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Europeans, Science and Technology - Public Understanding and Attitudes European Commission - Directorate General XII Science, Research and Development
Ente: European Commission - Directorate General XII Science, Research and Development
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Europeans, Science and Technology - Public Understanding and Attitudes
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 1993
Abstract: This report presents the results of a major community-wide opinion survey carried out in 1992, on behalf of the European Commission, concerning the public understanding of and attitudes towards science and technology. This study is a first presentation of the most significant indicators in the framework of Eurobarometer, in order to explore the status of European Research and levels of awareness of the European research policy, with special focuses on methodologies (questionnaires, socio-demographic variables, technical specifications...) and analyses on the importance of science and technology in general and more practical terms.
Parole chiave: science, technology, public understanding, knowledge, research policy
Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission. (1993) 'Europeans, Science and Technology - Public Understanding and Attitudes', Brussels [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://op.europa.eu/en/publication-detail/-/publication/634eb2b8-aaab-4a35-b2be-772d4abb7e01
Allegato Open: 1993_EBS_EuropeansSCIENCE_TECHNOLOGYPublicUnderstanding_Attitudes_.pdf
Europeans, science and technology (Eurobarometer 55.2) European Commission - Directorate-General for Press and Communication, Public Opinion Sector
Ente: European Commission - Directorate-General for Press and Communication, Public Opinion Sector
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Europeans, science and technology (Eurobarometer 55.2)
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2001
Abstract: This report has been carried out in the fifteen Member States between 10 May and 15 June 2001 as Eurobarometer 55.2 and it looks at Europeans' experience and perception of science and technology covering several issues such as information, interest, knowledge, values, science, technology, responsibilities and accountability of scientists, levels of confidence, genetics, european scientific research. The findings show that the European public perceives the consequences of scientific and technical development in a highly diverse way with scientific activities being credited for combating diseases, improving daily life and being of general interest.
Parole chiave: scientific research, science, technology, knowledge, accountability
Riferimenti bibliografici: European Commission. (2001) 'Europeans, science and technology ', Brussels [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/index_en
Allegato Open: 2001_EBS_EuropeansScienceAndTechnology.pdf
Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union. A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth European Commission - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation - Directorate A-Policy Development and Coordination Unit A.6 - Open Data Policy and Science Cloud M., Mazzucato;
Ente: European Commission - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation - Directorate A-Policy Development and Coordination Unit A.6 - Open Data Policy and Science Cloud
Autori: M., Mazzucato;
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union. A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growth
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: This document is aimed at drafting strategic recommendations on mission-oriented research and innovation in the EU, in order to guide the future European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation. In the first place, it tries to answer questions of how to direct innovation, then, it develops a vision of what a European mission-oriented research and innovation policy could look like by considering mission as a massive opportunity to increase the impact of European research and innovation, grasp the public imagination and make real progress on complex challenges.
Parole chiave: engagement, impact, mission, research and innovation, mission-oriented policy
Riferimenti bibliografici: Mazzucato, Mariana (2018) Mission-Oriented Research & Innovation in the European Union. A problem-solving approach to fuel innovation-led growt, Brussels, European Commission [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://ec.europa.eu/info/publications/mission-oriented-research-innovation-eu-problem-solving-approach-fuel-innovation-led-growth_it
Allegato Open: 2018_UE_MMazzucato_Mission Oriented R_I.pdf
Responsible Research and innovation: Europe’s ability to respond to societal challenges European Commission - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission
Ente: European Commission - Directorate-General for Research and Innovation of the European Commission
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Responsible Research and innovation: Europe’s ability to respond to societal challenges
Tipologia documento: Documento strategico
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2014
Abstract: This document arises from «Science in Society (SiS)» action plan launched in 2007 to set out a common strategy to make a better connection between science and European citizens, then to foster public engagement and a sustained two-way dialogue between science and civil society. Since 2010, the focus of SiS has been to develop a framework for Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI). This framework consists of 6 key actions: to develop solutions to societal problems and opportunities, to integrate gender dimensions in research and innovation content, to enhance the education process and better equip future researchers and other societal actors, to ensure high quality results, to be more transparent and accessible, to prevent harmful or unethical developments in research and innovation.
Parole chiave: engagement, gender equality, open access, ethics, science education
Riferimenti bibliografici: European Union. (2014) 'Responsible Research and Innovation: Europe’s ability to respond to societal challenges', Brussels [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.rri-tools.eu/-/europe_ability_library_elemt#
Allegato Open: 2014_EUFramework2020_RRI_leaflet(1).pdf
A vision of Responsible Research and Innovation European Commission-DG Research and Innovation; Team Leader Science Policy R., Von Schomberg;
Ente: European Commission-DG Research and Innovation; Team Leader Science Policy
Autori: R., Von Schomberg;
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: A vision of Responsible Research and Innovation
Tipologia documento: Contributo in volume
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2013
Abstract: The chapter outlines a vision behind Responsible Research and Innovation, taking a largely European policy perspective, provides a definition of the concept and proposes a broad framework for its mplementation under Research and Innovation schemes around the world.
Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation;Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili
Riferimenti bibliografici: Von Schomberg, Rene, ( 2013), A vision of responsible innovation, in Owen, R.; Heintz, M.; Bessant, J. (Eds.) in Responsible Innovation, London, John Wiley
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/261035849_A_Vision_of_Responsible_Research_and_Innovation
Allegato Open: 2013_Chapter_RVonSchomberg_AVisionofRRI.pdf
Science in society: Caring for our Futures in Turbulent Times. (ESF Science Policy Briefing 50) European Science Foundation U. Felt; et al.
Ente: European Science Foundation
Autori: U. Felt; et al.
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: Science in society: Caring for our Futures in Turbulent Times. (ESF Science Policy Briefing 50)
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2013
Abstract: This report starts by drawing some significant lessons from previous ‘science and technology studies’ (STS) scholarship. It also summarises the most important shifts in EU policy discourse related to science-society issues. From several decades of STS research we have (1) come to understand science and society as being in continuous co-evolution – a co-evolution which, however, demands constant attention in terms of governance and care. (2)
Parole chiave: science in society; societal relevance and responsibility
Riferimenti bibliografici: European Science Foundation (2013), 'Science in Society: caring for our futures in turbulent times', ESF Science Policy Briefing .
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: http://archives.esf.org/publications e http://archives.esf.org/media-centre/ext-single-news/article/science-in-society-caring-for-our-futures-in-turbulent-times-967.html
Allegato Open: 2013_spb50_ScienceInSociety.pdf
Science in Society: a Challenging Frontier for Science Policy. Policy recommendation from the ESF MO Forum on Science in Society Relationships European Science Foundation C. Badia
Ente: European Science Foundation
Autori: C. Badia
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: Science in Society: a Challenging Frontier for Science Policy. Policy recommendation from the ESF MO Forum on Science in Society Relationships
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2012
Abstract: The report deals successively with the long-standing discussion of "sceince in society", describes and analyses (some) current practices in Europe, and suggests positive recommendations to ESFMOs who want to improve their practice.
Parole chiave: science in society
Riferimenti bibliografici: European Science Foundation (2012), 'Science in Society: a Challenging Frontier for Science Policy. Policy recommendation from the ESF MO Forum on Science in Society Relationships'.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/293827170_Science_in_Society_a_Challenging_Frontier_for_Science_Policy_Policy_Recommendations_from_the_ESF_MO_Forum_on_Science_in_Society_Relationships
Allegato Open: 2012_Science_in_Society_04.pdf
Atenei e fondazioni universitarie al servizio dell’innovazione e dell’economia della conoscenza: sinergia per il futuro del paese. Emilia-Romagna una realtà strategica Fondazione Marco Biagi -  T. Fabbri; et al.
Ente: Fondazione Marco Biagi - 
Altri enti partner: Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia in collaborazione con gli Atenei della Regione Emilia Romagna e la Fondazione Alma Mater di Bologna
Autori: T. Fabbri; et al.
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Casi studio
Titolo: Atenei e fondazioni universitarie al servizio dell’innovazione e dell’economia della conoscenza: sinergia per il futuro del paese. Emilia-Romagna una realtà strategica
Tipologia documento: Atti Convegno
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
Abstract: La presente pubblicazione raccoglie gli interventi svolti nell’ambito del convegno nazionale del Coordinamento delle Fondazione Universitarie dal titolo: “Atenei e Fondazioni universitarie al servizio dell’innovazione e dell’economia della conoscenza: sinergie per il futuro del paese”, organizzato a Modena dalla Fondazione Marco Biagi in collaborazione con gli Atenei della Regione Emilia Romagna e la Fondazione Alma Mater di Bologna. Come sarà ampiamente illustrato dai contributi che seguono, il tema scelto per l’annuale convegno del Coordinamento delle Fondazioni universitarie è quello del rapporto tra gli atenei e le proprie fondazioni con il territorio, non necessariamente locale, in una prospettiva di terza missione. La parte introduttiva della pubblicazione, lascia spazio agli interventi dei rappresentanti delle istituzioni e degli Atenei della Regione Emilia Romagna e della Città di Modena. La seconda parte invece approfondisce il tema della terza missione fornendone una definizione esaustiva oltre ad una ricostruzione nel quadro nazionale e internazionale. La terza parte ricostruisce in sintesi l’interessante discussione che ha animato la tavola rotonda “Atenei e Fondazioni universitarie realtà strategiche per il futuro del paese” coordinata dal Direttore de Il Sole 24 Ore, Roberto Napoletano e conclusa dall’Assessore della Regione Emilia Romagna Patrizio Bianchi.
Parole chiave: Terza Missione; Fondazioni Universitarie; Organizzazione; Ricerca; Innovazione
Riferimenti bibliografici: Fondazione Marco Biagi (2016) Atti del Convegno 'Atenei e fondazioni universitarie al servizio dell’innovazione e dell’economia della conoscenza: sinergia per il futuro del paese. Emilia-Romagna una realtà strategica'.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.fmb.unimore.it/atenei-e-fondazioni-universitarie-al-servizio-dellinnovazione-e-delleconomia-della-conoscenza/
Allegato Open: 2016_Atti_Convegno_FMB_14_giugno.pdf
Knowledge, engagement and Higher Education in Europe Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi) P., Benneworth; M., Osborne
Ente: Global University Network for Innovation (GUNi)
Autori: P., Benneworth; M., Osborne
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: Knowledge, engagement and Higher Education in Europe
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2014
Abstract: The authors analyse the "state of the art" of the community engagement of universities in Europe, providing a historical and contemporary background as well as many examples of exemplary practice.
Parole chiave: community engagement of Universities, practices;Università e coinvolgimento delle comunità, pratiche;
Riferimenti bibliografici: Benneworth, Paul; Osborne, Michael, (2014), Knowledge, engagement and higher education in Europe, in Escrigas, C., Granados, J., Hall, B.L. and Tandon, R. (eds.) Higher Education in the World 5 Knowledge, Engagement and Higher Education: Contributing to Social Change, GUNI Series on the Social Commitment of Universities. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 204-217.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: http://www.guninetwork.org/report/higher-education-world-5
Allegato Open: 2014_GUNI_PBenneworthMOsborne_Knowledge.pdf
Piano Strategico 2018-2020 GSSI - Gran Sasso Science Institute
Ente: GSSI - Gran Sasso Science Institute
Contesto geografico: Italiano
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Piano Strategico 2018-2020
Tipologia documento: Documento strategico
Lingua: Italiano
Anno pubblicazione: 2018
Abstract: Documento strategico che, per la Terza Missione, definisce obiettivi e azioni di costruzione del bene comune, secondo un cronoprogramma focalizzato su iniziative di divulgazione scientifica e partecipazione alla vita del territorio, con finalità di supporto e offerta permanente di dati ambientali ed economici aggiornati. I ricercatori del GSSI aderiscono a una politica scientifica di open access, attuando percorsi innovativi di diffusione dei risultati della ricerca e favorendone il riuso. Si aggiungono la predisposizione di un piano di comunicazione indirizzato ai diversi stakeholder, la realizzazione di un programma per valorizzare e facilitare l’accesso alle risorse culturali, artistiche e naturali, l'organizzazione periodica di seminari divulgativi rivolti alla comunità e l'apertura delle sedi alle esigenze del territorio.
Parole chiave: divulgazione scientifica, open access, partecipazione, sviluppo territoriale, bene comune
Riferimenti bibliografici: Gran Sasso Science Institute. (2018) 'Piano Strategico 2018-2020', L'Aquila [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: http://amministrazionetrasparente.gssi.it/index.php/altri-contenuti-mission-politiche-e-strategie
Allegato Open: gssi-piano-strategio-WEB.pdf
Higher Education in the World 6. Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local GUNi - Global University Network for innovation K., Abbas; et al. F. X. Grau; et al. (eds.)
Ente: GUNi - Global University Network for innovation
Autori: K., Abbas; et al. F. X. Grau; et al. (eds.)
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Higher Education in the World 6. Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2017
Abstract: This report (HEIW6) aims to analyse the responsibilities of universities at local and global level, exploring the potential conflicts, and intrinsic difficulties, in addressing both the local demands of society based on the race for global competitiveness and the local and global demands to contribute to a more equitable and sustainable society. Furthermore, the concept of engagement is understood beyond the limited understandings of a third mission, so as to promote a mature view of the concept of engagement that integrates changes in internal organization, structures, dynamics, incentives and recognition systems that allow academia to advance new ways of developing its core mission.
Parole chiave: knowledge-based economy, public good, glocal engagement, social responsibility, community-university engagement
Riferimenti bibliografici: Abbas, Khairoon, et al. Grau, Francesc Xavier, et al. (eds.), (2017) Higher Education in the World 6. Towards a Socially Responsible University: Balancing the Global with the Local, Girona, Global University Network for innovation [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: http://www.guninetwork.org/report/higher-education-world-6
Allegato Open: 2017_GUNI Report_HE in the world.pdf
Three Orientations of Local Government to Public Engagement: Passive – Active – Sustaining Institute for Local Government
Ente: Institute for Local Government
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Three Orientations of Local Government to Public Engagement: Passive – Active – Sustaining
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2016
Abstract: This tip sheet is intended to clarify and promote “sustaining” commitment to public engagement, to help local officials and civic leaders throughout California to be more aware of efforts to involve the public and also suggest approaches that embed public participation into local decision-making. Considering public engagement from “passive” to “active” to “sustaining” aims at helping a community consider where its own perspectives and practices on these matters presently fall, and to assess whether more needs to be done. More generally, the report shows how a community with a “sustaining orientation” to public engagement may build on the practices of an “active orientation,” adding those additional practices and capacities that help support and maintain the effective and strategic use of public engagement over time as appropriate.
Parole chiave: public engagement, decision-making, democratic governance, capacity building, community
Riferimenti bibliografici: Institute for Local Government. (2016) 'Three Orientations of Local Government to Public Engagement: Passive – Active – Sustaining', Sacramento [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ca-ilg.org/document/three-orientations-local-government-public-engagement-passive-active-sustaining
Allegato Open: 2016_Orientations_Institute for local government_California.pdf
Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication Institute for Local Government
Ente: Institute for Local Government
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication
Tipologia documento: Linee guida
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2015
Abstract: This tip sheet seeks to demonstrate how strategic communication is an essential tool for effective public engagement. It offers advices on communication strategies before, during and after the agency’s public engagement effort, in order to effectively communicate about a public process or program and understand who the agency seeks to engage. The same report is aimed at facilitating to articulate a message for a policy or project, to create a media plan that integrates both traditional (print, radio and television) and online outlets, to create opportunities for sustaining communication, to maximize strategic communication and Public Engagement, to measure and evaluate the engagement.
Parole chiave: public engagement, communication, stakeholder, audience, policy
Riferimenti bibliografici: Institute for Local Government. (2015) 'Effective Public Engagement through Strategic Communication', Sacramento [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.ca-ilg.org/EffectivePE-Strategic-Communication
Allegato Open: 2015_Institute for local government_Effective_public_engagement_strategic_communication.pdf
The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment. Conceptual and Methodological Advances International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA) H., Becker; F., Vanclay (eds.)
Ente: International Association for Impact Assessment (IAIA)
Autori: H., Becker; F., Vanclay (eds.)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment. Conceptual and Methodological Advances
Tipologia documento: Manuale
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2003
Abstract: The handbook brings together contributions from international experts, mainly related to the IAIA Association, in order to address issues of maximizing benefits and costs cutting within the community development processes. This with the aim of identify primarily social impact measuring instruments, through the implementation of participatory processes. The contributions contained in this volume also aim at an increasingly shared redefinition of social impact assessment (SIA) as prediction, verification and assessment of consequences of social programmes, policies, projects and changes aimed at increasing sustainability and equity.
Parole chiave: Social impact assessment; evaluation; benefit; sustainability; social utility; scientific integrity
Riferimenti bibliografici: Henk A., Becker and Frank Vanclay (eds.) (2003) The International Handbook of Social Impact Assessment. Conceptual and Methodological Advances, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing.
Open Access: NO
Collegamento: https://www.e-elgar.com/
Toward a Definition and Characterization of the Engaged Campus: Six Cases IUPUI - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis B. A., Holland;
Ente: IUPUI - Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis
Autori: B. A., Holland;
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: Toward a Definition and Characterization of the Engaged Campus: Six Cases
Tipologia documento: Articolo
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2001
Abstract: This article springs from the The University as Citizen Conference, hosted by the University of South Florida in February 2001, where six institutions were invited to present the story of their campus' experiences with implementing and sustaining civic engagement programs. From these cases, the article shows the characteristics of an engaged campus and the features of sustainable campus-community partnerships.
Parole chiave: civic mission, civic responsibility, mutually-beneficial exchange, knowledge management, critical mass
Riferimenti bibliografici: Holland, Barbara A. (2001) Toward a Definition and Characterization of the Engaged Campus: Six Cases Metropolitan Universities Journal, 12 (3), pp. 20-29 [Accessed 3 July 2020].
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://journals.iupui.edu/index.php/muj/article/view/19903
Allegato Open: 2001_BAHolland_Engaged campus.pdf
A report on Responsible Research& Innovation MATTER H., Sutcliffe
Autori: H., Sutcliffe
Contesto geografico: EU
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: A report on Responsible Research& Innovation
Tipologia documento: Report
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2011
Abstract: This report is intended to explore the issues around Responsible Research and Innovation, particularly, though not exclusively, as expressed by participants at the DG Research Workshop on Responsible Research and Innovation in Europe in Brussels on 16-17 May 2011
Parole chiave: Responsible Research and Innovation; science; policy; democratic governance; framing responsibility;Ricerca e Innovazione Responsabili; scienza; politiche; democrazia e governance; responsabilità
Riferimenti bibliografici: Sutcliffe, Hilary, (2011), A report on Responsible Research & Innovation, (Report)
Open Access: SI
Allegato Open: 2011_MATTER_HSutcliffe_ReportonRRI.pdf
The Engaged Campus. Majors, Minors, and Certificates as the New Community Engagement Merrimack College D. W., Butin; S., Seider; (eds)
Ente: Merrimack College
Autori: D. W., Butin; S., Seider; (eds)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU
Tema: Vision: strategie e orientamenti
Titolo: The Engaged Campus. Majors, Minors, and Certificates as the New Community Engagement
Tipologia documento: Volume
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2012
Abstract: This volume examines the limits and possibilities of the theory and practice of community engagement in higher education. It is basically grounded in the desire to analyse how to support efforts in higher education such that community engagement - an interrelated set of practices and philosophies including service-learning, civic engagement, experiential education, public scholarship, participatory action research, and community-based research - can be meaningful, sustainable, and impactful.
Parole chiave: civic engagement, community-based research, engaged education, service-learning, impact
Riferimenti bibliografici: Butin, Dan W., Seider, Scott (eds), (2012) The Engaged Campus. Majors, Minors, and Certificates as the New Community Engagement. New York: Palgrave Macmillan.
Open Access: NO
Collegamento: https://www.palgrave.com/gp/book/9780230338814
The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Ente: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2010
Abstract: The Manifesto proposes the benefits and impacts that the PE can generate for universities, teachers and students and civil society.
Parole chiave: Impact; Public engagement; benefits;Impatto, Public engagement, benefici;
Riferimenti bibliografici: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), (2010), The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement (Manifesto)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/support-engagement/strategy-and-planning/manifesto-public-engagement/about-manifesto
Allegato Open: 2010_NCCPE_Manifesto_for_public_engagement.pdf
The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Ente: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE)
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Definizioni e riflessioni sul PE
Titolo: The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement
Tipologia documento: Manifesto
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2019
Abstract: The document proposes a definition for PE, the guiding principles, as well as guidelines for the UK context. The 2019 edition of the Manifesto was produced for the 10th anniversary of the NCCPE.
Parole chiave: Public Engagement, principi, linee di indirizzo;Public Engagement, Principles, Guidelines;
Riferimenti bibliografici: National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE), (2019), The Engaged University. A manifesto for public engagement (Manifesto)
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/support-engagement/strategy-and-planning/manifesto-public-engagement/about-manifesto
Allegato Open: 2019_NCCPE_manifesto_for_public_engagement.pdf
Briefing Paper: Auditing, Benchmarking and Evaluating Public Engagement NCCPE A., Hart; S., Northmore; C. Gerhardt
Altri enti partner: University of Bristol; University of the West of England (UWE)
Autori: A., Hart; S., Northmore; C. Gerhardt
Contesto geografico: Extra EU - UK
Tema: Impatto-Processi e Valutazione
Titolo: Briefing Paper: Auditing, Benchmarking and Evaluating Public Engagement
Tipologia documento: Documento di lavoro
Lingua: Inglese
Anno pubblicazione: 2009
Abstract: This briefing paper is written for academics, university administrators and community partners interested in monitoring and evaluating university public engagement. It provides an accessible guide to the field that can assist them in answering the questions they want to answer, in tailoring their own approach and negotiating that approach between the university and local communities.
Parole chiave: Community-university partnership; university public engagement; audit; benchmarking; dimensions of engagement; evaluating and measuring engagement
Riferimenti bibliografici: Hart, Angie, Northmore Simon and Gerhardt Chloe (2009) Briefing Paper: Auditing, Benchmarking and Evaluating Public Engagement, Bristol, NCCPE.
Open Access: SI
Collegamento: https://www.publicengagement.ac.uk/resources
Allegato Open: Briefing paper evaluatingpublicengagement_1.pdf