reference community. The document reflects, in particular, on the concept and applications of "engagement" and its implications of correlation with the "science" sphere. Parole chiave: Engagement; science; accountability; impact; community; evaluation Riferimenti bibliografici: S., Aggett; A., Dunn; R., Vincent (2012) Engaging with Impact: How do we know if we have made a difference?, London, Wellcome Trust. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://wellcome.ac.uk/search?search=%22Engaging+with+Impact%3A+How+do+we+know+if+we+have+made+a+difference%3F%22#main Allegato Open: 2012_Engaging with impact.pdf |
A how to guide. Engaged Research Planning for Impact - Society and Higher Education Addressing Grand Societal Challenges Together | Campus Engage | K., Morris; et al. | |
Ente: Campus Engage Altri enti partner: Irish Universities Association & Irish Research Council Autori: K., Morris; et al. Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: A how to guide. Engaged Research Planning for Impact - Society and Higher Education Addressing Grand Societal Challenges Together Tipologia documento: Linee guida Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: This is a brief guide to support researchers to reflect on the possible categories and types of impact that research activities can generate. The document proposes a framework as a tool to define, ex ante and during the research project development process, possible impacts and indicators for measuring them. Parole chiave: Impact framework; engaged research; planning for impact Riferimenti bibliografici: K., Morris; et al. (2018) A how to guide. Engaged Research Planning for Impact - Society and Higher Education Addressing Grand Societal Challenges Together, Dublin, Campus Engage. Open Access: SI Collegamento: http://www.campusengage.ie/what-we-do/publications/?cat-type=how-to-guide&cat=community-based-research Allegato Open: 2018_Campus Engage_Engaged Research Planning for Impact.pdf |
Reviewing public engagement in REF 2014: Reflections for shaping the second REF | NCCPE | S., Duncan; P., Manners; K., Miller | |
Ente: NCCPE Altri enti partner: University of Bristol Autori: S., Duncan; P., Manners; K., Miller Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Reviewing public engagement in REF 2014: Reflections for shaping the second REF Tipologia documento: Documento di lavoro Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2017 Abstract: This is an information and study document on the role of the public engagement in relation to REF 2014 data and the analytical study of 6000 case studies whose aim is to provide new data processing tools in view of the next REF 2021. The general purpose of the document is to convey a context inquiry aimed at enhancing the practices and methods of pervasive relationship between the public and research. Particular attention is paid to impact in a comparative view and to definition issues related to the types of public in open reflection on policy, standard and scientific knowledge transfer and sharing practices. Parole chiave: Impact; engagement; public; civil society; capacity building; policy; business Riferimenti bibliografici: S., Duncan; P. Manners; K., Miller, (2017). Reviewing public engagement in REF 2014: Reflections for shaping the second RE F, Bristol/NCCPE. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/resources Allegato Open: 2017_NCCPE_Reviewing Public Engagement in REF 2014.pdf |
Evaluating citizen science: Towards an open framework | Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, Austria | B., Kieslinger; et al. | |
Ente: Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, Austria Altri enti partner: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, AustriaHelmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, GermanyGerman Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, GermanyInstitute of Ecology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany Autori: B., Kieslinger; et al. Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Evaluating citizen science: Towards an open framework Tipologia documento: Contributo in volume Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: The chapter shows a framework for evaluation criteria concerning the process and degrees of success of citizen science initiatives. This chapter offers an extended overview of the various s initiatives based on examination of characteristics and diversification in current activities and practices. The criteria identified in this chapter are applicable both to extra-academic events, and to initiatives conducted by researchers and scholars. Moreover, the indicators provided refer to both a quantitative and qualitative recognition. Parole chiave: Citizen science; evaluation and impact assessment; policy-making; community capacity; scientific impact; economic impact; outcome Riferimenti bibliografici: B., Kieslinger; et al. (2018) Evaluating citizen science: Towards an open framework. In S., Hecker, M., Haklay, A., Bowser, Z., Makuch, J., Vogel, A., Bonn (eds.) Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. London: UCL Press. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSearch?Query=Evaluating+citizen+science%3A+Towards+an+open+framework&acc=off&wc=on&fc=off&group=none Allegato Open: 2018_Evaluating citizen science_Towards an open framework.pdf |
Getting to Policy Impact: Concepts and Framework | Stockholm Environment Institute | J., Forrester; et al. | |
Ente: Stockholm Environment Institute Autori: J., Forrester; et al. Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Getting to Policy Impact: Concepts and Framework Tipologia documento: Report Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2009 Abstract: This brief methodological report investigates the definitions and the management practices of scientific knowledge as a facilitator of sustainable policies involving ever greater involvement of multiple stakeholders, maintaining levels of scientific excellence and promoting the integration of knowledge in different political contexts. The report also defines the concept of impact policies as models of change for the co-creation of knowledge in the public policy sphere. Parole chiave: Sustainability knowledge; policy impact; stakeholder Riferimenti bibliografici: J., Forrester; et al. (2009) Getting to Policy Impact: Concepts and Framework, Stokholm, Stokholm Environment Institute Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSearch?Query=Getting+to+Policy+Impact%3A+Concepts+and+Framework&acc=off&wc=on&fc=off&group=none Allegato Open: 2009_Getting to Policy Impact_ Concepts and Framework.pdf |
Assessing impacts arising from public engagement withresearch | NCCPE | NCCPE | |
Ente: NCCPE Autori: NCCPE Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Assessing impacts arising from public engagement withresearch Tipologia documento: Documento di lavoro Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2012 Abstract: This discussion paper provides context for REF panels that are developing their criteria for assessing impacts arising through public engagement with research. The paper synthesises the outcomes from three workshops, held between March and May 2011. The ideas contained within it have been contributed to and commented on by REF panel representatives, the REF team, a range of academic staff and a number of evaluation and public engagement specialists, whom we would like to thank for their input. Parole chiave: Public engagement, REF, impact statement, assessing impact, evidencing impact, case study Riferimenti bibliografici: NCCPE (2012) Assessing impacts arising from public engagement with research, Bristol, NCCPE. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/resources Allegato Open: 2012_NCCPE_Assessing Impacts arising from public engagement with research.pdf |
Measuring Higher Education Civic and Community engagement. A support framework | Campus Engage | R., Wynne; K., Morris | |
Ente: Campus Engage Altri enti partner: University College Dublin; Irish University Association (UIA) Autori: R., Wynne; K., Morris Contesto geografico: EU Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: Measuring Higher Education Civic and Community engagement. A support framework Tipologia documento: Linee guida Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2018 Abstract: An informed Metrics Framework; a tool to support institutions to consider new ways to measure their societal impact. Parole chiave: Measuring impact; metrics; engaged research; teaching and learning; Student Volunteering; Public Engagement and Involvement; Institutional Infrastructure and Architecture Riferimenti bibliografici: R., Wynne; K., Morris (2018) Measuring Higher Education Civic and Community engagement. A support framework, Dublin, Campus Engage. Open Access: SI Collegamento: http://www.campusengage.ie/what-we-do/publications/page/2/?cat-type Allegato Open: 2018_Campus Engage_Measuring HE Civic and Community Engagement_A Framework.pdf |
REF 2021 Guidance on submissions | Research England | ||
Ente: Research England Altri enti partner: The Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), and the Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland (DfE). Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: REF 2021 Guidance on submissions Tipologia documento: Linee guida Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2019 Abstract: This document sets out the general framework for assessment in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF) and guidance to UK higher education institutions about making submissions to REF 2021. It includes guidance on procedures, the data that will be required, and the criteria and definitions that will apply. Parole chiave: Assessment of research Riferimenti bibliografici: Research England (2019) REF 2021 Guidance on submissions, Bristol, Research England. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.ref.ac.uk/publications/guidance-on-submissions-201901/ Allegato Open: 2019_REF_Guidance On Submissions.pdf |
REF 2021 Panel criteria andworking methods | Research England | ||
Ente: Research England Altri enti partner: The Scottish Funding Council (SFC), the Higher Education Funding Council for Wales (HEFCW), and the Department for the Economy, Northern Ireland (DfE). Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione Titolo: REF 2021 Panel criteria andworking methods Tipologia documento: Linee guida Lingua: Inglese Anno pubblicazione: 2019 Abstract: This document sets out the assessment criteria and working methods for the Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2021. Parole chiave: Assessment of research; criteria; methods; types of impact; indicators Riferimenti bibliografici: Research England (2019) REF 2021 Panel criteria and working methods, Bristol, Research England. Open Access: SI Collegamento: https://www.ref.ac.uk/publications/panel-criteria-and-working-methods-201902/ Allegato Open: 2019_REF_Panel Criteria and Working Methods.pdf |