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Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together Campus Engage Engaged Research Working Group
Ente: Campus Engage
Altri enti partner: Irish Universities Association (IUA) & Irish Research Council
Autori: Engaged Research Working Group
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: This report seeks to showcase the range and the depth of engaged research practices in Ireland and sets out recommendations to collaboratively advance these practices for maximum societal impact. The core aims of this report are as follows: to develop an agreed national understanding of what engaged research is, the method by which it might be implemented, and how it is designed, delivered and assessed to meet the needs and desires of all collaborating partners; to develop greater awareness of the strategic opportunities and enablers for engaged research, and enhance the profile and recognition of engaged research in Ireland, both nationally and internationally.
Parole chiave: Engaged research; societal impact of research; engaged research practices; impact assessment
Riferimenti bibliografici: Campus Engage (2017) Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together, Dublin, Campus Engage.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: http://www.campusengage.ie/what-we-do/publications/?cat=community-based-research&cat-type=
Allegato Open: 2017_CAMPUS ENGAGED_Engaged Research.pdf
Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together Campus Engage; Irish Research Council (IRC) Engaged Research Working Group
Ente: Campus Engage; Irish Research Council (IRC)
Autori: Engaged Research Working Group
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: The Engaged Research report seeks to showcase the range and depth of engaged research practices in Ireland and sets out recommendations to collaboratively advance these practices for maximum societal impact.
Parole chiave: Engaged Research, Social impact;Ricerca e impegno sociale, Impatto sociale;
Riferimenti bibliografici: Campus Engage, (2017), Engaged Research. Society and Higher Education. Adressing Grand Societal Challenges Together, (Report)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.iua.ie/publications/engaged-research-society-and-higher-education-addressing-grand-societal-challenges-together/#
Allegato Open: 2017_CAMPUSENGAGED_Engaged Research.pdf
Engaged scholarship. The Politics of Engagement and Disengagement University of Alberta, Canada L., Shultz; T., Kajner (eds)
Ente: University of Alberta, Canada
Autori: L., Shultz; T., Kajner (eds)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Engaged scholarship. The Politics of Engagement and Disengagement
Tipologia documento: Volume
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2013
Abstract: This book was motivated by a desire to contribute to in-depth, critical discussions about engaged scholarship and education. Recognizing that, although some theorizing is underway, much of the published literature on community-engaged scholarship focuses on practice-based stories and pragmatic concerns relating to encouraging, supporting, rewarding and institutionalizing engagement in a variety of educational settings, we sought to shift the discourse and create space for a more broad discussion.
Parole chiave: engaged scholarship, community engagement, citizenship of knowledge;educazione e impegno sociale, coinvolgimento delle comunità, società della conoscenza;
Riferimenti bibliografici: Shultz, Lynette; Kajner, Tania (Eds.), (2013), Engaged scholarship: The politics of engagement and disengagement, Rotterdam, NL: Sense Publishers.
Open Access: NO
Collegamento: https://www.springer.com/gp/book/9789462092907
Engagement as a Core Value for the University: A Consultation Document The Association of Commonwealth Universities - Vancouver Island University
Ente: The Association of Commonwealth Universities - Vancouver Island University
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Engagement as a Core Value for the University: A Consultation Document
Tipologia documento: Documento strategico
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2001
Abstract: This paper aims at representing the mission of a university conscious of its role and roots in the community needs. In the first part, it shows four areas where to seek engagement: with stakeholders, with the working world, with a range of partners in research activities, with communities and regions. In the second part, the document provides a list of questions that institutional leaders might ask in order to gauge the institution’s level and location of engagement. More in general, it reflects upon how Commonwealth universities expect to engage with government, industry, commerce, health and education leaders, administrators, planners and student representatives about policy, science and technology to become engines of development for people, institutions and for democracy in general. Among the main goals claimed, the document sheds light on the concept of engagement - national, global, active - as a core value to share knowledge, but also to help societies tackle the problems and act as a central part in the community service.
Parole chiave: higher education, engagement, democratic society, intellectual capital, community
Riferimenti bibliografici: The Association of Commonwealth Universities. (2001) 'Engagement as a Core Value for the University: A Consultation Document', London [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.acu.ac.uk/
Allegato Open: 2001_Commonwealth Universities_engagementasacorevalueoftheuniversity.pdf
Engagement Principles and Guiding Practices - The engagement charter University of British Columbia/ Canada
Ente: University of British Columbia/ Canada
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Engagement Principles and Guiding Practices - The engagement charter
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
Abstract: The document proposes a set of principles for defining, designing, implementing and concluding public engagement for planning processes. These are also guiding practices for each principle that describe how the principles can be activated.
Parole chiave: Public Engagement, Strategies, Implementation, Practices;Public Engagement, Strategie, Implementazione, Pratiche;
Riferimenti bibliografici: University of British Columbia, (2016), Engagement Principles and Guiding Practices - The engagement charter (Manifesto)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://planning.ubc.ca/about-us/what-guides-us/engagement-principles
Allegato Open: 2016_UBC_CCPEngagementCharter.pdf
Engaging Citizens in Research and Innovation. A playful toolkit of activities Ecsite (the European network of science centres and museums)
Ente: Ecsite (the European network of science centres and museums)
Altri enti partner: Amsterdam Health and Technology Institute (NL); Ars Electronica (AT); AS Cyprus College Limited European University Cyprus (CY); Bonn Science Shop (DE); Copernicus Science Centre (PL); ERRIN, European Regions Research and Innovation Network (BE); ESSRG Kft., Environmental Social Science Research Group (HU); Institute of Social Innovations (LT); KEA European Affairs (BE); Labworm Science Shop at Sapientia University, Faculty of Science Miercurea Ciuc (RO); Luxembourg Science Center (LU); Neulogy (SK); Science Museum London (UK); Università della Svizzera italiana L’ideatorio - (CH)
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: Engaging Citizens in Research and Innovation. A playful toolkit of activities
Tipologia documento: Manuale
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: Sparks is a project that shows Europeans from all walks of life that they can get involved in science and that various stakeholders share the responsibility for research and innovation. Sparks activities have created opportunities to improve the connections between researchers and citizens, to identify priority research questions and co-design scientific solutions that are closer to societal needs and concerns. The Sparks Toolkit draws on the collective experience of 33 project partners in 29 European countries who have organised more than 230 activities between 2016 and 2018; it is a guide to identify the activity that best fits objectives and resource, to understand and to prepare Science Espressos, Reverse Science Cafés, Pop-up Science Shops and Scenario Workshops..
Parole chiave: responsible research; innovation; citizen science; communication; societal needs; stakeholders; health;
Riferimenti bibliografici: Ecsite (2018) 'Engaging Citizens in Research and Innovation. A playful toolkit of activities', Sparks Project.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ecsite.eu/activities-and-services/projects/sparks
Allegato Open: 2018_SPARKS_toolkit.pdf
Engaging People in Making History: Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus University of Leeds L., King,; G., Rivett
Ente: University of Leeds
Altri enti partner: York St John University
Autori: L., King,; G., Rivett
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Engaging People in Making History: Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Abstract: The purpose of this article is to offer a critical perspective of the ways through which Universities understand their relationship with partners and the public outside the Academy. Particular attention is given to the context of Higher Education in the United Kingdom and to a definition of impact reinterpreted from the point of view of two historians interested in assessing the extent of their research with regard to the differences between the parameters RCUK and REF and to the interdisciplinary distinctions.
Parole chiave: Impact; engagement; publics; knowledge
Riferimenti bibliografici: L., King,; G., Rivett (2015) Engaging People in Making History: Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus. History Workshop Journal, 80 (1), pp. 218–233.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://academic.oup.com/hwj/article/80/1/218/664991
Allegato Open: 2015_Engaging People in Making History Impact, Public Engagement and the World Beyond the Campus.pdf
Engaging with Impact: How do we know if we have made a difference? Wellcome Trust
Ente: Wellcome Trust
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Engaging with Impact: How do we know if we have made a difference?
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Italiano
Abstract: Report delle attività svoltesi al Wellcome Trust’s fourth international engagement workshop: ‘Engaging with impact: how do we know if we have made a difference?’ in Sudafrica nell'ottobre 2012. Obiettivo del documento è trasmettere l'esito di dialoghi incentrati su qualità e impatto riferibili a casi di valutazione e processi di condivisione del sapere scientifico con la comunità di riferimento. Il documento riflette in particolare sul concetto e le applicazioni di "engagement" e i suoi risvolti di correlazione con l'ambito "science".
Parole chiave: engagement; science; accountability; impact; community; evaluation
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://wellcome.ac.uk/sites/default/files/wtp052364_0.pdf
Allegato Open: WellcomeTrust.pdf
Engaging with Impact:How do we know if wehave made a difference? Wellcome Trust S., Aggett; A., Dunn; R., Vincent
Ente: Wellcome Trust
Autori: S., Aggett; A., Dunn; R., Vincent
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Engaging with Impact:How do we know if wehave made a difference?
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2012
Abstract: This report is based on conversations held at Trust’s fourth international engagement workshop: ‘Engaging with impact: how do we know if we have made a difference?’ which took place in South Africa in October 2012. The purpose of this document is to convey the outcome of dialogues focused on quality and impact referring to evaluation cases and scientific knowledge sharing processes with the reference community. The document reflects, in particular, on the concept and applications of "engagement" and its implications of correlation with the "science" sphere.
Parole chiave: Engagement; science; accountability; impact; community; evaluation
Riferimenti bibliografici: S., Aggett; A., Dunn; R., Vincent (2012) Engaging with Impact: How do we know if we have made a difference?, London, Wellcome Trust.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://wellcome.ac.uk/search?search=%22Engaging+with+Impact%3A+How+do+we+know+if+we+have+made+a+difference%3F%22#main
Allegato Open: 2012_Engaging with impact.pdf
Engaging with the public in public engagementwith research The Open University N., Mahony; H. C., Stephansen
Ente: The Open University
Altri enti partner: University of Westminster
Autori: N., Mahony; H. C., Stephansen
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Engaging with the public in public engagementwith research
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: The objective of the article is to develop a clearer understanding of some of the conceptual and practical complexities associated with the ‘public’ today, and to see how these may be more effectively addressed in contemporary settings of engaged research.
Parole chiave: The public; public engagement with research; reflexivity; engagement design; engagement evaluation
Riferimenti bibliografici: Nick, Mahony, Hilde C., Stephansen (2017) Engaging with the public in public engagement with research. Research for All, 1 (1), pp. 35–51.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ingentaconnect.com/contentone/ioep/rfa/2017/00000001/00000001/art00004
Allegato Open: 2017_Mahony_Stephansen_Engaging with the public .pdf
Europe Engage Survey of civic engagement and service-learning activities within the partner universities Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain L. McIlrath; et al.
Ente: Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain
Altri enti partner: Higher education institutions involved in EUROPE ENGAGE are: Autonomous University of Madrid, Spain; National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland; Erasmus University of Rotterdam, Netherlands; Ghent University, Belgium; ISPA – Instituto Universitário de Ciências Psicológicas, Sociais e da Vida, Portugal; IMC University of Applied Science-Krems GmbH, Austria; University of Bologna, Italy; University of Brighton, United Kingdom; University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany; University of Helsinki, Finland; University of Zagreb, Croatia; Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania
Autori: L. McIlrath; et al.
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: Europe Engage Survey of civic engagement and service-learning activities within the partner universities
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
Abstract: The Europe Engage project (a Erasmus+ KA2 projects) was established to promote and support service-learning within (12) universities in Europe as a pedagogical approach that embeds and develops civic engagement within higher education, students, staff and the wider community. Service-learning (sometimes referred as community based or community engaged learning) is an innovative pedagogial approach that integrates meaningful community service or engagement into che curriculum and offers students academic credit for the learning that derives from active engagement within community and work on a real worrld problem. Refrection and experiential learning strategies underpin the process and the service is link to the academic discipline.
Parole chiave: service-learning, community based learning, community engaged learning
Riferimenti bibliografici: McIlrath, Lorraine et al (2016) Europe Engage Survey of Civic Engagement & Service-Learning Activities within the Partner Universities. Europe Engaged Project
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://europeengage.org/report-europe-engage-survey-of-civic-engagement-service-learning-activities-within-the-partner-universities/
Allegato Open: 2016_Report_EuropeEngageProject.pdf
Europeans, Science and Technology - Public Understanding and Attitudes European Commission - Directorate General XII Science, Research and Development
Ente: European Commission - Directorate General XII Science, Research and Development
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Europeans, Science and Technology - Public Understanding and Attitudes
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 1993
Abstract: This report presents the results of a major community-wide opinion survey carried out in 1992, on behalf of the European Commission, concerning the public understanding of and attitudes towards science and technology. This study is a first presentation of the most significant indicators in the framework of Eurobarometer, in order to explore the status of European Research and levels of awareness of the European research policy, with special focuses on methodologies (questionnaires, socio-demographic variables, technical specifications...) and analyses on the importance of science and technology in general and more practical terms.
Parole chiave: science, technology, public understanding, knowledge, research policy
Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission. (1993) 'Europeans, Science and Technology - Public Understanding and Attitudes', Brussels [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/634eb2b8-aaab-4a35-b2be-772d4abb7e01
Allegato Open: 1993_EBS_EuropeansSCIENCE_TECHNOLOGYPublicUnderstanding_Attitudes_.pdf
Europeans, science and technology (Eurobarometer 55.2) European Commission - Directorate-General for Press and Communication, Public Opinion Sector
Ente: European Commission - Directorate-General for Press and Communication, Public Opinion Sector
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Europeans, science and technology (Eurobarometer 55.2)
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2001
Abstract: This report has been carried out in the fifteen Member States between 10 May and 15 June 2001 as Eurobarometer 55.2 and it looks at Europeans' experience and perception of science and technology covering several issues such as information, interest, knowledge, values, science, technology, responsibilities and accountability of scientists, levels of confidence, genetics, european scientific research. The findings show that the European public perceives the consequences of scientific and technical development in a highly diverse way with scientific activities being credited for combating diseases, improving daily life and being of general interest.
Parole chiave: scientific research, science, technology, knowledge, accountability
Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission. (2001) 'Europeans, science and technology ', Brussels [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en
Allegato Open: 2001_EBS_EuropeansScienceAndTechnology.pdf
Europeans, Science and Technology (Special Eurobarometer 224) European Commission - Directorate General Press and Communication
Ente: European Commission - Directorate General Press and Communication
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Europeans, Science and Technology (Special Eurobarometer 224)
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2005
Abstract: After the Lisbon European Council (2000), in order to structure and promote the concept of European research and co-operation, making the European Union become by 2010 more competitive and dynamic, this study seeks to assess Europeans’ general attitudes towards: interest, level of information, image and knowledge of science and technology, but also responsibilities of scientists and policymakers and public’s perception of European scientific research. More generally, the findings show that the opinion of Europeans ethics must play a crucial role in scientific research and citizens request a certain harmony between the methods as well as between the goals of scientific research and the moral and ethical principals.
Parole chiave: science, knowledge, technology, policy-makers, responsibility
Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission. (2005) 'Europeans, Science and Technology', Brussels [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://data.europa.eu/euodp/it/data/dataset/S447_63_1_EBS224
Allegato Open: 2005_EBS_EuropeansScienceAndTechnology.pdf
Evaluating citizen science: Towards an open framework Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, Austria B., Kieslinger; et al.
Ente: Centre for Social Innovation, Vienna, Austria
Altri enti partner: University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, AustriaHelmholtz Centre for Environmental Research – UFZ, Leipzig, GermanyGerman Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig, GermanyInstitute of Ecology, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
Autori: B., Kieslinger; et al.
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Evaluating citizen science: Towards an open framework
Tipologia documento: Contributo in volume
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: The chapter shows a framework for evaluation criteria concerning the process and degrees of success of citizen science initiatives. This chapter offers an extended overview of the various s initiatives based on examination of characteristics and diversification in current activities and practices. The criteria identified in this chapter are applicable both to extra-academic events, and to initiatives conducted by researchers and scholars. Moreover, the indicators provided refer to both a quantitative and qualitative recognition.
Parole chiave: Citizen science; evaluation and impact assessment; policy-making; community capacity; scientific impact; economic impact; outcome
Riferimenti bibliografici: B., Kieslinger; et al. (2018) Evaluating citizen science: Towards an open framework. In S., Hecker, M., Haklay, A., Bowser, Z., Makuch, J., Vogel, A., Bonn (eds.) Citizen Science: Innovation in Open Science, Society and Policy. London: UCL Press.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSearch?Query=Evaluating+citizen+science%3A+Towards+an+open+framework&acc=off&wc=on&fc=off&group=none
Allegato Open: 2018_Evaluating citizen science_Towards an open framework.pdf
Evaluation: Practical Guidelines.A guide for evaluating public engagement activities Research Councils UK
Ente: Research Councils UK
Altri enti partner: BIS and the NCCPE
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Evaluation: Practical Guidelines.A guide for evaluating public engagement activities
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2011
Abstract: This guide is for researchers seeking to engage general audiences with their subject to evaluate public engagement activities.
Parole chiave: Evaluation strategy and evaluation techniques
Riferimenti bibliografici: Research Councils UK (2011) Evaluation: Practical Guidelines. A guide for evaluating public engagement activities, Swindon, Research Councils UK.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ukri.org/
Allegato Open: 2011_RCUK_PE Evaluation Practical Guidelines.pdf
Getting to Policy Impact: Concepts and Framework Stockholm Environment Institute J., Forrester; et al.
Ente: Stockholm Environment Institute
Autori: J., Forrester; et al.
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Getting to Policy Impact: Concepts and Framework
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2009
Abstract: This brief methodological report investigates the definitions and the management practices of scientific knowledge as a facilitator of sustainable policies involving ever greater involvement of multiple stakeholders, maintaining levels of scientific excellence and promoting the integration of knowledge in different political contexts. The report also defines the concept of impact policies as models of change for the co-creation of knowledge in the public policy sphere.
Parole chiave: Sustainability knowledge; policy impact; stakeholder
Riferimenti bibliografici: J., Forrester; et al. (2009) Getting to Policy Impact: Concepts and Framework, Stokholm, Stokholm Environment Institute
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.jstor.org/action/doBasicSearch?Query=Getting+to+Policy+Impact%3A+Concepts+and+Framework&acc=off&wc=on&fc=off&group=none
Allegato Open: 2009_Getting to Policy Impact_ Concepts and Framework.pdf
Green Paper. Fostering and Measuring ́Third Mission ́in Higher Education Institutions Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme
Ente: Commissione Europea - the Lifelong Learning Programme
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Green Paper. Fostering and Measuring ́Third Mission ́in Higher Education Institutions
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2012
Abstract: This report is about practical ways to encourage the restoration of a mission to engage with society in meaningful and mutually beneficial dialogues and processess. Moreover, this document in intended to stimulate informed debate, and in relevant cases to stimulate alternative courses of action: by people in universities; by officials in government at different levels, and professionals and business people. Finally, the paper in intended to encourage the next necessary piece of development work on ‘Third Mission Indicators and Metrics’.
Parole chiave: Third Mission; indicators and metrics for Third Mission activity; impact; rankings
Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission (2012) Green Paper. Fostering and Measuring ́Third Mission ́ in Higher Education Institutions, Bruxelles, European Commission.
Open Access: NO
Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en
Higher Education in the World 6. Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local GUNi - Global University Network for innovation K., Abbas; et al. F. X. Grau; et al. (eds.)
Ente: GUNi - Global University Network for innovation
Autori: K., Abbas; et al. F. X. Grau; et al. (eds.)
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Higher Education in the World 6. Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: This report (HEIW6) aims to analyse the responsibilities of universities at local and global level, exploring the potential conflicts, and intrinsic difficulties, in addressing both the local demands of society based on the race for global competitiveness and the local and global demands to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable society. Furthermore, the concept of engagement is understood beyond the limited understandings of a third mission, so as to promote a mature view of the concept of engagement that integrates changes in internal organization, structures, dynamics, incentives and recognition systems that allow academia to advance new ways of developing its core mission.
Parole chiave: knowledge-based economy, public good, glocal engagement, social responsibility, community-university engagement
Riferimenti bibliografici: Abbas, Khairoon, et al. Grau, Francesc Xavier, et al. (eds.), (2017) Higher Education in the World 6. Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local, Girona, Global University Network for innovation [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: http://www.guninetwork.org/report/higher-education-world-6
Allegato Open: 2017_GUNI Report_HE in the world.pdf
How to develop a public engagement strategy. Examples of how universities are developing strategies for public engagement NCCPE - National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Ente: NCCPE - National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: How to develop a public engagement strategy. Examples of how universities are developing strategies for public engagement
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: This brief presents some examples of current university public engagement strategies to provide with some models to build on. Each of these strategies goes to define what is meant by public engagement, and what is in and out of scope. In each case, there are distinctive differences in how they express what public engagement means in their institution, in order to deliver value to core areas of university activity, to cross references to key goals and objectives for the institution and to gain secure long term support. The same examples have been selected to show how the process of involving people for across the university and beyond can deliver a lot of ‘buy in’ to the result, and ensure that the strategy draws on a variety of perspectives and expertise.
Parole chiave: public engagement, strategy, benefit, impact, outreach
Riferimenti bibliografici: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement. (2017) 'How to develop a public engagement strategy. Examples of how universities are developing strategies for public engagement', Bristol [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/support-engagement/engagement-professionals/develop-strategy
Allegato Open: 2017_NCCPE_Developing_a_public_engagement_strategy.pdf